Straight By The Rules. Michelle Scott

Straight By The Rules - Michelle  Scott

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a word, I stalked over to where the trash lay, picked it up, and stuffed it into my pockets.

      “That’s unnecessary,” William said. “The damage has been done.”

      “I know, William,” I said.

      “You’re upset.”

      He tried to put his arm around me, but I pulled away. “Of course I’m upset!”

      “Is it because I had to combine work with pleasure?” he asked, worried. “I didn’t want to, but Helen’s been keeping me so busy that I would have had to cancel on you otherwise.”

      “I know.”

      He continued to study me. “You do realize that I wasn’t attracted to the young woman, right?”

      I nodded. He had been completely professional. “Let’s just go,” I said. I headed down the trail.

      “Lil, wait up. Lilith!” He caught up to me and touched my shoulder. “What’s going on inside your head? Talk to me.”

      I was nearly in tears. “It was watching you in action.” I felt the stab of emotion again, but it wasn’t jealousy. “You made the hiker believe that you were her best friend. You tricked her.”

      He reached for me, but I stepped away. “You and I can’t escape who we are,” he said.

      A few tears spilled over. “But you’re so good at what you do. It comes so naturally!” Finally, I identified the emotion. “If you can fool her into loving you, then maybe you would fool me, too. How would I know the difference?”

      His face fell. “Oh, Lil. Is that what you think? I would never do such a thing.”

      I certainly wanted to believe him, but at the same time, I didn’t dare. William lied so well and so often it was possible he no longer recognized the truth.

      “How can I make you stop worrying?” he asked.

      I met his eyes. “I want you to swear to me that you’ll always tell me the truth. Always.”

      If he’d answered me right away, I wouldn’t have believed him. But he didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally, he took my hands. “The truth can be painful, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

      “I’d rather be hurt by the truth than a lie,” I said.

      He sighed. “Okay. I promise to always tell you the truth.”

      “And I’ll do the same for you.”

      All this seriousness was too much for him to bear. His eyes twinkled and he lifted a lock of my hair. “So tell me, is this your real color?”

      I shoved him away. “You’re incorrigible.” I couldn’t help but smile, though.

      He checked his watch. “I’d love to stay, but I have another appointment in about ten minutes.”

      I glared at the ground. Helen really was keeping him busy.

      “How are you going to get back in time?” I asked. It had taken nearly two hours to get to the top of the mountain.

      “Follow me.” He led me back up the trail and past the boulder we’d been sitting on. Behind it stood an otherworld doorway.

      I punched his arm. “Why did you make me hike all the way up here when we could have used this door?”

      He rubbed his shoulder. “Because the effort it takes to climb up here makes the view even more spectacular. You wouldn’t have appreciated it nearly as much if you’d cheated to get to the top.”

      I had to admit he was right.

      “Besides, it was the only way I could see how beautiful you look when you’re flushed and sweating.” He grinned, his incubus back in full force. “I love to see a woman glow after a really hard workout.” Before he left, he kissed me. “Keep that bedroom door open tomorrow night.”

      Maybe I would. Not that I’d tell him.

      Back when I was fully human, I hadn’t realized how closely the physical, earthly realm connected with the spiritual one. Now that I could see the supernatural doorways, however, I understood that the world I’d been familiar with – the one involving mortgage payments and homework and television reality shows – was completely entangled with the otherworld. There are doorways, both Heaven’s and Hell’s, everywhere. Sometimes, it was impossible not to stare at them, especially when I caught sight of a supernatural creature exiting or entering. While bargaining for vegetables at the busy, downtown farmers’ market a few days before, I’d dropped a carton of eggs because a small, horned demon had surprised me by crawling out from behind a display of watermelons.

      No, I didn’t trust those doorways because they gave Helen ready access to me. Weeks before, when Helen had found that I’d tricked her by getting my daughter out of the contract, she’d been furious and sent that berserker demon after me. The beast had turned my nice, suburban home into a pile of rubble. Now, I was wary of living anyplace containing an otherworld doorway. Unfortunately, finding an apartment, let alone a house, without such a gateway was impossible. Every place I looked contained at least one supernatural entrance. Some had as many as five.

      I compromised by renting the top floor of a subdivided mansion on the east side of the city. Although I counted six otherworldly doorways in the building, only two opened up inside my flat. The first stood in the middle of the living room wall, and I had barricaded it with the most immense flat-screen television I could buy. The TV wouldn’t stop a rampaging berserker, but it might stop other unwanted pests. The second doorway was in my bedroom. This one I vowed to use only for emergencies since I didn’t want anyone catching me appearing or disappearing into thin air.

      After leaving William on the mountaintop, I avoided the convenient doorway in my bedroom. Instead, I used the one that opened up in the cramped, dreary basement next to the washing machine and dryer we shared with our downstairs neighbor.

      The dryer finished tumbling the moment I stepped into the human world. I put the still-warm clothes into a basket and headed up the two flights of stairs to my apartment, which, once again, had become very crowded. Although my daughter was out of the country, Tommy, my niece Ariel, and my stepsister Jasmine now lived with me as well.

      Tommy, propped up by several pillows, lay on the couch and stared listlessly at the TV. When I walked in, he eyed me warily. It was an unspoken agreement that we were never alone in the flat together. Because I had once seduced him in order to make Helen happy, Tommy had a reason to be cautious. And although I vowed never to do such a thing to him again, I couldn’t say the same for my succubus. To her, seduction was as natural as eating and breathing were to me.

      To my relief, Jas walked into the room. When my dad had married Jasmine’s mother, they’d produced a perfectly gorgeous daughter. My stepsister had inherited the best parts from each of her parents: caramel-colored skin, hair like black silk, and exotic eyes from our father, and high cheekbones, long legs, and a perfect figure from her mother. All her life, Jas had acted like a spoiled beauty queen, but since Tommy’s accident, she’d become responsible. In fact, she took such good care of him that I didn’t need to do anything. Which was exactly how she wanted it.

      “Time for your walk,” she told Tommy cheerfully.

      “Not now,” he said. “I’m exhausted.”

      “Dr. Cantor said you should get some exercise every day. It will help you heal.”

      “I’m healing as quickly as I can, believe me.”

      “I know you are, babe.” She leaned over the couch to kiss him on the lips, but he turned his head so that she got his cheek instead. Jas hid her disappointment by becoming brisk. “Let’s go. You need to get some sun. You look like a ghost. Doesn’t he, Lilith?”

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