Untamed Italians: Innocent in the Italian's Possession / Italian Tycoon, Secret Son / Italian Marriage: In Name Only. Kathryn Ross

Untamed Italians: Innocent in the Italian's Possession / Italian Tycoon, Secret Son / Italian Marriage: In Name Only - Kathryn  Ross

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she was reminded of the hard-muscled gods. Stefano could certainly have been a noble model. And when he chose to turn on the charm, he simply took her breath away.

      How in the world was she going to work with this man when being close to him turned her into a weak-kneed ninny? She couldn’t. But she couldn’t afford to quit her job and search for another, either, not when she’d have a sizable debt hanging over her.

      It was an untenable situation.

      He was masculinely beautiful. Sexy as hell. But he was also domineering. Arrogant. And a man she dared not trust with Cesare’s deepest secret.

      She hurried toward the desk only to find it laden with files. Clearly Stefano was going over every asset of Marinetti with a fine-tooth comb.

      What had he said to the supervisors, managers and assistants today? She could only guess that those who’d left with smiles on their faces were assured of their position here. The others who’d scurried out with grim faces? She dreaded to imagine what had been said regarding their future with Marinetti.

      “My apologies that so little food is left,” he said, successfully coming up behind her and trapping her between his desk and the chair.

      With the day she’d had coupled with his commanding nearness her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t have tolerated the bruschetta, salamis, olives and cheeses anyway.

      “That’s okay. A few grapes will suffice for now.”

      She reached for a red grape, but he was quicker. And much, much too close.

      Move, her mind screamed. But her legs refused to obey.

      Frustrated, she shot him a sharp look and that was her undoing. His gaze captured hers and her mouth went dry at the naked desire blazing in his dark eyes. No man had ever looked at her like this. Ever.

      It was decadent. It was shocking. It was oh, so tempting.

      Heat radiated off his big body while his spicy scent ribboned around her, as if to bind her to him. Her other senses exploded with sensual awareness and a want so keen she physically ached.

      She’d never experienced anything like it. She certainly didn’t want to feel it now, toward him of all people.

      “Allow me the pleasure, bella.”

      “No, really, I’m not—”

      He brushed a grape over her lips, slowly, sensuously. Her protest withered in her throat.

      Her body tingled and pulsed with a need so powerful she feared her legs would fail her. She wanted to reach for him. To lean on him. To fall into the promise in his darkly mesmerising eyes and forget the world.

      Part of her mind that wasn’t numbed by lust warned her that she was treading on dangerous ground. Yet she parted her lips and took the ripe fruit from his fingers anyway, unable not to do so.

      “Succulent, hmm?” he asked, his thumb grazing her lower lip again and again, then sliding to her chin as his eyes danced with wicked lust and amusement.

      She managed a weak nod as sizzling sensations exploded in her mouth and a pulsing need expanded between her legs.

      This was a side of Stefano she hadn’t seen before, and he was even more devastating to her senses. Never mind that he was arrogantly sure of his sexuality and masculinity. Never mind that he was in a position to call all the shots. Never mind he was taking over Marinetti…and her.

      “You must try more of the insalata di frutta,” he said, lifting a slice of strawberry to her mouth.

      Protesting was out of the question, even if she had a thought to refuse. She took it, thinking to make short work of it. But as the sweet nectar of the fruit slid down her throat, the heat of his thumb brushed her lower lip again.

      A fire exploded in her, foreign and thrilling.

      She tried to tamp down her desire. Truly she did. But when he sucked the juice off his fingers while his hot gaze dueled with hers, she was lost.

      This was passion. Raw and earthy.

      She clutched her steno pad to her breast, heart hammering so hard she was certain that he could hear it. “You wanted me to take a letter?”

      “I have changed my mind.” His eyes took on a dark opaque glint that tossed her nervous reflection back at her.

      He rolled a shoulder in a careless shrug and checked his watch. “The workday is nearly over.”

      A fact she’d looked forward to all day. Yes, she could escape Stefano’s dominating presence for a while. But it was a short reprieve, for she was expected to dine with him tonight.

      “Is there anything you need me to do before I leave?” she asked, a question she’d posed to Cesare countless times.

      “Leave? But our work is far from finished.”

      “But you said the day was nearly over.”

      “Here.” His smile was positively rapacious. “As I mentioned before, you’ll be taking over the role of my secretary as well. You’ll join me when I divide my time between Marinetti Shipyard and Canto Di Mare.”

      Gemma bit her lip, wanting to refuse. But how could she?

      Stefano’s secretary was away, and Cesare would not be needing her. Combining the positions made sense.

      But it denied her a reprieve from Stefano. It forced her to remain in his company for longer hours and suffer this unsettling attraction that arced between them.

      “How much later will we work?” she said, letting her annoyance sound in her voice.

      “Two, three hours at the most.” He shrugged into his suit jacket and gave each sleeve a sharp tug in turn. “Is there a problem?”

      A problem? There were too many for her to count.

      She glanced down at the simple skirt and blouse she’d worn to work. “I will need to return home so I can change into suitable clothes for dinner.”

      Deep lines streaked across his brow. “There won’t be time.”

      “You expect me to wear this?”

      Instead of answering, he gave her a long, slow appraisal that scanned her from head to toe. His expression was a combination of indignation and desire that she didn’t understand and certainly didn’t want. Not from him!

      He checked his watch in that impatient way of his. “It is time for us to be off to Livorno.”

      She didn’t bother to hide her annoyance as she retrieved her purse. Was this how it felt to be at his beck and call? To let him choose where you dined? What you wore?

      Her gaze fell on her portfolio tucked beneath her desk. That tight, tingling sensation pulled at her stomach. She couldn’t go off and leave Cesare’s secret files there.

      She didn’t dare take her bag with her now, not when she was going to be gone half the night with Stefano. Quickly she stuffed it in the back of her file cabinet and locked the door. Nobody had the key but her.

      Cesare’s secrets and her own would be perfectly safe in there tonight. Tomorrow she’d remove it to her flat.

      Tomorrow she’d start off on better footing with Stefano. Tomorrow, he’d have no hold over her.


      STEFANO guided Gemma to his Alfa Romeo, the sleek silver contours of the 8C Competizione glistening like a diamond in the setting sun. But the luxurious car paled in comparison to the flaxen-haired beauty on his arm.

      He suspected the tension he felt eddying off her petite form came from her aversion at being forced to remain in his company. Guilt. It had

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