Paper Marriages: Wife: Bought and Paid For / His Convenient Marriage / A Convenient Wife. JACQUELINE BAIRD

Paper Marriages: Wife: Bought and Paid For / His Convenient Marriage / A Convenient Wife - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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agreed because I felt a little guilty that we were not going ahead with the original project.’

      ‘How very altruistic of you.’ Penny said scathingly. ‘But that does not explain why he never told me.’

      ‘He was a proud man, maybe he was hoping to invest and make a profit.’ Solo shrugged his broad shoulders indifferently. ‘Perhaps he was hoping to remedy the situation before anyone knew. But I am sure he would have told you eventually. Even you must admit he couldn’t possibly have expected to die so soon.’

      That was true enough, Penny thought sadly. Veronica and her father had spent every summer in the south of France, while Penny had stayed home and looked after James. Veronica had always flashed the photographs around to all and sundry of the villa and yacht they’d leased.

      ‘You’re probably right.’ There was a connection tugging at the edge of her brain, something that she was missing. But with a sigh she gave up. There was no sense in dwelling on what she could not change. ‘So you buy me out or we sell,’ she said flatly, getting back to the point of the talk.

      ‘No,’ Solo’s steel-grey eyes met hers. ‘There is another choice. In your case it’s the only choice.’

      ‘That sounds ominous,’ she said, trying for a lightness she did not feel. ‘In fact it could almost be construed as a threat.’

      ‘Not a threat, a promise. I promise to restore Haversham Park, and pay all your debts, plus your expenses, and you and James can stay here. In return…’

      For a split second hope sprung in her heart. ‘You turn most of it into a hotel and leave us with an apartment or something,’ she finished for him, thinking with relief that it was an incredibly generous offer.

      ‘Not quite.’ Hard eyes stared down at her. ‘It stays a private home, you will still run the place, but we share it.’

      ‘Share!’ she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. An unpaid housekeeper was what he meant, and Penny could imagine nothing worse than sharing a house with Solo, having to see him parade his girlfriends in front of her. ‘No way.’ She could not bear the idea and she did not question why.

      Rising to his full height, Solo let his strong hands fall on her shoulders; she tried to shrug him off, but his hold tightened.

      ‘So impulsive,’ he opined hardly. ‘But allow me to finish. We get married and you stay here but as my wife for as long as I want you.’

      ‘Your wife?’ She almost choked.

      ‘Yes,’ Solo said flatly. ‘Then when we part the place is yours free and clear.’

      Her stunned gaze lifted up to his. He had to be joking… His grey eyes stared back cold and implacable, and there was a ruthlessness about his hard, handsome features that told her he was not. The colour drained from her face; she could hardly breathe. Solo was a man who always got what he wanted—she should have remembered that.

      A hollow laugh escaped her. Well, he’d already had her, to put it crudely; what had she got to lose? ‘Why?’ Penny demanded stonily. ‘What earthly benefit will it be to you?’

      ‘What do you think? After what we did earlier, how can you ask that?’ Solo looked at her, his smile filled with arrogant amusement. ‘Or perhaps like most females you are fishing for compliments.’ He shrugged slightly, his powerful shoulders lifting beneath the fine cashmere of his sweater, his handsome face expressionless.

      ‘I don’t mind humouring you. You were exquisite at eighteen, and the years in between have been very good to you. You have matured into a stunningly beautiful woman.’ Blatantly he let his eyes drop to her high, full breasts clearly outlined by her blue sweater. ‘My hobby is collecting perfect works of art, and to my utter astonishment I discovered you were one of that rare breed of woman, pure in body, if not mind.’ he inserted cynically. ‘I intended to be your lover four years ago, but you denied me, and I don’t take denial easily. I figured you owed me, and today I collected,’ he declared dangerously, and Penny erupted into angry speech.

      ‘I owe you. You have some gall. I don’t know how you did it but you have already stolen my home—what more can you want?’

      ‘You,’ he told her inexorably, his fingers biting into her shoulders. ‘I was surprised to realise I was your first lover, so naturally I intend to hang onto you for as long as I want you.’ His eyes glittered with ruthless disregard and Penny could not believe the colossal arrogance of the man.

      She tilted her head back, a light of battle in her gaze. ‘That is the most disgusting, chauvinistic statement I have ever heard. You can’t own a woman like an object,’ she flared back.

      ‘I don’t want to own you for ever. A temporary wife was what I had in mind,’ Solo said mockingly, and she shrugged in an attempt to dislodge his restraining hands.

      Penny shook her head. ‘This is surreal. I don’t believe I am having this conversation.’

      Slowly his eyes drifted over her and her skin heated where his eyes touched. His mouth twisted in a menacing smile. ‘Believe it, cara,’ he commanded just before his mouth settled with deadly accuracy over hers.


      WHO said lightning could not strike twice? Penny thought inconsequentially as Solo pulled her hard against him, and, from ravishing her mouth, he moved to the soft curve of her ear. Already she could feel the swift flush of heat that signalled her instant arousal, but, now she knew what he could do to her, her body’s anticipation was a hundred times more intense. She turned her head to try and escape, but his mouth hungrily followed the elegant curve of her throat, his hands sliding up under her jumper and the wisp of lace that covered her breasts. She moaned as his long fingers expertly teased the hard bud of her nipples, an unbearable spasm of excitement lancing from her breast to the apex of her thighs.

      ‘Why fight it?’ Solo demanded with sibilant softness. ‘The choice is yours.’ Slowly he moved his large hands down to span her narrow waist, his eyes locked onto her dazed green. ‘Marry me, or I keep my share in the house. It will make a nice country base when I visit my London office.’ Solo living in her home! Penny’s mind boggled as he continued, ‘And I would prevent you from selling until you go bankrupt and I snap up your share for peanuts. I don’t mind either way, your choice.’

      She gazed up into his hard face, saw the icy determination in his cold eyes. ‘You actually mean it,’ she said after what seemed like a lifetime had slipped by. In a way it had, she thought—her life, if she agreed to his outrageous suggestion. ‘But what about love in a marriage?’ She had to ask; was he really so unfeeling?

      ‘Love is a lie, simply another word for lust believe me. But I never lie about sex.’

      ‘Sex.’ Penny looked at him with angry eyes. He couldn’t have made it clearer he didn’t believe in love. ‘That is all this is about for you. Never mind this is my home, and my brother’s—my life.’ Fury mingled with an aching sense of loss.

      ‘And possibly a baby, unless you happen to be on the pill,’ Solo cut in bluntly.

      ‘Oh, my God!’ Penny exclaimed, the colour leeching out of her face. She had had unprotected sex. ‘You—you—bastard,’ she said, hitting out at his chest. ‘Where was your common sense, your condoms?’ she cried. A man like Solo should carry a permanent supply. ‘How the hell do I know where you have been? You could have sentenced me to death.’

      A violent change came over his features. He grasped her flailing hands in one of his and his other arm tightened around her waist. ‘Stop right there.’

      His eyes narrowed, a thin white line circled his tight lips, and a muscle in his jaw beat against his bronzed skin. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened, she only knew he terrified her.

      ‘I am not such a bastard as to put a woman’s life at risk.’ Solo was furious, because Penny was right, he should have used protection, he always had before. Only this woman staring up at him

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