Unwrapping Mr. Wright. Michele Dunaway

Unwrapping Mr. Wright - Michele  Dunaway

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she’d now be considered a hot babe. And of course he’d stopped before “having” her. “No. It was pretty quiet. I didn’t even notice he was there.”

       Superstition had her crossing her fingers behind her back just to be on the safe side.

       Jeff shook his head in disbelief as he turned the washer on. “The boy must be slipping. He hasn’t dated anyone serious in quite a while. A year, I think. Rather unlike him. Perhaps I should sign him up for one of those dating services, like that ‘just lunch’ one. Or force him to place a personal ad or something the way we did Jared. I’ll have to mull it over.”

       “Maybe he’s finally maturing.”

       “Nah, his babe-of-the-month-club subscription probably expired,” Jeff said. He pressed Start and the washer began filling. “It is Christmas. Maybe I’ll get him another one. Hmm. Think that’s a good idea?”

       Lauren didn’t want to talk about Justin or his legion of past women. She avoided the question by changing the subject. “So, how was your mother’s birthday party?”

       Jeff tossed the whites back into the laundry basket. “Good. She loved her gifts and hounded us to get married so that we can give her grandbabies. She said cats and computers don’t cut it.”

       “That would be your mom.” Lauren had met Mrs. Wright on quite a few occasions when she’d visited Jeff.

       “She’s definitely got a mind of her own,” Jeff said. “She keeps telling us she wants granddaughters. I think she’s tired of being surrounded by all boys at family gatherings. Justin and I are hoping that Jared will take the heat off.” Jeff paused as a knock sounded on Lauren’s front door. “Come on in,” he called.

       Lauren frowned. “Food already?”

       Jeff shook his head. “Too soon. I only phoned them about ten minutes ago, right before I came over here. I wanted to wait until after Justin arrived so he could eat, too. I’d never hear the end of it otherwise.”

       Justin was coming? Lauren blinked as a stone dropped in her stomach. She’d envisioned a quiet evening with Jeff. She tried to focus on what Jeff was saying. “I left a message on the counter for Justin to head over when he got home. Tonight’s hopefully his last night staying at my place. I’m getting sick of him.”

       Justin’s grin was infectious as he entered the small kitchen, but to Lauren his smile spelled doom. “Yeah, I’m getting sick of you, too. Plus, I’m tired of wearing your clothes.”

       Jeff laughed. “You just don’t have any style or taste.”

       “I do, too,” Justin retorted. Lauren knew the brothers were teasing each other.

       “You’re lucky business casual is now an art form.” Jeff rummaged in Lauren’s refrigerator and removed a bottle of the beer Lauren kept just for him. Except for an occasional one during Monday Night Football, she rarely drank beer. “Want one?” Jeff asked his brother.

       “Sure,” Justin said. He glanced at Lauren. She glanced at her feet. “Hello, Lauren.”

       “Hello, Justin,” Lauren replied. She picked up the laundry basket and moved it to the floor. Two seconds without having to look at him. She closed the closet doors—three seconds more. So much for her Thursday evening. She’d been avoiding Justin for two days, ever since the encounter in his office. She’d been doing a good job of it up until this point.

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