Winter Wedding For The Prince. Barbara Wallace

Winter Wedding For The Prince - Barbara  Wallace

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Unfortunately, her eyes were cast downward. They were the one feature that couldn’t mask her feelings. In that way, she was like her sister. Christina had also had expressive brown eyes. Beyond their eyes, however, the two were dramatically different. Christina had been all passion and energy, with a beauty that commanded attention. Rosa was softer. Whereas Christina was bright like a star, her sister was more the glow of a candle.

      Finally, her shoulders relaxed. “Of course you have my blessing,” she said. “You know I can never say no to you.”

      Armando’s shoulders relaxed in turn. “I know. It’s my charm.”

      “No, it’s because you’re going to be king. I say no and you might have me thrown in the dungeon.”

      “As one does.” He relaxed a little more. Rosa making jokes was always a good sign. “I’m serious, Rosa. Your support is important to me.” Just thinking he might not have it had left a tight knot in the center of his chest.

      A hand brushed his arm. Initiating contact with a member of the royal family was considered a violation of protocol, but he and Rosa had been together too long for either of them to care about rules. There were times, in fact, when he found her touch comforting. Like now, the way her fingertips seemed to brush the tension from his muscles. “You have it. Seriously. I just wish...”


      She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m being silly. You have my support, ’Mando.”

      “Good.” Although he wondered what she had started to say. That she wished there didn’t have to be a wedding? If so, Armando agreed.

      But there was going to be a wedding, and he was glad to have his best friend’s support.

      Hopefully, she wouldn’t change her mind when she heard his next request.


      “I CANNOT BELIEVE you want me to attend a meeting with you and your future father-in-law. How is that possibly in good form?”

      She had been complaining since yesterday. When he’d said he’d called King Omar, Armando left off that the sultan was in Corinthia and that they were going to meet for lunch the next day.

      “And how is it no one was told of his visit?” she asked as they rode the elevator down to the first floor. “He’s a visiting head of state. There are protocols to be followed.”

      “Since when do you follow protocol?”

      “I always follow protocol when other royalty is involved. Exactly how long has he been in Corinthia?”

      “Since Wednesday. You might as well get used to it,” he added when she opened her mouth to speak. “Omar has decided to personally oversee the resort development.” Such was the major difference between the two small countries. The Yelgierian royal family insisted on maintaining control of everything, while Armando and his father preferred giving their subjects more freedom. “Between that and the upcoming...arrangement...” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word wedding. Not yet. “I suspect Omar will be going back and forth quite a bit.”

      An odd looking shadow crossed her face. “With his daughter?”

      “I—I don’t know.” Armando hadn’t given his bride-to-be much thought. “I imagine she will, considering all the preparations that need to take place.”

      “Unless the wedding is in Yelgiers,” Rosa replied. She was studying her shoes as she spoke, so he almost didn’t hear her.

      “True.” He hadn’t given much thought to logistics. Those kinds of details were usually up to the bride. “But it doesn’t matter to me where the wedding takes place.” Only that it did, and Corinthia’s future was secure.

      The elevator opened, and they stepped out into the guarded enclave near the driveway. Rosa’s sedan had been brought around and sat running by the curb.

      “I still don’t understand why you need me for this meeting,” she said as a guard stepped out to open the passenger door. “Surely, you can finalize your—” she glanced at the guard “—agreement without me.”

      “I told you, this meeting isn’t about my ‘agreement,’” Armando replied. “I’m meeting with him to discuss the development project.” And perhaps finalize a few details regarding yesterday’s telephone conversation. Sometimes she was a little too astute for his liking. “You know I like to have you with me when I discuss business.”

      He waited until the guard shut her door and they once again had privacy. “Not to mention you are my favorite driver.” The way Rosa handled a car made him feel comfortable. For a long time, just the thought of being on the road filled him with dread. He would hear the sound of an engine, and images of twisted steel filled his brain. But, just like she coaxed him back to the land of the living, Rosa had eased him onto the road.

      Sometimes he wondered what his life would be like without her.

      “So now I’m your driver,” she replied. “If that’s the case, maybe I should get a cap to wear.”

      “And have me listen to you complain about the hat ruining your hair? No, thank you. What you’re wearing will suffice.”

      For a meeting she didn’t want to attend, she was dressed rather nicely. As usual, her brown hair was pulled up in one of those twisty, formal styles she seemed to prefer, but unlike her usual skirt and blouse, she had on a brocade dress with matching jacket. A long one that seemed designed to hide a woman’s shape. She wore those a lot—long, bulky jackets, that was. He wasn’t a fan. It was as though she was trying to discourage attention.

      “When’s the last time you had a date?” he asked her.

      For the first time he could remember, she stripped the car gears. Turning her head, she squinted at him. “Excuse me?”

      The question did sound like it came out of nowhere. It was just that looking at her, and thinking about how she continually hid her assets, had him curious. “I was wondering when was the last time you had been on a date.”

      “Why do you want to know?”

      “No particular reason. Only that it dawned on me that I can’t remember the last time you mentioned one.”

      This time she downshifted smoothly. “My being silent doesn’t have to mean I’m not dating. How do you know I’m not simply being discreet?”

      “Are you? Being discreet, that is.” The thought that she might be seeing someone and had not said anything irritated him. At the same time, he found it hard to believe a woman as attractive as Rosa didn’t have offers.

      “Isn’t that a bit personal?” she asked him. “It’s called a private life for a reason.”

      “Yes, but you can tell me—we’re friends.”

      His comment earned him a sharp laugh. “You mean like you told me about your plans to get married?”

      “I did tell you.”

      “After the fact.”

      What was she talking about? “You were the first person I told.”

      The car slowed as she looked at him again. “I was?”

      “Of course.” He thought she knew that. “I told you how much your support meant to me.”

      “I know, but I didn’t think...” Was that pink creeping into her cheeks? It was hard to tell, the driver’s side being in shadow. “I’m sorry I snapped.”

      “I am sorry for prying. It was rude of me.” He still would like to know, however. It was protectiveness as much as curiosity. To make sure she chose better this time around. While he didn’t know much about her marriage, beyond the fact it had ended badly, he did know her

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