The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon. Barbara Wallace

The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon - Barbara  Wallace

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to make a fast exit before she made a complete fool of herself. “On second thought, I don’t have time for coffee.”

      “It’s awfully early to be in such a rush. Is something the matter?”

      “Nothing’s wrong.” She crossed her fingers behind her back like she used to do when she was a kid and her father asked her if she’d cleaned her room before allowing her go outside to play with her friends.

      Lucas nodded, but his eyes said that he didn’t believe her. She never had been good at telling fibs. That’s why her father had caught her every time.

      A sense of loss settled over her. What had made her think about that man after all this time? She grew angry at herself. As far as she was concerned her father was dead to her. She certainly didn’t miss him.

      Maybe being alone in a new city had gotten to her more than she thought. It didn’t help that she’d witnessed the supportive clusters of families at the hospital while having no one by her side. That must be it.

      Stifling the rush of unwanted emotions, she made a point of checking her wristwatch. “If I don’t leave now, I’ll be late.”

      “But you haven’t even eaten. Don’t let me scare you off.”

      “You haven’t. I just have things I must do.” She walked over to the doorway and paused. “By the way, did you ever speak to your aunt?”

      “No. I think it was too late last night and she had her phone switched off. I’m sure she’ll call soon.”

      “I understand.” But Kate still wanted that little bit of vindication. The chance to flash him an I-told-you-so look. “Thank you for letting me spend the night. By the way, there’s some food in the fridge. Help yourself to it.”

      And with that she started down the hallway headed for the front door. She had no idea where she’d find a cheap place to stay tonight. All but one of her credit cards was maxed out since she’d been forced to give up her job to travel with Molly to the long list of specialists. She dismissed the troubling thought. There were other matters that required her attention first.

      “Hey, wait!”

      Kate sighed and turned. She didn’t know what else they had to say to each other. And she didn’t have time to waste. “Surely you aren’t going to insist on searching my luggage, are you?”

      “Are you always so feisty in the morning? Or are you just grumpy because you skipped your caffeine fix? I know that first cup does wonders for me. See, I’m smiling.” His lips bowed into a ridiculous grin.

      She rolled her eyes and shook her head. She honestly didn’t know what to make of the man. His personal hygiene was impressive, but other than the kitchen his house was a disgrace. And last night he was crankier than an old bear, yet this morning he was smiling. He was one walking contradiction.

      Lucas held out his hand. “Let me have your keys and I’ll pull your car up to the door so you don’t get soaked.”

      “I don’t have one.” She’d left her car in Pennsylvania, figuring city driving was not something she wanted to attempt.

      “Did you call a taxi?”

      “I don’t need one.” She pulled a red umbrella from her tote. “I’m armed and ready.”

      “Have you looked outside? It’s still pouring. That umbrella isn’t going to help much.”

      “Thanks for caring. But I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now. I’ll be fine.”

      When she started to move toward the front door, he reached out and grabbed her upper arm. His touch was firm but gentle. Goose bumps raced down to her wrists, lifting the fine hair on her arms. She glanced down at where his fingers were wrapped around her and immediately his hand pulled away.

      “Sorry. I just wanted a chance to offer you a lift. I’ll go grab my wallet and keys.” He dashed down the hallway without waiting for her to say a word.

      This was ridiculous. She couldn’t let herself start going soft. There was only her and Molly and right now, her daughter needed her to be strong for both of them. She would walk to the hospital as planned. It wasn’t that many blocks and she’d already done it a number of times.

      She quietly let herself out the front door, feeling bad about skipping out on Lucas. For some reason, he was really trying to be a good sport about finding a stranger living in his house. She wondered if she would have been so understanding if the roles had been reversed.

      * * *

      “Kate, I’ve got them.” Lucas called out from the kitchen. “We can go now.”

      Lucas had never met a woman quite like her. Her tenacity combined with a hint of vulnerability got to him on some level. He sensed she wasn’t the type to ask for help and would only take it if it was pressed upon her. Maybe that was why he was going out of his way to be kind to her—because she appeared to be in need of a friend and would never ask for one.

      He strode to the foyer with his jacket on and keys in hand. But Kate was gone. He called out to her, but there was no sound. Surely she hadn’t skipped out on him.

      He stepped outside to look for her. The rain was picking up and so was the wind. But there was no sign of Kate in either direction. This was not a day where an umbrella would do a person much good.

      Without taking time to question his next move, he was in his car and driving around the block. She couldn’t have gotten far. And then he spotted a perky red umbrella. In the windy weather, Kate struggled to keep a grip on the umbrella with one hand while clutching her suitcase with the other.

      He slowed next to her and lowered the window. “Get in.”

      She ignored him and kept walking. A gust of wind blew hard and practically pulled the umbrella free from her hold. In the end, she’d held on to it, but the wire skeleton now bowed in the wrong direction, rendering the contraption totally useless.

      “Get in the car before you’re soaked to the skin.”

      She stood there for a second as though ready to burst into tears. Then pressing her lips into a firm line, she straightened her shoulders and stepped up to the car. He jumped out to take her things from her.

      Once they were stowed away, he climbed back in the driver’s seat. “Where are we off to?”

      “East Riverview Hospital.”

      Her face was devoid of any expression, leaving him to wonder about the reason for her visit. She’d mentioned meeting his aunt there, but she hadn’t added any details. Was she visiting a sick relative? Or was there something wrong with her? Was that the reason for her drawn cheeks and dark circles under her eyes?

      He wanted to know what was going on, but he kept quiet and eased back into traffic. If she wanted him to know, she’d tell him. Otherwise it was none of his business. He assured himself it was best to keep a cordial distance.

      * * *

      Kate settled back against the leather seat. She hated to admit it, but she was thankful for the ride. She hadn’t any idea that there would be so much ponding on the sidewalks. Her feet were wet and cold.

      As though reading her thoughts, Lucas adjusted the temperature controls and soon warm air was swirling around her. It’d been a long time since someone had worried about her. For just a second, she mused about what it’d be like to date the Bachelor of the Year—he certainly was easy on the eyes and very kind. More than likely, he had his pick of women. The thought left her feeling a bit unsettled.

      She couldn’t let herself get swept away by Lucas’s charms. She had a notorious record with unreliable men. Why would Lucas be any different? After all, she knew next to nothing about him—other than he was a lousy housekeeper. He’d dismissed his desperately needed maid service. And he went out of his way for strangers he found squatting in his house. Wait. She was supposed to be listing his negative qualities.

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