Unexpected Legacy: Once Pregnant, Twice Shy / A Baby for the Doctor. Jacqueline Diamond

Unexpected Legacy: Once Pregnant, Twice Shy / A Baby for the Doctor - Jacqueline  Diamond

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anymore. At least she’d told him her real reasons for leaving.

      Baby or not, she would still go.

      Once they were seated at the tables in the formal dining room, she felt him stare at her as intently as ever from across the floral centerpiece.

      Waiters brought over the salads first—arugula, organic pear, goat cheese and candied pecans, topped with a soft vinaigrette dressing with a hint of pomegranate. That was followed by an assortment of lamb, duck, beef tenderloins and chicken medallions, accompanied by the most deliciously spiced vegetables Kate had ever tasted.

      She ate whatever she was served and almost still felt a little hungry. But most of all, she was conscious of everything Garrett did on the opposite side of the table. Under the table, she held her hands over her stomach, where she could feel and sense her baby, feeling almost nostalgic that the father was so close, and didn’t even know what he’d just given her.

      She stole peeks at him throughout the night as idle conversation abounded. When their eyes met, emotions and confusion flooded her.

      Once they were enjoying a variety of sorbet, cheese, and sweet desserts, Landon pushed his chair back and stood. “Cheers! To Julian and Molly,” Landon said, and glanced at Garrett.

      Kate saw the manner in which Garrett nodded somberly at Landon, almost as though saying, “You’re next,” and Kate jerked her eyes down at her plate, the nausea suddenly coming back with a vengeance.

      But no matter how fervently she wished it, there was no taking back her I love you.

      * * *

      The next morning, all three Gage brothers sat across the conference table from their half brother. Garrett noticed how Landon and Julian were taking stock of their brother. Emerson was beastly in size, very large and muscled. As president of his personal security business, it seemed fitting, but today Emerson was also proving to be a very moody man. He’d seemed impatient to leave from the moment he arrived.

      It seemed truly unjust to Garrett that his father had treated Emerson and his mother the way he had. And when he’d died, he’d ended up hurting everyone, for the truth easily had come to light. Their lawyers had had to explain to the Gages, once they took over all the financial accounts, why there were so many transfers and payments made to an unknown woman.

      When they’d learned it was because this woman had borne a Gage son, Garrett’s mother had entered a wild depression for years, and he didn’t even want to think of how it had been for Emerson and his mother. It had hurt the Gages to lose their father to death, but the pain of losing him while he was living might possibly be even worse.

      Now every bit of pain and resentment marked Emerson’s hard, unyielding features. Garrett couldn’t know the true extent of his resentments, but he’d bet they ran deeper than the man let on. His energy was too controlled, and his eyes were too ruthless and sharp to reveal his emotions.

      Garrett knew it would hardly matter to Cassandra which man she married as long as she got out of her brother’s clutches, and he and his brothers would be happy to compensate Emerson for the task.

      If, that was, they could convince the stubborn man to agree to this whole scenario.

      With a bleak, tight-lipped smile, Emerson finally spoke after Landon explained the situation. “If this chick is as hot as you all say, why don’t you marry her?” he asked, silver eyes trained on Garrett.

      “Garrett’s not inclined to marry,” Landon answered. He sat calmly in his leather chair on the opposite side of the conference table.

      “Well, that makes two of us,” Emerson said with a growl. “I’m never marrying, especially no damn heiress.”

      “You might like to reconsider with what we’re offering,” Landon said, signaling at the open folder sitting before him on the table. “You’ll be a very rich man, Emerson, if you agree to this.”

      “I’m already very rich without needing to deal with any of you.”

      “Emerson, we’re talking fifty million for your take alone. That’s almost ten million a month for just marrying her.”

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