Stripped Down. Kelli Ireland

Stripped Down - Kelli  Ireland

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muscle in her body spasmed. If allowing herself to be vulnerable held the top spot for sexual inexperience in her life, oral sex ran a close second. Twice she’d allowed a man to go down on her. Twice she’d wondered what the hell all the fuss was about. Sighing, she tried to relax into the sensations of Dalton’s lips and teeth, tongue and breath as he worked his way up her body.

      One muscled arm wrapped around her thigh and across her hips. “Easy, Cass.”

      “I don’t know if this is a good idea.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, instead staring at the ceiling.

      “When is oral sex ever a bad idea?”

      “I...” She rolled her bottom lip under her front teeth and worried it. “Always?”

      He propped up on one elbow and gazed up her body. “Look at me, baby.” When she didn’t, he huffed out a short breath. “Fine. If you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll show you why you’re wrong.”

      Smooth, firm lips traveled the line between hip and mons. He nipped the insides of her thighs. Every exhale seemed directed to some sensitive spot designed to drive her mad. When his tongue danced around her clit but didn’t touch it, she growled—actually growled.

      He settled onto his knees on the floor. “Let go of the headboard.” Hooking his arms around her thighs, he slid her down the bed until she hung off the edge. “Vulnerable” reached a new level of discomfort when he propped her feet on his shoulders, his lips roaming over the inside of her ankles.

      Dalton never stopped moving—hands on her hips moving to caress her ass, feather-soft kisses along the inside of her thighs, soft words she didn’t quite understand, the quickening of his breath. Then he paused, wrapped his hands around her thighs to hold them open and—

      Cass’s back bowed off the bed when he dragged his tongue up the seam of her sex and over her clit.

      He didn’t pause, didn’t give her a moment to sort out her thoughts. No, he pushed her. His tongue did impossible things, delving deep before flicking over that swollen bundle of nerves that had become her fault line’s epicenter.

      Her hips bucked wildly. She didn’t care. All she wanted was for him A wild scream built in her throat.

      As if she’d spoken aloud, Dalton pushed her legs wider and wrapped his lips around her clit. Then he sucked, rolling and pinching the little bud between his lips and tongue.

      The orgasm burned through her like a wind-fueled wildfire over parched grassland. It consumed her and left nothing behind but ash. Still, she was carried away by gust after gust of pleasure that surged through her body. She gripped Dalton’s hair and rode his mouth with wanton abandon.

      He brought her down slowly, stroking her belly and hips, murmuring nearly unintelligible praise against her sex. She wanted to laugh and cry and plead for him to do it again and never. Every sense was so incredibly hypersensitive. When he began to move away from her, she scooted up the bed and wrapped her arms around her knees. “Leaving?”

      A funny look passed over his face, and suddenly he was crawling up the bed, his hard shaft bobbing with his every feline move. Pressing her back into the mattress, he loomed over her. “I’m not quite ready for intermission, thanks.”

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