Cowboys & Angels. Vicki Thompson Lewis

Cowboys & Angels - Vicki Thompson Lewis

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He stroked her cheek with one finger. “Why did you gasp like that?”

      “I...” Her face felt hot, but the heat didn’t stop there. It shot through her, making her ache in a way she hadn’t known was possible. “I still want you.”

      “That’s convenient.” He cupped her face in one hand and leaned down to feather a kiss over her lips. “I still want you.”

      “Did you bring any—”

      “Yep. Just in case.” Foil crinkled, and then he was back, dropping more soft kisses on her mouth as he moved over her.

      “Good man.” Wrapping her arms around his broad back, she rose to meet him, and they came together as if they’d been doing this forever. No fumbling, no miscues. One sure thrust, and they were locked in an age-old embrace.

      “Mmm.” His hum of praise vibrated against her mouth.

      She couldn’t have said it better. He fit her perfectly, his hard cock stretching her just enough to make her want more. She hadn’t had a lot of lovers, but none of them had felt so absolutely right.

      That scared her more than a little. She wanted this kind of perfection someday, but she wasn’t ready for it now. Too late. Trey was here, buried deep inside her, and he had started to move. Sweet heaven.

      If she’d thought they were a nice combination while stationary, they were a spectacular event when in motion. He began slow and easy, giving her time to catch his rhythm. She didn’t need any time. Instinctively, she knew him, knew his moves.

      “Open your eyes.”

      She did, and discovered he was looking down at her as he rocked forward and back, forward and back. Each roll of his hips brought her climax nearer. He made it seem effortless, as if he could love her this way for hours, yet surely he must be struggling to hold back. If so, he gave no indication.

      “Your eyes are getting darker,” he murmured.

      The coil of tension within her tightened another notch as she held his gaze. “That’s because...” She gulped. “Because I’m close.”

      “I know.” A flicker in his eyes betrayed his excitement, although his pace never altered. “I can feel it.”

      “You don’t have to hold back.”

      “But I want to hold back.” His breath hitched, but his strokes remained unhurried. “I want to watch you come.”

      “What about—” She moaned and clutched his hips. How she wanted this, needed this! “What about you?”

      “Later. You first.” He pushed forward, putting pressure at the critical spot. Then he slid back and pushed in again.

      “I need the pillow.” Panting, she struggled to hold back her orgasm. “I need it now.”

      “Use my hand.” He covered her mouth gently.

      With that, she erupted in a climax that shook her from head to toe. She clutched his hand and pressed it tight against her mouth. Her hips lifted toward the pleasure, and he continued thrusting. She kept coming, her cries captured in the palm of his hand. At last, her body shaking, she sank back onto the sheet. But little aftershocks continued to roll through her.

      “My turn.” He moved faster, now. Slipping his hands under her bottom, he held her as if knowing she didn’t have the strength to do it herself.

      Amazingly, she wasn’t finished. His rapid strokes brought her right back to the edge, and when he hurled himself over with a deep groan, she followed with a gasp of surprise. As she clung to him and gulped in air, her dazed mind kept returning to one simple truth. She’d started an affair with Trey Wheeler, and keeping it under control would take all her willpower.


      TREY HAD A million things he wanted to say to Elle as they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, but he chose not to say any of them. Actions spoke louder than words, anyway, and their actions tonight in this bed were shouting about the possibilities ahead of them. He’d let her think on it, and he sure as hell would, too.

      Going into this, he’d had high expectations. The reality of making love to her had shot way past those expectations, and he suspected the lovemaking would only get better with time. A relationship was built on more than sexual attraction, and he knew that, so the next step was getting better acquainted somewhere other than in bed.

      Tomorrow they’d be together for the skiing lesson, with other folks around. He was glad they’d been to bed first, though, so neither of them had to waste time wondering if and when sex would happen. The if part was settled, and the when would be every chance they had.

      He didn’t think he was being egotistical to assume that. She’d responded more enthusiastically than any woman he’d been with. She’d want more of that, and heaven knows he would, too. She was incredible. His body had never felt so energized, so damned complete.

      But he held off telling her all those things, especially because she was getting drowsier by the second. He’d wondered earlier if she’d notice his angel wing tattoo once his shirt was off, but she hadn’t. Just as well.

      He wasn’t sure how she’d feel about it, jumpy as she was about commitment. Tattoos were permanent, although they did fade with time. Still, Elle might not like the fact that he planned to carry a reminder of her forever, no matter how their relationship turned out.

      He stayed with her until she drifted off to sleep. Then he slipped out of bed, dressed quietly and left her room, locking the door behind him.

      As he started down the hall, he saw a woman walking in his direction. There was no escape. As they drew closer to each other, he recognized Amy, the bartender. He had no idea what time it was, but she’d probably just gotten off work and was going to her room.

      When they met, she smiled at him. “You look worried.”

      “I am worried. It’s obvious where I’ve been, and I don’t want the word to get out.”

      “I won’t rat on you, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

      “I appreciate that.”

      “But after the introduction to your song tonight, followed by you and Elle leaving the bar together, I predict you won’t keep this liaison a secret very long.”

      Trey sighed. “I don’t want to embarrass her. Apparently she has this ironclad rule, and—”

      “It’s her rule, and she has the right to break it. I can’t speak for everyone, but I won’t tease her.”

      “Thanks. And, listen, I also want to thank you for asking Elle to help you behind the bar tonight. That turned out really well.”

      Amy laughed. “I can see that it did. FYI, your shirt is buttoned up wrong.”

      “Oh.” Trey glanced down and sure enough, she was right. But he couldn’t very well fix it right here in front of her. He’d do that after they parted ways. “Anyway, I hope you weren’t slammed with orders after we left.”

      “I wasn’t slammed with orders in the first place.” Amy’s smile widened. “I didn’t really need her help. I told her to get her butt down there so she could listen to a hot cowboy sing with the band.”


      “Really. She loves her some good country music. I had no idea all this other stuff was going on with you two.”

      “Huh. So my music did have some effect on her.”

      “I’d guarantee it. Of course, you were having some effect on all the women in the room. Have you thought of doing anything with that gift?”

      “Nah. I love training horses. The life of a professional singer doesn’t appeal to me at all. Local stuff is all I care to do.”


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