Pure Temptation. Vicki Thompson Lewis

Pure Temptation - Vicki Thompson Lewis

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he didn’t want anyone to overhear him. “You see how complicated this can get? Now you’re going to have to give your parents a party to cover your tracks!”

      She shrugged, and the straps of her dress moved. “No problem. It’s a good idea, anyway.”

      His fingers tingled as he imagined slipping those straps down. Slipping the sundress down. With a soft oath he leaned back against the booth. “I’ll bet you’re freezing in here, right?” He wasn’t freezing, that was for sure.

      “Not really.” She reached up with both hands and combed her damp hair back from her face with her fingers. The motion lifted her breasts under the cotton of the dress, and there was no doubt that she was braless.

      Mac told himself he wasn’t getting turned on. Definitely not. “Let me get that old flannel shirt I keep in the truck.”

      “I don’t need your old flannel shirt. I’m fine.”

      But he needed her to cover up. “I could get it anyway, just in case.” He started to leave the booth.

      “Mac, I don’t want the blasted shirt, okay? I want to get this project going. So sit down and tell me what you’ve got.”

      He stared at her, his mind in turmoil. He should tell her about Mitch and Randy. He really should.

      “Meat loaf’s here!” Janice announced. “Goodness, you haven’t touched your salads. Must be some party you two are cooking up.”

      “You don’t know the half of it,” Tess said. She moved her salad plate to one side. “Just set it down there, and I’ll eat everything together.”

      “Me, too,” Mac said, following suit.

      “Better clean your plates,” Janice said. “Or no dessert for you. And Sally made fresh peach pie today.”

      Mac patted his stomach, which was in no mood for a meal, let alone dessert. “Sounds great. You know I love peach.”

      Once Janice had disappeared, Tess leaned forward again. “That reminds me,” she said in an undertone. “I’ve been learning the most amazing things from my reading. For example, the use of flavored oils. Did you know they make peach?”

      “No.” His jeans started growing tight. Mind over matter wasn’t working.

      “Have you read any books on the subject?”

      “No.” He stabbed his salad, determined to get through some of this food if it killed him.

      “There are some wonderful ideas in there. You might want to take a look.”

      He lost control of his fork and it clattered to the plate. “I don’t think so.”

      “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Men and their egos. I’ll bet even you could learn something.”

      He picked up his fork and returned to his meal with a vengeance. “Thanks, but I think I’ll just blunder along on my own.”

      “Okay, but this is a perfect opportunity to check the books out without anybody knowing you’re doing it. When I leave, I’ll be taking those books with me and you’ll be SOL.”

      “I won’t be likely to forget you’re leaving.”

      The light of amusement faded in her eyes. “Oh, Mac. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. I know you’d love to do the same.”

      He clamped down on his emotions. There was no point in wanting what you couldn’t have. “I wouldn’t say that. And somebody has to take over the ranch. I noticed this past winter that my dad’s already slowing down.”

      “Have you ever given them the slightest hint that you don’t want to take over?”

      “I do want to take over. They’ve struggled so hard to build that place and keep it going. It would kill them to have to sell it to strangers when they can’t work it anymore.” He looked into her eyes. “If you were an only child, would you be heading for New York?”

      She seemed about to say yes, when she hesitated. Then she sighed. “Probably not. It really helps that my brothers look like they’re going to stay in Copperville forever.” She sent Mac a look of deep sympathy. “You can come and visit me anytime you want. I’ll show you New York in style.”

      “Thanks. Maybe I’ll take you up on that.”

      “We could have a great time. The top of the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square. Promise me that you’ll come to visit me, Mac. It would be so wonderful to have that to look forward to.”

      “Okay, I promise.” His heart wrenched at the thought of how much they probably would enjoy themselves. And then he’d have to come home again and leave her there. Well, he’d just have to get over it. His life was here, and hers would be there, and that’s the way it was meant to be.

      “I feel so much better, knowing that you’ll come to visit me.” Her eyes glowed. “I guess I always pictured seeing some of those things with you. Maybe I’ll wait until you get there before I do some of that tourist stuff, so we can both experience it at the same time. I’ve heard Ellis Island is very moving. And the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be beautiful, and we could save our money and eat at one of those pricey restaurants, at least once, and—”

      “I’m not taking you to a pricey restaurant unless you can do better on the food than you’re doing here.”

      She glanced at her plate and picked up her fork. “I guess I’m distracted. I can’t seem to think of anything except this move, and getting ready for it.” She pushed her food around and glanced up at him. “Mac, I know you think I’m crazy for wanting this one thing before I go.”

      “Not crazy.” He laid down his fork and gave up all pretense of eating. God, she was beautiful. Not cute, not attractive, not passable. Beautiful. He’d never admitted that to himself before, but he’d probably always known it on some unconscious level. He’d been entranced watching her talk about their future adventures in New York.

      “Then you understand?”


      She sagged against the table, and her sigh was heavy with relief. “Thank goodness. I wondered if I’d ever convince you.”

      “I’m convinced.”

      “Then you’ll help me? You’ll find someone and introduce us?”

      Maybe he’d known all along what he had to do. Maybe he’d just needed time for the inescapable truth to settle upon him. But now he could see no other way. It was dangerous, extremely dangerous. A great deal was at stake. Still, it was the only answer, and he was man enough to accept that, along with the consequences.

      He took a deep breath. “I don’t have to look for someone. I already know who will do it.”

      “You do?” Her eyes grew bright, her cheeks pink. “Who?”



      TESS GASPED and put her hand over her mouth. She felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of warm water over her. Oh, God. Mac. Could she do it? Her imagination quivered and danced around the idea, unable to focus on the possibility. Her heart beat so loudly she thought he might be able to hear it. Mac. Oh, dear. How delicious. How impossible. How frightening. How lovely.

      “Unless you don’t want me to.”

      She was having trouble breathing, let alone talking. “I—I—”

      “It’s okay if you don’t. I might not be…what you want.”

      “I…have to think.”


      Although she was caught up in her own turmoil, she sensed his vulnerability. “I’m honored,” she choked

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