Scandalous. Donna Hill

Scandalous - Donna  Hill

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and wait to unleash them on the track.

      Her tight thighs and calves expanded and contracted as her sneakered feet pounded against the gravel track. Her arms pumped. Her thick ponytail swung defiantly against the wind. Her slender frame cut an alluring silhouette against the lush green background.

      As Simone jogged, the rush of adrenaline pumped through her veins and the clean spring air filled her lungs, clearing her head and crystallizing her thoughts. It was at the moment she rounded the track for the third time that she realized just how she would use her inheritance.

      David nearly busted a gut trying to contain himself when Lucus Stone dropped Vaughn Hamilton’s name as his next assignment. To say he’d take great pleasure in getting the goods on that bitch was an understatement. He never thought he’d have the opportunity to make her pay for what she’d done to him. Now he had his chance.

      He slammed the door of his red Mustang convertible and started whistling a tuneless song. The engine roared to life and David started to laugh, a deep, dark, dangerous laugh that built to a crescendo as he pulled into D.C. traffic and headed for his office in Georgetown. Shortly after, he pulled into the small parking lot and headed for the building that was sandwiched between a real estate office and a women’s boutique.

      He trotted up the three flights of stairs to his office. Tossing his suit jacket onto the wooden chair, he crossed the small room to the locked file cabinet. Selecting the key from his ring, he opened the grey metal file drawer and quickly found the file he needed.

      David smiled as he flipped the Lucas Stone file open and made several notations on the back sheets. He closed the folder and leaned back in his chair, staring at the letters emblazoned on his open door. David Cain, Political Consultant. A man for hire, he thought.

      He put his feet up on his wooden desk, ruminating about the road he’d traveled to get to where he was. He’d been detoured; there was no question about it. David had been groomed for a life of law and politics. He’d focused all his ambitions on achieving the life of power and prestige that he craved.

      Graduating at the top of his law class at George Washington Univer-sity, he’d easily landed a cushy job with McPhearson, Ekhardt, one of the leading law firms in the District of Columbia. He was headed for great things, until his focus became misdirected when he set his sights on the young attorney Vaughn Hamilton. She was magnificent, everything that he had ever desired in a woman. She was ambitious and intelligent, she was competitive, and most of all, she had the right connections.

      He looked at the black-and-white photo of her smiling face in the newspaper. She’d remained virtually the same. The years had been good to her. There was only the subtle change around her eyes. More mature? More worldly? He couldn’t be sure. David, however, had changed, at least physically. His body had filled out, and he’d maintained it vigorously. The result was broad, muscular shoulders and biceps. His thighs were thick and they rippled with power. He was no longer the smooth-faced young attorney-on-the-rise. His square chin was covered in a smooth, finely tapered beard that lent maturity and a sense of mystery to his face. Gone was the full-blown natural hair and in its place was a very short, tapered cut. Yes, on sight, David Cain was a different man. But inside, the burning desire to have what he knew he deserved remained the same.

      A picture of Vaughn as she’d looked on that last day flashed before him. Even now, after so many years, his groin still grew rigid at the very thought of her. That weakness infuriated him. It had cost him his career. He spun around in his chair to face the soft rays of sunshine coming through the tinted windowpane. The movement only served to aggravate the tension between his legs.

      If it wasn’t for her and her stuck-up, virtuous, holier-than-thou attitude, he could have been a Lucus Stone instead of a hired hand. She thought she was better than him, above his advances. What she really was was a frigid bitch who needed a man to teach her a good lesson.

      Now he had the opportunity to pay her back in spades. It was one job he would truly enjoy. He closed his eyes and laced his fingers behind his head. Visions of the voluptuous Vaughn Hamilton flashed before him. He twisted uncomfortably in his seat. Now for a plan, he thought.

      Chapter 5

      It was almost business as usual when Vaughn floated into her office on Monday morning. Almost, because there was a definite feeling of electric energy in the air that hadn’t been present when she’d left on Friday. She’d spent yet another glorious weekend with Justin, and until this very moment, work was the farthest thing from her mind.

      The phones were ringing off the hook, staff members were racing around, and when she reached her office, she saw through her open doorway that there were enough phone messages and faxes to start a small avalanche.

      “Ugh,” she said out loud, and stepped into the artsy office.

      “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Crystal said from her favorite overstuffed chair behind the door.

      Vaughn jumped in surprise. “Darn it, Crystal, if you don’t stop doing that, you’re going to give me a heart attack!”

      “Puh-leese,” Crystal tossed off, rising from her throne. “I’ve been sitting in this same damn spot every morning for the past four years. You need to stop.” Crystal sucked her teeth in dismissal of Vaughn’s complaint.

      “Yeah,” Vaughn huffed, hanging up her teal Burberry trenchcoat on the cherrywood coat rack. “And every morning for the past four years you’ve been scaring me out of my pantyhose!” She rolled her eyes hard at Crystal and tried not to laugh.

      Crystal boldly ignored her. “Girl, get over it. We have work to do.” She strutted over to the desk and deposited a stack of letters and folders. “Every newspaper in the tri-state area wants an interview. We gotta get busy.”

      Vaughn smiled as she watched Crystal flip through her notepad. Under neath that down-home-girl facade lay the mind of a brilliant strategic planner and a heart of gold. Vaughn wouldn’t trade Crystal in for a whole staff full of Yale grads. The girl was awesome. But between friends, Crystal was just plain ole’ Chris from the projects. Vaughn and Crystal were physically opposite in every respect. Where Vaughn was dark, slender, and tall, Crystal was fair, with skin the color of sautéed butter and eyes that shimmered like the blue-green Caribbean. She had wide hips and the kind of high, firm behind women paid money to possess. Her hair, when she decided to wear it out, nearly reached her waist and was blacker than pitch, a result of her distant Trinidad heritage.

      When Vaughn and Crystal had first met on their college campus, Vaughn had silently envied Crystal’s light tones and Barbie doll hair. It wasn’t until years later that Vaughn had discovered that Crystal had her own insecurities about her looks. Crystal, too, had never felt accepted by her peers. She was taunted for “thinking” she was white—boys wanted her only for her looks, and most girls hated her on sight. In retaliation, Crystal had adopted that wise-talking street-girl persona—to be one of the crowd. It was only with Vaughn that she allowed her depth to shine through. The friendship of Vaughn and Crystal was like a catharsis for both of them, and it had blossomed into more than just friendship over the years.

      “So,” Crystal began, once Vaughn was seated. “I’ve scheduled three news conferences for you. One today, and two on Wednesday, and an interview with Channel 6…” she checked her watch, “in about two hours.” She paced the room as she spoke, only briefly checking the notes she’d committed to memory. “I contacted Lucus Stone’s office this morning to see if I could arrange an informal debate. They weren’t having me today,” she stated cynically. “But I’ll be back at them in a couple of weeks, after we get some heavy press coverage. They’ll be ready to talk then.”

      Vaughn took it all in as Crystal continued with her agenda, which included luncheons, meetings, and follow-up appointments. But even as she listened, a part of her was totally detached from the conversation. That part was focused on Justin and the glorious two days they’d spent together.

      She felt as if she’d been transformed into someone else, and she was scared. There was no doubt about that. Her track record as far as love and romance

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