A Compromising Affair. Gwynne Forster

A Compromising Affair - Gwynne  Forster

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her feel!

      They mounted the horses and cantered along the path until they reached the river bend. “I want to love and to be loved,” she admitted. “But I don’t want to be hurt, to live in emotional pain every day.”

      From his vantage point atop Big Red’s back, Scott looked down at the lazily flowing river. The morning breeze blew plumes from the cottonwood trees into his face. He sniffed the perfume of the wild roses that were tucked among the blooming red and white crepe myrtle trees. All was right with Mother Nature, but what he wouldn’t give to say the same about himself!

      So she was attracted to him. It was the thought of emotional intimacy that she couldn’t handle. I want her, and I’m going to have her. And once I get inside of her, I’ll show her how a man loves a woman. I’ll make her feel plenty. And when it’s over, she’ll remember what it was like, and she’ll need me. Not just any man, but me, because I don’t plan for it to be any other way.

      “How often do you ride?” he asked her, having observed the ease with which she sat in the saddle.

      “Not as often as I’d like. I travel a great deal for my work.”

      So she was being evasive again. He stopped his horse. “Denise, if I ask you a question, and you don’t want to answer it, just say you’d rather not answer. I won’t be offended.”

      “Do you have a short fuse, or do I annoy you?”

      “If I had a quick temper, the State Department would have fired me years ago. It doesn’t help if you’re a diplomat. You learn to hide your feelings the way a bird covers its eggs. Haven’t you ever been close to a man, one with whom you shared your dreams and aspirations?”

      “It’s a long story, Scott, and if you’ll forgive me, I’d rather not go into it now.”

      “It’s all right. We’ll get there,” he said confidently.

      “Why are you so certain?”

      “Because I, for one, have a vivid memory. Have you forgotten what happened less than twenty minutes ago? Considering how you responded to me, do you think I won’t be back for more? Trust me, I will.”

      “But Scott, that’s not… I mean, sexual attraction doesn’t guarantee anything.”

      “You fell for the wrong man. And one day, you’ll know that for certain. It’s getting warm, and the horses are becoming agitated. Perhaps we should go back.”

      “You’re right.”

      “When will you be in Washington?” he asked her.

      “Monday morning.”

      “I want to see you Monday evening.”

      “Scott, I…I don’t know if it’s such a good idea.”

      “Why not? You have to eat, don’t you? Look, Denise, forget what I said a minute ago. You know what you want. You’re just scared as hell to take it.”

      “That isn’t true, Scott. If I’m afraid of anything, it’s… I don’t know that woman who kissed you back there. She’s… I don’t know who or what.”

      “Did you like her? Or are you scared of what you’ll do if she makes an appearance again? Trust me, I won’t let you do anything you don’t want to do.”

      “No, but you’ll make sure that I want what you want. I know that a thirty-one-year-old woman ought to have her act together. And in most respects, I do. But I’m not willing to subject myself to disappointment. I picked up the pieces once, and that will be the last time.”

      Tell me about it. For every unreliable and untrustworthy man, I’ll show you a woman who’s the same. “Whatever it was, you’re not willing to share it. Right?”

      “Scott, I know I have to take chances, but right now, I am not up to taking this chance just yet.”

      He gave the rein a gentle tug. “Let’s go. By the time we get back to the Harrington estate, the sun will be high, and Big Red will be irritable. We are not done yet. Where do you live in Washington?” She gave him an address in Chevy Chase, Maryland, a suburb of D.C. “Is it all right if I pick you up at six-fifteen Monday evening?” He didn’t like the frown on her face, or that she answered him with downcast eyes.

      “Okay. Will you be wearing a jacket and tie?”

      “Of course. I wouldn’t take you out to dinner any other way.”

      “Scott, I eat pizza. And when I do, I dress for pizza. But I appreciate the sentiment.”

      They rode back to Drake’s house in silence. As much as he loved nature, and especially enjoyed its serenity, he couldn’t appreciate it this morning. In another minute, he probably would have had her then and there, and damn the consequences.

      The more Denise tried to distance herself, the more she intrigued him. He’d had many women in his arms, but not one as passionate and as complicated as she was. At times she seemed as if she wanted to devour him. He’d see how it went Monday evening. If nothing changed, he would move on.

      Denise rang the doorbell, visibly upset from her horseback riding experience with Scott that morning. She didn’t want to talk to a soul, when Pamela greeted her at the door.

      “How did it go? You guys stayed out a long time.”

      Denise tried to force a smile, but from the expression on Pamela’s face, she knew she hadn’t succeeded.

      “It was…nice. I mean…I don’t know. Pamela, how did you know that you could trust Drake? That he would always be there for you? What made you take a chance on a man like Drake Harrington, who already had everything?”

      “In the first place, I didn’t think about Drake’s assets or his looks. If I had, I probably would have run the other way. What got me was his tenderness and caring, and the fact that he was true to his word. He was possessive, but in a way that made me feel special, and he let other men know that they’d best stay off his turf. If you don’t give Scott the right, he can’t do that.” The doorbell rang. “That must be Heather. Join us for coffee.”

      “Is Heather your favorite in-law?”

      “She’s the one with whom I have the most in common.”

      “And it doesn’t bother you that Judson and Drake practically look like twins?”

      “Why should it? I’m never confused.” She went to the door. “Hi. Coffee’s ready,” Pamela said, greeting Heather. They walked into the kitchen, where Denise sat on a counter-height bar stool with a brooding expression on her face.

      “Hi, Denise. How was the horseback ride this morning?” Heather asked.

      “It was fine, Heather. And Scott’s a terrific guy—”

      “But what?” said Heather. “Denise, with Scott, what you see is what you get. He has no hidden agenda. And he’ll give it to you straight, which I suspect accounts for your mood right now. I’ve known him for years. And in all that time, you are the first woman he’s been interested in. Girl, wake up. Scott Galloway is really taken with you.”

      “All right. All right. I believe you, I suppose.”

      “You suppose?” Pamela and Heather said in unison.

      “You’re nuts about him,” Pamela said.

      “Yeah,” Heather said. “Seems to me you should stop pretending and be yourself.”

      “If he is interested in me, why doesn’t he tell me?”

      “Sometimes, I wonder how you can be so brilliant about some things and so clueless when it comes to relationships with men,” Pamela said in exasperation.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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