The Devaney Brothers: Ryan and Sean: Ryan's Place. Sherryl Woods

The Devaney Brothers: Ryan and Sean: Ryan's Place - Sherryl  Woods

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      Ryan grinned, his nervousness dissipating. He could imagine Nell O’Brien saying whatever she wanted to whomever she wanted and expecting to be taken seriously. “Well now, I imagine she’s a woman who always speaks her mind,” he said cautiously, not sure exactly how welcome his opinion might be.

      “And always truthfully,” Katie added. “Pull up a chair, Ryan. These guys are just about tapped out. We need deep pockets to join the game.”

      Ryan felt Maggie’s gaze on him.

      “Are you willing?” she asked. “Can you stay for a bit?”

      Ryan weighed his reluctance against the prospect of a few good poker hands. “I can stay.”

      “Bring the chairs from the dining room, then,” Garrett said. “We’ll push over to make room. Maggie, get the man a beer.”

      “Coffee would be better,” Ryan said. “I have to drive back into Boston after this.”

      “Nonsense,” Nell said. “Not when there’s a perfectly good guest room that’s unoccupied tonight.”

      “We’ll debate that when the time comes,” Ryan said, refusing to commit to staying under this roof, especially with the tempting Maggie just down the hall.

      Maggie set his coffee in front of him, then slipped onto her own chair right next to him and leaned closer to whisper, “That’s the last act of kindness you can expect from me. When it comes to poker, I play a take-no-prisoners game.”

      “Listen to her,” her brother Matt said. “Our Maggie liked to stay up and play with Dad’s cronies as she was growing up. Dad allowed it because she split her winnings with him.”

      Ryan laughed, regarding Maggie with new respect. “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see if you’ve lost your edge, now won’t we?”

      “Trust me, there are some things a woman never forgets,” she retorted, dealing the cards with quick, professional efficiency.

      Ryan drew a scowl from Maggie and hoots from her family when he won the first hand. When it was his turn to deal, he made an elaborate show of allowing her to cut the cards. “For luck,” he declared.

      “Thank you,” she replied, though there was an edge to her polite tone.

      “I believe you misunderstood,” he said as he dealt. “The lucky cut was for my benefit.”

      “Oh, my, he’s a smug one,” Garrett remarked happily.

      “With good cause, I’d say,” Katie said when she threw in her hand.

      Nell, John and Matt followed suit, as did John’s wife. Garrett added his cards to the pile with a muffled curse.

      Ryan leveled a look into Maggie’s eyes. “It looks as if it’s just you and me.”

      Her gaze never wavered. “I’ll see your bet and raise you a dollar.”

      “Uh-oh, our Maggie has that glint in her eyes,” Matt said. “Watch yourself, Ryan.”

      Ryan was already all too aware of the dangers he faced anytime he was around Maggie. This card game was just the tip of the iceberg. “I’ll see your raise and call you,” he said, watching her expectantly.

      “You’re absolutely sure you want to do that?” she asked. “There’s still time to take it back.”

      He nodded. “My bet’s on the table.”

      “Okay, then.” She fanned her cards out on the table. She had a full house, jacks high.

      “Very nice,” Ryan complimented her.

      She smiled and reached for the pot. “I thought so.”

      He placed his hand on top of hers. “Just not nice enough.” His own full house had kings high.

      Maggie frowned as he scooped up the money.

      Ryan leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Don’t pout. I told you luck was going to be with me.”

      Matt winced. “Oh, brother. You’ve really done it now, Ryan. You’ve won and, worse, you’ve gloated about it. She’s going to be out for blood.”

      Maggie gave them all a serene smile. “I am, indeed.”

      Ryan thought they were joking, but to his amazement Maggie took the next four hands in a row. He regarded her with amusement. “Feeling better now?”

      “Much,” she said, a satisfied gleam in her eyes.

      “Why do I have the feeling this game has gotten personal?” Katie inquired. “I think I’ll just slip off to bed while I still have two cents to my name.”

      “And I have to be getting home before my wife disowns me,” Matt chimed in.

      John exchanged a look with his wife. “I guess we’re out of here, too.”

      Within ten minutes, the entire room had been cleared. In the silence that followed, Ryan stared at Maggie.

      “That was fun,” he said.

      She seemed surprised. “Even though you lost?”

      “Only because I lost to you. You take the game so seriously. Next time, though, I’ll know what to watch for. You won’t be so lucky.”

      “What does that mean?”

      “It means when you’re bluffing, you get this little nervous tic by the corner of your eye. Right about here,” he said, touching a finger lightly to her cheek. “And this corner of your mouth starts to tilt up into a smile, but you fight it.” He skimmed a caress along her bottom lip to emphasize the point.

      Maggie swallowed hard. “Ryan, what are you doing?”

      “Just explaining how you give yourself away. I’m surprised the others haven’t noticed. Then again, I doubt any of them are as fascinated with your face as I am.”

      The pulse at the base of her neck jumped. “Ryan...” Her voice trailed off.

      He leaned forward and covered her mouth with his. He’d been wanting to do that from the moment they’d started to play, had been so obsessed with the idea, in fact, that he’d lost his concentration in the third hand. That was why she’d won so many rounds. His mind hadn’t been on the cards at all.

      “You taste so good,” he whispered against her lips. “And you smell like flowers.”

      “Roses,” she said, sounding breathless. “My favorite perfume.”

      Shaken by the emotions racing through him, he sat back, sucked in a ragged breath and raked his hand through his hair. “I need to get out of here.”

      “Mom invited you to stay.”

      “She wouldn’t have, if she’d known what was on my mind,” he said.

      Maggie’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Exactly what is on your mind?”

      “You,” he said, opting for total honesty. Maybe that would scare her into being wary around him. “Getting you out of those clothes so I can touch you. Making love to you for the rest of the night.”

      “Oh, my,” she whispered.

      He stood up. “Which is why I need to get out of here now.”

      “No, don’t. Stay,” she pleaded.

      “That’s a really bad idea,” he said, reaching for his coat.

      He leaned down and kissed her one last time. “Good night, Maggie.”

      “Good night,” she said with obvious reluctance. She stood up and walked with him to the door. “Will you call me when you get home?”

      “And wake the household? I don’t think so.”


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