His Best Friend's Wife. Lee McKenzie

His Best Friend's Wife - Lee  McKenzie

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be your first question. Is there any advantage to cooking and baking with farm-fresh eggs?”

      “In a word, yes.”

      Emily made a face. “Now you’re being difficult. Tell us about your chickens—what you feed them, how many eggs you get every day, what the eggs taste like. Maybe include a recipe or two.”

      Annie found herself wishing she had never agreed to this. Emily’s posts on her blog were hugely popular, filled with humor and insight and charm about life in a small town. Why would her readers want to read about chickens and eggs? She had long accepted that Emily was a brilliant writer and that their younger sister was an accomplished horsewoman. Annie herself had none of those exceptional skills. She raised a family, prepared food, kept house. She loved what she did. Taking care of her family was enormously satisfying, but there was nothing earthshaking about any of the things she did.

      As though Emily could read her thoughts—and given how close they had always been, she probably could—she gently took the camera from her and switched it on. “Just line up whatever you want to take a picture of in the monitor and push this button. Let me know when you’re ready to upload them to your computer and I’ll show you how. For the first column, I only need about two hundred and fifty words. Then we’ll take it from there.”

      Never one to go back on a promise, Annie gave a reluctant nod. “Fine. I’ll give it a try. Now can we talk about you?”

      She gave her sister a good look up and down. Her flowing tan-colored top, worn with a pair of off-white jeans and accessorized with gold hoop earrings and bangles, suited her perfectly and did an excellent job of disguising her expanding midsection. “You’re looking gorgeous this morning. New outfit?”


      “Your baby bump is getting very—”

      “Bumpish?” Emily suggested.

      Annie smiled. “It’s going to be more and more difficult to disguise this under a wedding dress.”

      Emily shook her head. “Honestly, I’m not trying to hide. It’s not as though people don’t already know. But I did find a dress online that I really love. It has an empire waist with a full skirt. Really pretty.”


      “More ivory with just a hint of pink. They call the color champagne.”

      “That’ll be perfect with your complexion. Is it a full-length gown?”

      “Knee-length. I didn’t want anything too formal. I’ll show you a picture when CJ gets here.”

      “Rose is joining us, too.”

      The excitement in Emily’s eyes dimmed.

      “She is our sister,” Annie reminded her.

      “I know. I’m just not ready to share my wedding arrangements with her.”

      “Fair enough. But you do realize you have to invite her, right?”

      Emily sighed and gave a reluctant nod.

      Rather than push the point, Annie changed the subject. “Have you set a date?”

      “We have, finally. The last Saturday in September. We’ve decided to get married outdoors, in the gazebo, because we want to take advantage of the fall color.”

      “Oh, my.” The gazebo. The place where Eric had proposed to her. Overcome with nostalgia and a fierce longing for her old life, Annie’s chest tightened and her breath clogged her throat. It was also the place where Jack had proposed to Emily, she reminded herself. She recovered before her sister noticed, she hoped, and pasted on a smile. “The end of September. Wow. Your big day will be here before we know it. Doesn’t give us a lot of time for planning.”

      “There’s no need for a big plan. We want to keep the wedding simple, and we didn’t want to hold it until Jack’s mom was feeling up to it and his sister, Faith, could make it from San Francisco.”

      “Makes perfect sense. How’s his mother doing?”

      “She’s good. It’s taken her some time to recover from the fall she had at the start of the summer. The cast came off her arm last Wednesday and she’ll be starting physio soon. Jack and his dad and I will take turns driving her to appointments.”

      “She must be so happy to have her son at home with her, even if it’s just until the two of you find a place of your own.”

      “Well, that might already be taken care of.”

      “You’ve found a place?”

      “Not yet. His mom has always been a homebody and never wanted to travel, but after breaking her arm and having to rely on everyone else’s help, she’s decided she likes having other people take care of her. So his parents have decided to take a cruise this fall, right after the wedding. Go figure, huh?”

      “Wow. That’s huge. Have they decided where they are going?”

      “The Panama Canal, leaving from New York, I think, and ending up at Faith’s in San Francisco. She made all the arrangements for them. After they disembark, they’ll stay with her until Christmastime. They’ll be back in Riverton before the baby is born, and Jack and I are going to stay at their place, for now, while we look for a place of our own.”

      “That’ll be perfect. What about a honeymoon?”

      “We’re thinking next summer, maybe. Jack is barely settled into his new job with the police department and it’s too soon for him to take time off. And I want to finish my book before the baby’s born. For now it’ll feel good to move out of my apartment and into Jack’s place and be...” Emily’s stared dreamily into her coffee cup. “You know.”

      “Husband and wife. A family. I totally get it, and I am so happy for the two of you.”

      Annie was really and truly excited about the prospect of having one of Eric’s best friends for a brother-in-law, and especially about being an aunt. She had honestly given up hope of that ever happening. Now they were going to have a Christmas baby—a baby boy or girl who would be a much-loved addition to the Finnegan family.

      Annie looked up and found Emily smiling at her. “I’ve been hoping to get you alone so I could ask you something.”

      “Ask away.”

      “I know the three of us had this thing worked out where I was your bridesmaid when you married Eric, and then CJ would be mine and you would be hers. That way everyone gets a turn.”

      “That’s right. I’d forgotten all about that.”

      “Me too, until CJ reminded me. The thing is, though, I’d really like you to be my maid of honor. It just feels right somehow. And then maybe CJ could be yours when...if you get married again.”

      Taken aback, Annie stared at her sister. “That is not likely to happen.”

      “Don’t be silly. Not right away, but you’re young and gorgeous and you’re sure to meet another man someday who’ll fall madly in love with you and your apple strudel.”

      Annie’s thoughts inexplicably turned to Paul.

      Emily reached across the island, took her hand and squeezed it. “It would mean the world to me if you would do this.”

      “Of course I will. I’ll be honored.”

      “Thank you.” Her sister sat back and smiled, seeming to look a little more smug than necessary.

      Then, too late, Annie realized she might have landed herself in a bit of a sticky situation. “Who has Jack asked to be his best man?”

      “Oh. Paul, of course. Have you heard? He’s back in Riverton now.”

      The sound of CJ’s footsteps on the back veranda saved Annie from having to answer. For once, her little sister’s timing was impeccable.

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