Thunderstruck. Vicki Thompson Lewis

Thunderstruck - Vicki Thompson Lewis

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the role of women in construction, he obviously knew his trade. Judging from his comments, he knew that she did, too. That would help erase any potential prejudices about women wielding power tools.

      She dished out some casserole and poured the wine before taking both into the living room. Last year she’d refinished a coffee table that could be raised to dining table height. She refused to eat on a fold-up TV tray.

      When she’d bought this cabin in the woods on the outskirts of Sheridan five years ago, the place had been a disaster both inside and out. It had sat empty for more than a year while varmints and weather had taken their toll. Now she could look around and feel pride in everything she saw.

      The log walls had been recaulked. Because they were a foot thick, they didn’t require insulation, but she’d replaced the single-pane windows and had hung a new door, a hand-carved beauty she’d found at an auction. New appliances, new bathroom fixtures and a bright blue galvanized metal roof had been pricey but worth it.

      The rock fireplace had only needed to be cleaned out and capped to prevent critters from getting in. In winter she used it all the time, but in the summer she arranged dried flowers and pinecones on the grate to keep it from looking lonesome. Little touches like that made a house a home, and she’d loved feathering this nest, the first she’d ever owned.

      The furniture was secondhand but sturdy. She’d refinished the wood and taught herself to reupholster anything that had a cushion. Because she’d worked so hard on each piece, they felt more hers than if she’d bought them new.

      She’d chosen shades of green and blue because those were her favorite colors. Besides, a blue-eyed redhead looked good against a backdrop of those colors, so why decorate her home with something that clashed? She’d considered every aspect of this house carefully, from the area rugs on the wooden floor to the framed photos of the Big Horn Mountains on the walls.

      After much inner debate, she’d bought a king bed. Ironically, she’d never shared it with a guy. She’d had two semiserious boyfriends since moving here, and in both cases she’d always ended up at the guy’s apartment whenever they spent the night together.

      Each had come up with a different excuse. One had insisted his bed was the best in the universe, and the other one had thought his shower was a great place for sex. She had a different theory, though.

      Her construction abilities might be intimidating to some men, and her expertise was very much on display in this house. That insight had come after her last boyfriend had tried to talk her into selling her cabin and moving in with him. No, and hell no.

      She’d begun to think of the cabin as a test to find out whether a man could accept who she was. So far she’d had no likely candidate to substantiate her theory. Damon certainly wouldn’t qualify even though she had the distinct impression that Rosie was matchmaking.

      Otherwise, why show Phil a bunch of pictures of the guy, who was surfer-boy gorgeous with his sun-bleached hair and laughing gray eyes? Phil appreciated nice abs and a great smile as much as the next woman. But according to Rosie, Damon avoided getting attached to anyone or anything, a trait Rosie had called a damned shame.

      Phil loved Rosie, but not enough to tackle her fixer-upper of a foster son. House renovations were one thing. People renovations were a whole other issue, and Phil had no talent for it. Either a guy was right or he wasn’t, and from all indications, Damon fell into Category B.

      * * *

      WAITING FOR CADE on the sidewalk outside the Sheridan airport felt like déjà vu, but at least the circumstances were better this time. Cade had picked Damon up less than a month ago when they’d all thought Rosie had suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, she’d had something not nearly so critical, a condition called broken-heart syndrome.

      Apparently, the thought of losing Thunder Mountain Ranch had created symptoms very similar to a heart attack. Even though the diagnosis had been less dire, everyone who loved Rosie had vowed to do what they could to save the ranch. Consequently, Damon was flying to Sheridan for the second time this summer.

      Cade pulled up in his trusty black truck, the same one he’d been driving for at least ten years.

      Damon hopped in, dropped his duffel at his feet and grinned at his foster brother. “Are you and Lexi engaged yet, bro?” A month ago Cade had been reunited with Lexi, his high school sweetheart, but there were issues.

      “Don’t start with me.” But Cade grinned back and offered his hand for the ritual Thunder Mountain Brotherhood handshake.

      Damon closed the passenger door and buckled up. “I have your wedding present all picked out. I’m just waiting for Lexi to pop the question.”

      “Don’t hold your breath.” Cade tugged on the brim of his battered Stetson and put the truck in gear. “I had no idea what it was like waiting for someone to propose. Every guy should have to go through this, because let me tell you, it’s hell.”

      “I’ll bet. She still likes you, though, right?”

      “Most of the time. But there’s a lot I don’t understand about women.”

      “I’m sure we could all say that.” Damon knew for a fact that Cade and Lexi loved each other, but five years ago Cade had left town after telling Lexi marriage wasn’t for him. Now he was back and ready to tie the knot but Lexi wanted to hold off.

      “She might be waiting until after the Kickstarter deadline,” Cade said, “to make sure Thunder Mountain Academy is a go before we make any plans. But September first seems like forever. I almost regret saying the decision was up to her. But I said it, so now I have to stick by it.”

      “Maybe you should take her to a fancy hotel in Jackson Hole, drink a bunch of champagne and talk her into it.”

      “That’s either manipulation or coercion or both. Not doing it.”

      “So maybe I should talk to her and put the bug in her ear.”

      “Don’t, bro. This has to be her idea. If you start making suggestions, you could mess things up.”

      Damon sighed and leaned back against the seat. “Then I’m out of ideas. I know how to get them into bed, but I’ve never tried to get them to the altar. I only have one piece of advice. Plenty of orgasms.”

      Cade laughed. “Got that covered.”

      “Then you’re doing all a man can do.”

      “In fact, I spend most of my nights at her place, FYI.”

      Damon pretended dismay. “Are you telling me that I have to sleep in the Brotherhood cabin all by myself?”

      “Ringo will keep you company. You might have to go get him, though. Now that he’s settled in, he spends his nights in the barn hunting mice.”

      “Wouldn’t want to deprive him of that pleasure.” Damon had bonded with the gray tabby on his last trip. “But I’ll definitely pay him a visit. I have a can of treats in my duffel.”

      “Have you adopted a couple of kittens like Lexi suggested?”

      “Not yet. I’ll see about it after I get back. No sense in getting them and then leaving for seven days.”


      “Any uptick in the Kickstarter contributions?”

      “Some, but not as much as we’d like.” Cade paused. “It’s been suggested that I contact the Chance brothers and see if they’ll put the word out.”

      “Who suggested that?” It had to be a touchy subject for Cade. Until last month he’d thought he was alone in the world except for his foster family. Then a cousin had shown up. Molly Gallagher Radcliffe, now married to a saddle maker in town named Ben Radcliffe, had informed Cade that he was related to her family in Arizona and the influential Chance clan over in Jackson Hole.

      “Molly, for one. She’s been at the ranch a lot to discuss the curriculum for the academy

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