An Ordinary Guy, Operation Saponify. Andrew Gilbrook

An Ordinary Guy, Operation Saponify - Andrew Gilbrook

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is bigger than us, that Jenny needed to be rooted out didn’t stand much stead at this moment. I left with my tail between my legs, heartbroken that I had upset Karen so much.

      From that day onward Karen and I became more, I’ll use the term professional, less intimate. We still spoke and talked professionally, but we no longer met outside of work. I’m sure HR and Miss Busch-Rash were happy about that. I couldn’t stand the idea of being alone, I hated never being cuddled or loved, so it was the next year that I met Janine. I’ve talked about Janine in my first book “An Ordinary Guy, An Unknown Spy”, I won’t repeat that story here. Karen was ok with that, she wanted me to be happy. She never met anyone, always stayed single, devoting her life to her work until her cancer and death in 2014.

      As for Jenny, we never heard from her again. I never found her or knew what she was doing. She infiltrated MI6 for four years, passed on almost no information, I believe she was only looking for Nazi’s.

      The morning of 14th July, a month later Joachim Peiper was murdered.

      Joachim Peiper (30th January 1915 – 14th July 1976), also known as Jochen Peiper, was a member of the German SS and a war criminal who was responsible for the 1944 Malmedy massacre against American prisoners of war. During World War II in Europe, he served as personal adjutant to Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, between September 1939 and September/October 1941, and thereafter as a Waffen-SS commander.

      During his career with Himmler, Peiper became witness to the SS policies of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Eastern Europe. Peiper persistently denied this fact following the war. Transferred to a combat role, Peiper served in the SS Division Leibstandarte on both the Eastern Front and the Western Front, commanding a battalion and then a regiment. He fought in the Third Battle of Kharkov and the Battle of the Bulge. Peiper's command became known for atrocities against civilians and prisoners of war. Peiper was convicted in the Malmedy massacre trial and sentenced to death. The sentence was commuted, with Peiper serving 12 years in prison. He was accused of committing the Boves massacre in Italy. The investigation was closed due to insufficient evidence that the order to kill civilians was issued directly by Peiper.

      After his release from prison, Peiper worked for both Porsche and Volkswagen, before moving to France, where he worked as a freelance translator.

       Picture 4. Joachim Peiper (30th January 1915 – 14th July 1976) Assassinated by the "Avengers"

      Throughout, Peiper maintained frequent, albeit discreet, contact with his SS network, including HIAG, a Waffen-SS lobby group. Peiper was murdered in France on the 14th July 1976, after his identity as an SS man and war criminal had been handed over to Jenny.

      Peiper was the easiest Nazi to find using my access to secret files in MI6 in London and Hanslope Park and there are plenty of records on file. He had continued to live and work under his real name.

      During the early morning hours of 14th July 1976, Peiper's home was attacked and set on fire. In the ruins, Peiper's charred corpse was found together with a rifle and a pistol. Investigators determined that he died of smoke inhalation apparently while trying to salvage documents, papers, and his wife's clothing. A group calling itself "The Avengers" claimed responsibility.

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