How to Rob a Bank. Tom Mitchell

How to Rob a Bank - Tom Mitchell

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problem,’ I said. ‘Unload away.’

      ‘So Dad, fresh from the no-insurance revelation, has just announced we’ve got until the end of August to find, like, six weeks’ rent as a deposit.’

      ‘That’s lame,’ I said, disappointed this wasn’t about Harry and not entirely sure what she meant.

      ‘That’s, like, thousands of pounds and we’ve literally got nothing. And if we don’t pay, we get evicted.’

      ‘I’m sure something’ll work out,’ I said. ‘Your dad knows people.’ The grunting sound coming out of my phone indicated Beth wasn’t as confident. ‘And, anyway, what if I got you the money?’

      Beth laughed.

      ‘You? How?’

      I thought back to the incident in the post office.

      ‘Winning the lottery?’

      ‘That’s sweet, Dylan, but are you even old enough to buy a ticket?’

      ‘No, but they don’t know that and we could go on holiday to, like, Hawaii and pay people to do our GCSEs and did you know the capital of Hawaii is Honolulu?’

      ‘Honolulu?’ said Beth.

      ‘It’s fun to say.’

      ‘Honolulu,’ said Beth again.

      ‘Honolulu,’ I replied.

      There was a bass rumble down the line, a thumping sound.

      ‘It’s Mum,’ said Beth. ‘I’ve got to go.’

      The line disconnected and I lay staring at the ceiling for a while before creeping back downstairs.

      Dad had been waiting.

      ‘There’s this film I recorded …’ he said the very second I walked into the room.

      I collapsed into the sofa and as I did so a huge smash broke through the house. Had I broken the chair? No. The sound had come from above. I almost expected Mum to crash through the ceiling, but she didn’t. The noise was metallic, like a car hitting another car. Rita and Mum were soon standing in the front room’s doorway, faces pulled in alarm. Mum held Rita’s hand.

      Even though it was late afternoon, Rita was in her pyjamas (decorated with cartoon dogs). Mum wore jogging bottoms and a T-shirt. She often claimed to be going off for a run, but other than the ‘activewear’, there was no evidence that she ever did. Evidence like leaving the house, for instance.

      ‘What was that?’ she asked. ‘That noise?’

      ‘It sounded like something hit the roof,’ said Rita. ‘Like maybe a drone.’

      My heart froze at the thought of FBI agents streaming from the attic. They’d found the note. I was done for. This was it – the scene of my arrest. I should have liked to wear something smarter than an old Palace training top. And what if I were put into a cell with a load of Brighton fans?

      ‘Probably just the aerial,’ said Dad. ‘Sounded like the aerial. It’s looked like it was going to fall for months. Don’t worry. It’s the aerial.’

      My heart continued to beat. If I had to imagine what an aerial falling off a roof sounded like, it would have been the exact sound I’d just heard. And the FBI agents would have stormed the front room by now. And, anyway, what would the FBI be doing in Orpington?

      Rita pointed at the TV.

      ‘The picture’s still there,’ she said.

      ‘Kay?’ said Mum. ‘Are you not going to do anything?

      Dad, rising and sighing, told Rita that we got our TV from a cable.

      I nodded. Idiot.

      ‘Oh,’ said Rita.

      As Dad looked for his trainers and Rita disappeared upstairs, Mum told me to help my father.

      ‘You wouldn’t want him falling off,’ she said.

      Although it was wet outside, it wasn’t raining. It meant Dad could go ahead with climbing up on to the roof to investigate and I’d have to expend energy helping him.

       Chapter Four

       Use Technology to Your Advantage

      Ours is a small terraced house, built for workers at a brewery long since bust. The roof sits steeply, like an upside-down V, and almost fringes the upstairs windows. The aerial had toppled, but hadn’t fallen to the ground. It lay across the roof slates held by its white cable.

      Dad grabbed a wire cutter from his van. The rear doors creaked.

      ‘Stop gawping and help me with the ladder,’ he said, untying it from the van’s roof rack.

      The ladder, when extended, reached half a metre below the aerial.

      ‘Hold it tight,’ said Dad. ‘Concentrate. You don’t want your father’s death on your conscience. You’d turn to drink and foul language.’

      He climbed the ladder. It trembled as he rose. The rubber grips on the feet held the grey tarmac and I didn’t have to try hard to keep it from slipping. Dad reached the top rung and lowered his chest and stomach to the roof. It was a strange image, as if he’d fallen asleep on top of the house. I wanted to take a picture.

      Positioned alongside the aerial, he stretched to cut its cable and set it free.

      ‘I’m just going to let it fall, so mind yourself,’ he said. ‘I don’t want you getting squashed. There’d be a terrible mess to clean up.’

      He stretched to get at the white cord.

      ‘Oops,’ he said.

      The ladder strained with metallic groans. Dad swore.

      And, very slowly but with unceasing inevitability, he lost his balance.

      He managed to fall head first, knocking the aerial to one side and slipping quickly on his belly down the damp tiles. I jumped from the ladder and briefly stood with my arms out underneath the gutter, as he slid down the slate, at the point where he might land.

      He screamed swearwords as his arms, head, chest and legs slipped into empty air.

      I braced myself to be struck by Dad’s heavy body. He jolted to a stop. The turn-up of his right jean had caught on a nail. His body swung inwards and smacked against my sister’s bedroom window. The glass wobbled but didn’t break and Dad hung face down from the guttering.

      He swore once more.

      Rita appeared at her window, screamed and pulled the curtains together.

      Standing under my father’s reddening face, a gap of about three metres separating his head from mine, I asked if he were okay.

      ‘Does it look like I’m okay? Get your mother!’ he hissed. ‘Quickly, Dylan!’

      But Mum was already outside, standing next to Rita and holding Rita’s hand.

      ‘What should we do?’ she asked.

      Dad dropped a centimetre as his denim ripped.

      Spit rained as he replied.

      ‘Move the ladder, for Christ’s sake!’

      I moved the ladder. Its legs scraped along the ground.

      Upside down, he told me to grip its base.

      He managed to get his hands on the sides of the

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