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Bessie insisting that she’s fine, she’s getting worse. I know she’ll do her nut, but I want to call the doctor. What do you think?’

      Frowning worriedly, Pearl asked, ‘Has she got a fever?’

      ‘No, I don’t think so and as I said, Bessie insists she’s fine. It’s just that her breathing is really bad.’

      ‘In that case, call the doctor.’

      ‘All right then. I just hope she doesn’t have a go at me.’

      ‘Bessie’s bark has always been worse than her bite, but if you like, tell her it was my idea.’

      ‘Thanks, Pearl. I’ll give that a try.’

      ‘There’s no need to thank me. I’m just glad you’re there to keep an eye on her. I’ve got to go to work soon, but I’ll give you a call as soon as I come home.’

      ‘Right, I’ll speak to you again then,’ Lucy said, saying goodbye before hanging up.

      Pearl could just imagine Bessie’s reaction when the doctor walked in. Poor Lucy, she was right and fur would probably fly. She put on her white nylon overall, something the chemist insisted all the staff wear, and with Bessie on her mind, all thoughts of Kevin were put to one side. There was no news of his parole so perhaps it had been denied and she was worrying about nothing.

      Pearl enjoyed her part-time job at the chemist’s but today the hours seemed to drag. At last she was on her way again and on arriving home she immediately went to the telephone. The news was reassuring. Lucy told her that the doctor hadn’t seemed overly worried, but he had put Bessie on a stronger dose of antibiotics.

      Pearl at last relaxed, and after telling Lucy that they’d drive down to see Bessie on Sunday, she replaced the receiver, flooded with relief.

      Pearl liked Saturday mornings and she woke up at seven to stretch out leisurely. Now she knew that Bessie had seen the doctor there was no rush to get up, but she’d ring the shop when Lucy arrived soon after nine to make sure that all was still well. She snuggled close to Derek, enjoying the warmth of his body. She had expected him to go to work, but he had just finished a decorating job and was obviously in no hurry to get up either as he gathered her into his arms.

      ‘Morning,’ he said, kissing the tip of her nose.

      ‘Good morning to you too,’ she said.

      ‘Does this mean what I think?’ he said, aware of the signals after so many years of marriage.

      She silenced him with a kiss, and for a while they took pleasure in each other’s bodies, tenderly at first, but then with growing passion, until at last, pink with pleasure, Pearl lay satiated.

      ‘I suppose you want me to make you a cup of tea now?’ Derek said, smiling.

      ‘That sounds nice, but I think I’ll get up.’

      They took it in turns to scoot up to the bathroom and when dressed they walked into the kitchen. Pearl wasn’t surprised to see her mother. She was always an early riser and for the next hour they sat over a leisurely breakfast, and the morning newspapers.

      ‘Pearl, I’m going out to look for a pair of shoes,’ Emily said. ‘Do you fancy coming with me?’

      ‘’Yes, all right, but before we go out I want to ring Lucy to see how Bessie is this morning.’

      ‘Fine, darling,’ Emily said, smiling, ‘and in the meantime I’ll get ready.’

      ‘Emily, didn’t you buy a new pair of shoes a few weeks ago?’ Derek asked.

      ‘Yes, but they were brown. I need black ones this time.’

      ‘What is it with women and shoes?’

      ‘What is it with men and wood?’ Pearl countered. ‘The shed’s full of odd bits and pieces.’

      ‘You never know when they might come in handy.’

      Emily chuckled as she left the room, saying, ‘You can’t win, Pearl.’

      ‘I’ll just clear up before calling Lucy,’ Pearl told Derek as she took their cups and plates to the sink. ‘I doubt John will surface before we leave.’

      ‘I’ll sort his breakfast out when he does,’ Derek offered.

      ‘Thanks, love,’ Pearl said, her hands immersed in water when the telephone rang.

      ‘I’ll get it,’ Derek said.

      Pearl turned to look at Derek when he returned, and something in his expression stilled her. ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’

      ‘Pearl, you’d better sit down.’

      ‘Derek, just tell me.’

      ‘It’s Bessie, love. She … she’s passed away.’

      ‘No! Oh no!’ Pearl cried, her knees giving way. She sank onto a chair then. ‘How? When?’

      ‘She died during the night. Lucy found her this morning.’

      Pearl stared up at Derek in dismay. She couldn’t take it in. Bessie! Bessie dead! No, it couldn’t be true.

      Derek knelt in front of her, his urgent tone penetrating her foggy mind. ‘I know you’re upset, but Lucy needs you. Nora’s in a dreadful state and she can’t cope with her.’

      As Pearl stood up she was struggling to put her thoughts into coherent order and as her mother returned to the kitchen, she cried, ‘Mum, Bessie’s dead and I’ve got to go, but there’s John and …’

      ‘I’m here and he’ll be fine,’ Emily said reassuringly.

      Derek’s tone was urgent. ‘Come on, Pearl. It’ll take us well over an hour to get there and Lucy sounded a bit frantic.’

      Pearl was still feeling utterly dazed and dejected when they arrived at the shop.

      ‘Thank goodness you’re here,’ Lucy cried as soon as she saw them, holding her son close. ‘Nora’s howling has upset Clive and I … I want to take him home.’

      ‘Where is she now?’

      ‘All that wailing must have worn her out and a short while ago she fell asleep in her room.’

      ‘Lucy, what happened?’ Pearl asked.

      ‘I don’t know!’ she cried, but then as Clive flung his arms around her legs, Lucy took a deep breath as though to calm her emotions. Quietly, she continued, ‘As I told you on the telephone yesterday, the doctor didn’t seem worried about Bessie, but when … when I arrived this morning she … she was dead. Oh, Pearl, I can’t believe it. I’m so sorry.’

      ‘Lucy, it’s all right. You have nothing to be sorry for.’

      ‘I … I panicked when I found her. I called the doctor, but of course it was too late. He … he was very kind, and as I didn’t know what to do, he suggested an undertaker.’

      ‘Kind!’ Pearl cried. ‘He should have shown more concern when he saw Bessie yesterday. He should have had her hospitalised.’

      ‘I don’t think it would have made any difference. The doctor said that Bessie’s heart had failed.’

      ‘So it wasn’t the bronchitis?’

      ‘Not according to the doctor, and as Nora was in such a state, refusing to leave Bessie, he was good enough to ring the undertakers for me while I tried to comfort her. They came to take Bessie’s body away. That’s their address,’ Lucy said, handing Pearl a card. ‘I hope that’s all right.’

      Pearl had managed to hold herself together, but now guilt swamped her. She groaned loudly, ‘Oh, Derek, I should have listened to Nora. She knew this was going to happen.’


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