Wilderness Reunion. Elizabeth Goddard

Wilderness Reunion - Elizabeth Goddard

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while he measured his words. And while he took his time answering, she took him in. His shoulders and biceps stretched his polo shirt, and he’d cut his shaggy brown hair to a shorter, crisp cut. He looked good. Too good, in fact, and she was sorry because that made it impossible for her to ignore her attraction to him. She shouldn’t be thinking about his hair or his muscles or how good he looked.

      Then his gaze snapped to hers, as if he’d known what she’d been thinking about him.

      Alice couldn’t hold his intensity and averted her eyes.

      “I’m working with my uncle, Sheriff Kruse,” he finally said. “Going into the wilderness. I’m a freelancer, documenting the increasing use of public lands to grow marijuana and covering the hazards both to the environment and to the public, especially hikers.” His gaze and emphasis intensified on that last word.

      Alice sagged. Deep down, she’d been expecting a much different answer. Had she honestly thought Griffin had finally come back for her after two long years? Or that his uncle had notified him of what she’d been through and he’d come running to her rescue? She plopped onto the sofa next to his duffel bag and his expensive camera case. Of course. Of course, he would be here for the action. This had nothing to do with Alice.

      Griffin was all about action.

      But, wait... “You mean your uncle called you? But why did—”

      “I contacted him weeks ago along with other West Coast county sheriffs to let them in on my assignment. Let them know to contact me if they learned of any activity. I want to be there when things go down. I knew I could count on Uncle Davis to let me know if there was activity, but honestly I hadn’t expected to hear from him. Nor did I want this to happen so close to him or...to you.”

      Weeks ago.

      He’d been on the West Coast for weeks and had made no effort to contact her. Alice let those words sink in but refused to let them hurt. She had obviously thought much more of what they’d had together before than Griffin. And the importance of this situation far outweighed her pathetic actions of the past.

      “He called to tell you about the marijuana farm so you could go in with him and film the whole thing?” He’d obviously told Griffin that Alice had been the one to find it, too. “But that’s so dangerous. Those men don’t just have guns. They have automatic weapons. They know their location has been discovered and they’ll be expecting you. They’re going to try to kill you, if they haven’t already moved out.” Alice couldn’t help the dread edging her tone. She didn’t want to go through losing Griffin again, though she’d never had him to begin with.

      He blew out a breath, clearly frustrated. “Remember, I was a navy combat photographer. That means I was trained to operate alongside combat units in all military branches. I’ve worked alongside Special Forces, Alice. Documented critical missions. And now? I take on similar assignments, which you already know.” He scraped a hand through his hair. “Why do I need to explain this to you? You know this. But the reason...”

      Working up the courage, she finally looked at him. His intense gaze took her in, reading her like always.

      “Go on,” she said.

      “The reason I came here tonight ahead of Uncle Davis is that I wanted to talk to you first.”

      “You want to interview me about what I saw in the woods?”

      “Well, that, yes, but I need to explain...about what happened before.” He cleared his throat. “Two years ago.”

      Alice squeezed her eyes shut. Pictured herself begging him not to leave. What kind of person lowers themselves to beg? She hated that memory. She’d hated herself for the longest time after that. Still, he’d told her that he would return. And when he hadn’t, she felt all the more pathetic. She’d been worried about him. It took Cooper finding out the real story from the sheriff—that Griffin was still traveling on assignment and was fine. Her brother had to break the news to her like that...she cringed inside at that memory, too. She would never let herself be that vulnerable again.

      She got it. He’d only left her the reassurance of his quick return to shut her up.

      At first she’d wanted an explanation from him. Now? She wanted to just drop it. “I’d prefer it if we just forget about that.”

      “Sure. I think that’s best. But not before I apologize for behaving like I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Alice.” He frowned, hesitating as though he struggled with the words. “I’m...sorry.”

      His words jolted her. The regret in his gaze stripped her bare. She hadn’t expected a heartfelt apology from him.

      But he’d gone to Kenya.

      And you never came back.

      Alice definitely wouldn’t say those words out loud. Oh, why do you have to be such a great guy, I mean, to apologize, even? How many guys were willing to accept responsibility for their mistakes?

      Regrettably not many, at least that Alice had met.

      “So, are we good?” He flashed his irresistible grin.

      And she wished he hadn’t. He was entirely too charming and her emotions betrayed her to respond to him like this. Still, she returned his smile and wanted to say it was so. They were good and she understood and had forgiven him. If only the pain from his departure didn’t still linger. If only he wasn’t sitting there again in the apartment, much too near for her. If only she could actually trust him.


      What kind of person would she be if she didn’t truly forgive him now? Maybe the words would bring her heart along. “Yes, all is forgiven.”

      But not forgotten.


      Hearing those words eased the weight on his heart, but they didn’t erase it. She’d forgiven, but she still hadn’t let it go. Obviously, he hadn’t, either. Maybe neither of them would. But he’d said what he’d come to say and that’s all he could do about his actions of the past.

      Now might as well focus on the dangers of the present.

      “Good. I’m glad to hear it. Why don’t you tell me who you think followed you?”

      “I think it could have been someone related to the marijuana operation.”

      This news wasn’t good. “Tell me what happened, then.”

      He’d gotten his camera set up. Could use the video and record her story, which was his usual practice, but the way she looked at him now—Griffin hesitated. She’d hate it if the camera captured her looking this vulnerable and frightened. This wasn’t the right time. He shut off the camera. “It’s just you and me, Alice. No camera.”

      There. That had been the right decision. She visibly relaxed.

      “But what about your uncle? He won’t be mad that you questioned me before he got the details?” That soft smile again, her pretty lips a natural shade of pink.

      “I guess if he wanted to be the first to hear your story, he should have gone out of his way to get here tonight like I did. But the reason I’m asking you now is because of your reaction when you rushed up to me tonight. You said someone followed you. I’m concerned for your safety, and that’s not something that can just wait until tomorrow. Just tell me what happened.”

      Griffin tugged a handgun out and set it on the table, letting her know he’d come prepared. Then Alice spilled the details of her story and Griffin listened, never taking his eyes from her. As she relayed running through the woods with Marie, being chased by men with their weapons—AR-15 rifles converted to fully automatic assault rifles—he noticed the subtle shift in her demeanor as the terror took hold of her again.

      He felt her terror as if it were his own, all the way to his marrow.

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