Smoky Mountain Investigation. Annslee Urban

Smoky Mountain Investigation - Annslee Urban

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moment later, Dave rounded the corner in a full sprint, with several officers in pursuit. “Do you have something?”

      “Hope so.” Nick thrust out his hand. “Let me borrow your flashlight.”

      Dave slapped the Maglite into Nick’s palm.

      “What is it?” Kylie’s question died, only to be replaced by a gasp as Nick focused the light on the barn’s roof, illuminating the spinning weather vane. Tarnished and corroded, but without question a tin rendition of a cow over the moon.

      * * *

      In the dimly lit interior of the barn, Kylie leaned against the rough-sided stall and crossed her arms. The plank structure had been constructed near the turn of the century, built solid and strong to last a lifetime. Good thing, because at the moment her ability to stand on her own was sorely in jeopardy.

      From across the barn Nick stepped around stacked bales of rotted hay and came to stand beside her. The white glow emitting from his borrowed flashlight brightened the area around them.

      “Dave and his officers are on it. They’ll catch this creep. Try not to worry, Kylie.” Nick’s words sounded reassuring, but they did little to reduce her stress.

      She nodded.

      In the hayloft above them a team of law-enforcement officers combed through the clutter. Just the thought of another murder victim brought chills. Who was this madman?

      She lifted a quick prayer. Lord, protect us and whoever the next victim is.

      At the sound of the rhythmic thump against wooden rungs, Nick took a step and brandished his flashlight toward the loft. Dave clumped his way back down the ladder.

      “Anything?” Nick’s eager voice echoed back to her.

      “Junk. Cobwebs, old lumber, milk buckets, horse tack, a couple old boxes. Dust and more dust.” Dave coughed against the back of his hand.

      Relaxing a bit, Kylie pushed away from the stall and ambled up beside Nick. “I thank God there wasn’t a body.” She let go of a long breath.

      “Not yet, anyway.” Dave joined them, brushing dirt and dust from his uniform shirt. “The chief just radioed me. They suspended the search for the night. We’ll start up again at dawn and get the National Guard out here with us and see what we can find.”

      Kylie’s shoulders tightened again as her mind swung like a pendulum. As much as she hated the idea of stumbling upon another victim, she couldn’t fathom leaving any poor soul, alive or dead, undiscovered. “You can’t give up looking tonight. I mean, what if—”

      “Kylie. It’s okay.” Nick moved to her. He slipped his strong arm around her and gave her a reassuring hug.

      Instinct warned her not to get too close to this man, but before she could stop herself, she sank into the solid wall of his chest.

      “Dave’s right,” Nick continued, his breath feathering warmly against her brow, tenderness and understanding in his tone. “It’s dark. And with the weather moving in, finding anything or anyone out there would be impossible. Not to mention we don’t even know what we’re looking for.”

      As she burrowed against him, the comfort of his touch surprised Kylie, even scared her, yet at the same time a sensation of security seeped through her like a healing balm. After considering his rationale, she had to agree he was right. But that didn’t alleviate her concerns of a casualty lying in wait.

      A couple more officers tramped down the ladder, cutting into Kylie’s thoughts and bringing clarity to her world.

      Pulling away from Nick, Kylie shook off the warmth from his embrace. Years ago she had learned what losing him could do to her heart. She had no plans to go down that path again.

      A kick in her chest seemed to object. She hated the way her heart bucked at logic. Squaring her shoulders, she drew fresh air into her lungs, only to inhale the lingering scents of woods, humidity and Nick’s spicy cologne. Rubbing her nose, she tried hard not to focus on Nick or how good it had felt to be in his arms again.

      “It’s been a long day. It will be good for you to get some sleep.” Nick’s soft voice brought her back.

      Absently she nodded, even as a shiver skidded over her skin at the thought of suspending the search. Tomorrow might be too late.

      Dave walked off a few yards from them, speaking to the other officers in low tones. Kylie waited beside Nick; although she wasn’t intentionally trying to listen, snippets of conversation trickled back to her as the officers talked over plans for the next day.

      Her heart tripped when she realized they’d given up on finding anything inside the barn.

      “Excuse me, detectives.” Her voice escalated with the pounding of her heart. “You’re not ready to give up on the barn already?”

      Dave paused and glanced at her beneath the dim lights. “Time is of the essence and we’ve exhausted this search,” he said calmly before turning back to his men.

      Kylie took a deep, calming breath. “Do you think they missed anything?” she whispered for just Nick to hear.

      He inclined his head and murmured close to her ear, “Even if I did, this is a crime scene and I’m an outsider here. I’m working hard to reserve my opinion and let Dave and his guys do their job. He’s already shared more information than he needed to.”

      She pulled away slightly. “But Dave asked for your help.”

      “And I’m happy to give it, when he’s ready for it. At the moment he’s working with his team and I don’t want to interfere.”

      She blinked at him through the dim light. “The clues the caller gave me definitely point to this barn. Maybe if I remind them of that, they’ll let us take a quick look around.”

      Nick’s brows pulled together. “You sure you want to do that?”

      Kylie nodded with more confidence than she felt. But she agreed with Nick’s earlier theory. The caller’s cryptic clues probably weren’t random. She needed to see, needed to exhaust this search.

      “Come on.” Her legs went to putty, but determination carried her. She grabbed his hand, surprised by his grip. Firm, tight and undeniably possessive.

      She groaned inwardly, pushing aside the illogical nostalgia parading through her.

      Dave wasn’t as quick to agree as Kylie suspected; in fact he didn’t see the point, since they’d scoured the place already. But after a little rationalizing and a lot of insistence, he agreed to accompany them to the hayloft. As he’d described, dust and clutter filled the cramped space. After Mr. and Mrs. Plyler died several years ago, the children had scattered, moving to different parts of the country. They were still fighting over the estate. The hundred-plus acres, including the barn, sat untouched. And it showed.

      The high-intensity beams of flashlights cast distorted shadows across the area, adding to the oppressive climate of the evening, which made staying close to Nick a necessity.

      “There’s nothing up here,” Dave grumbled under his breath.

      Nick didn’t stop his investigation. He pushed aside dangling cobwebs and flashed his light into every nook and cranny. Kylie moved along beside him, although quickly coming to the same conclusion as Dave.

      “Look at this.” Nick knelt down and directed his light on the side of a small box. Big Sky Fireworks Company. Sumter, SC.

      He slipped on the latex gloves Dave had given him and looked over at Kylie, his eyes narrowing. “Start taking notes, Reporter Harper. I think we’ve just hit pay dirt.”

      Emotion lumped in Kylie’s throat. She gave a short nod.

      With expert precision, Nick carefully peeled back each flap of the box.

      The rush of blood pounding in Kylie’s ears merged with the roar

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