The Widow's Secret. Sara Mitchell
hurried along toward the corner.
“Thanks,” the newsboy said, his voice breathless. “Didja hear what folks is saying? A murder. Right down the street! I ain’t never seen nobody dead, so’s I was hurrying.” He gawked at Jocelyn while he stuffed newspapers under his arm, then flashed Micah a quick grin. “I never met nobody what had more freckles than a salamander, either.” He grabbed the last newspaper, leaped up and scooted down the sidewalk with the agility of a squirrel darting up a tree.
Micah stood, dusting his hands, a frown between his eyes.
“I’ve heard less flattering comparisons over the course of my life,” Mrs. Tremayne offered with a rueful smile. She glanced down the walk. “Operative MacKenzie…”
“Why don’t we stick with ‘Mr.’? It’s less of a mouthful.” Forcing a smile, he casually stepped in front of her. “Crowd’s a tad unruly. How about if I take you home? I can talk to Mr. Hepplewhite another time.”
“I’m not deaf. I heard what that child said. He was probably exaggerating. People don’t get murdered in downtown Richmond.” She darted a quick glance up into his face, stubbornness darkening her eyes. “We’re already here, and I’d like to see Mr. Hepplewhite. If you want to wait in the buggy, I’ll go by myself.”
Micah lifted a hand, stroking the ends of his mustache to hide a reluctant smile. “I’m sure the masses would part like the Red Sea for you, Mrs. Tremayne. But my mother would nail my hide to the door if I neglected my duty.” He gestured with his hand. “Shall we?”
By the time they reached the millinery shop two doors away from Clocks & Watches, the crowd swarmed eight deep, sober business suits mingling with day laborers, shop workers and a surprising number of ladies.
“Can’t believe it…shocking…”
“…in our fine city…”
“…murdered…lying on the floor…”
“Who would…atrocity…such a nice man…”
Micah casually moved closer to Mrs. Tremayne, whose complexion had turned sheet white. Her lips moved soundlessly, and he leaned down, even as his gaze remained on the crowd of people hovering around the doorway of Clocks & Watches.
“Who…” She cleared her throat, tried again. “Who was murdered?”
A burly gentleman standing beside them glanced around. “The old watchmaker, I heard,” he muttered.
“Here.” Micah pressed his handkerchief into her hand. “Breathe deeply. You’ll be all right.” Concerned, he watched her sway, watched her struggle for composure, and fail. Consigning propriety as well as his profession to the nether regions, he slipped a supporting arm about her waist, and all but carried her backward, out of the milling crowd, to the edge of the sidewalk, where he propped her against a telephone pole.
Eyes wide, unblinking, she dabbed at her temples with his handkerchief, its deep indigo-blue color a startling contrast against her red hair. After several deep breaths, a tinge of pink crept back into her cheeks. Solemnly she looked up at Micah as she returned the handkerchief. “I’m all right now. It’s a dreadful shock. I behaved like a silly goose. Thank you for…” Her voice trailed away and she bit her lip.
“Violent death is always a shock—for most people.” When her body shuddered, Micah debated with his conscience for the space of two heartbeats before giving in to the overwhelming urge to protect. “Come along.” He took her hand, surprised by the way her fingers tensed, then clung. “There’s nothing you can do now. I’ll take you home. A lot has happened to you in the past twenty-four hours.”
“Mr. MacKenzie? Do you believe M-Mr. Hepplewhite’s death is connected with that man, the one who dropped the pocket watch in my shopping bag?”
Before Micah could scramble for an answer, they were interrupted.
“Operative MacKenzie! Been looking for you for going on two hours now.” A burly policeman approached, looking annoyed. “Who’s this?”
“I’ll be along in a moment, Sergeant Whitlock,” Micah said as Mrs. Tremayne pulled her hand free.
He watched in admiration as she metamorphosed from fright to fearlessness, spine straight and chin lifted, her lips stretching in a social smile aimed between the two men. “I won’t take any more of your time. Obviously, you both have more pressing matters to attend to. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take a streetcar home.”
“No, you won’t,” Micah contradicted, only to be interrupted by Whitlock again.
“Coroner’s been ordered to wait until we ran you to earth. If I’d known you were out courtin’, I’d have told him not to bother.” His hand tightened on his billy club. “Now you’re here, you git yourself inside and do your job, Mr. Government Agent, else you can whistle for any more cooperation.”
“Sergeant…Whitaker was it?” The widow Tremayne focused on the police sergeant, who seemed to suddenly shrink in size. “For your information, Operative MacKenzie has been about his duties. He was considerate enough just now to attend to me, which is more than I can say for any other gentle man in this motley crowd. All of them preferred to satisfy their prurient interest in a man’s death instead of coming to the aid of a lady. You may tell the coroner that Operative MacKenzie will be on his way—shortly. Now if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to express my appreciation without you looming over us.”
His face red as a brick, the sergeant glowered at Mrs. Tremayne, then swiveled to shoulder his way through the crowd.
“Well.” Micah scratched behind his ear. “You certainly put him in his place.”
“He was rude. And something of a bully. I’ve never had much use for bullies.” A forlorn uncertainty settled around her like a creeping gray fog. “Am I likely to be arrested now?”
“No.” At least not in the immediate future. “You’ve committed no crime, you handed over the evidence and you have cooperated fully. However—” he hesitated, the internal debate waging a bloody war “—I think you, and Katya, should pack your bags. Until we learn the circumstances surrounding Mr. Hepplewhite’s death, I’m going to need to keep an eye on you.”
“You think I’m somehow responsible for his murder?”
“I’ve changed my mind.” He reached for her hand once more, tightening his grip when she tried to wriggle free. “Apparently you can be a silly goose. Or hasn’t it occurred to you that, if Mr. Hepplewhite’s murder is connected to the forged currency Benny Foggarty gave you, you might be in grave danger?”
“You want…Are you saying you’re trying to protect me?”
“Don’t look so astonished. You’re a widow, living alone, with only a mute maid who doubtless, like most day servants, returns to her boardinghouse at night. Why wouldn’t I want to protect you?”
She’d looked less traumatized when she thought he might be about to arrest her. “Because—” her voice turned tremulous as a young girl’s “—because the thought never occurred to me.”
“Well, get used to it, Mrs. Tremayne. I don’t know yet whether your involvement is by happenstance or design. But either way, you’re now under my protection.”
“As an operative for the Secret Service?”
“Partly.” He held her gaze with his as he slowly lifted her hand until it was inches from his lips. “But also as a man.” Every nerve ending in his body rioted as he fought the urge to bring her hand those last two inches. “I’ll take you home, then I’ll return here. I hope you and your maid are efficient packers, Mrs. Tremayne. I have a ticket on the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac leaving Byrd Street Station first thing Friday morning. You and Katya will be accompanying me back to Washington.”
Chapter Five