Mills & Boon Modern Romance Collection: February 2015. Кэрол Мортимер

Mills & Boon Modern Romance Collection: February 2015 - Кэрол Мортимер

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there. This time, instead of frightening her, it spurred her on.

      ‘When I told your grandmother I wanted to write about the traditions of the harem, she was enthusiastic. That way of life has disappeared and I want to document it.’

      ‘You want to write about women from the past?’

      ‘That’s what I said.’ Jacqui frowned. ‘The women of the palace and their lives here. Or perhaps you think women’s stories aren’t important?’ The challenge slid out before she could stop it. She was on a roll, too keyed up to pull back, though she knew she should.

      Maybe because living dangerously was far more appealing than the dark nothingness she’d inhabited these past months.

      Tonight, for the first time in ages, she felt blood pump in her veins. She felt alive.

      ‘History is about more than wars and politics and who runs the country. What happens on a domestic level is important too.’

      ‘Yet you made your name chasing stories about wars and politics and who run countries across the globe.’

      Jacqui blinked, rocked by the fact he knew about her career. And by the reminder of all she’d lost.

      ‘I’m interested in a lot of things. My background in news journalism doesn’t mean I can’t branch into something different.’

      At least she hoped it didn’t. Nerves made her stomach clench and her palms dampen.

      She didn’t know yet if she had what it took to make this dream a reality. But it was the only dream left to her. She’d cling to it with both hands. She owed it to her friend and to herself.

      The Sultan surveyed her silently, as if she were a curiosity. Because no one ever stood up to him? She was pretty sure royal protocol didn’t allow for contradicting the sovereign.

      Jacqui drew a shaky breath and prayed she hadn’t blown her one chance. She couldn’t fail before she’d even started.

      ‘Your grandmother is one of the few people who remember such a life here. She’s a valuable resource and it would be criminal not to record what she remembers. This is part of Jazeer’s culture and history.’

      ‘You’re very passionate about this.’

      ‘There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about what you do.’

       Unless it leads you and your friends into danger.

       Unless it destroys lives.

      Memory was a sucker-punch to the belly. Her shoulders hunched, the pain almost doubling her over. Here she was, arguing trifles when Imran would never again feel the sun on his face or see his family. Because she had led him into danger. Maybe it was only just that she’d lost her career, her old life, as a result. Maybe she deserved to.

      A firm hand closed around her upper arm, holding her steady.

      ‘Slow breaths.’

      Jacqui closed her eyes and nodded, focusing on breathing out through the pain.

      The heat of his big frame radiated against her, counteracting the chill deep in her bones. The reassurance of his grip seeped strength into limbs that had turned limp.

      ‘Here,’ he said. ‘You’ll feel better if you sit.’

      Jacqui opened her eyes as he led her to the bed. She almost sighed out loud with relief as she sank onto it. Immediately he withdrew his hand.

      ‘Thank you,’ she whispered. ‘You’re very kind.’

      ‘You shouldn’t exert yourself. You were distressed earlier and that took a toll.’

      Dully, she nodded. ‘I’m...’ She shook her head.

      What could she say? I’m a mess right now might be the truth but she had just enough pride left not to blurt that out. Though after the last half-hour baring herself to this man physically and emotionally she didn’t have much dignity left.

      ‘What’s so funny?’

      Jacqui lifted her face to find him a mere step away, a frown marking that broad, handsome brow.

      She bit down a half-hysterical laugh.

      ‘Just myself.’

      If she didn’t laugh she’d curl up in a ball and sob. She’d probably blown her chance to work on this wonderful project. It had shone like a beacon, dragging her out of the inertia of despair and fear.

      ‘Can you dress yourself?’

      Jacqui blinked. Was he offering to do it for her? Her over-tired brain boggled.

      ‘Of course.’

      ‘Good. Be dressed and ready to move in ten minutes.’ Having given the order, he spun on his heel and strode out of the room, only pausing to be sure the door snicked shut behind him.


      ASIM PACED THE COURTYARD, resolutely dragging his mind from imagining Jacqueline Fletcher discarding her less than adequate covering.

      She was an enigma. Passionate and argumentative, not knowing when to give up. Fiery yet vulnerable. That made him want to ignore the danger she represented.

      His desire to protect her was equalled by a burning desire of another kind and that was unnerving.

      Yet he wanted to blame her for being alive when Imran wasn’t.

      He spun on his heel.

      What was his grandmother thinking, inviting a journalist here? Having a professional snoop under the same roof—no matter how large a roof—invited trouble. Any further invasion of his sister Samira’s privacy could tip her into a complete breakdown. The doctors hadn’t said it outright but it was what they feared.

      His stomach knotted. Samira had endured so much because he’d failed to protect her. The knowledge ate at him like acid.

      Reluctantly he’d supported her plan to study overseas, only to learn she’d embarked on a passionate affair with a Hollywood actor who was the epitome of shallow self-absorption. But Samira had had stars in her eyes, had talked of marriage and hadn’t seen him for what he was.

      She’d only found out when he’d been discovered in bed with his co-star by the woman’s wrathful husband. Acrimonious divorce proceedings had ensued, eagerly reported by the press. Scandal grew with stories of multiple infidelities, drug use and even the corruption of minors.

      Samira was an innocent party in the morass of stomach-turning revelations about her boyfriend and his co-star. But the press didn’t let up. Once the darling of the paparazzi with her stunning looks, aristocratic heritage and high-profile romance, now she was their prey.

      She’d sought refuge here. Only he and his grandmother and a few select staff knew that, as well as being heartbroken, Samira had to recuperate physically too. That story would never make it into the press.

      He’d never known fear such as he’d experienced when he’d thought he might lose her. He’d felt so ineffectual. But this, now, was a situation he could control.

      Asim grimaced, raking his fingers through his hair. He’d do whatever it took to keep his little sister safe. He wouldn’t fail her again.

      Had Jacqueline Fletcher told the truth about writing a book? Or was it a ploy to get a scoop on Samira?

      Suspicion ran deep in Asim. How could it not after he’d witnessed the web of lies that had been his parents’ marriage? How could he trust the woman who’d been caught up in Imran’s death?

      Yet he couldn’t get a handle on her. He knew she was a respected news reporter. She was Australian, though she’d spent years in Africa, Asia

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