The Best Of Blaze - Six Sexy Romances. Jo Leigh

The Best Of Blaze - Six Sexy Romances - Jo Leigh

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least. Or another fifteen hours. Fuck it, he’d stay in her the next fifteen weeks. Who needed to work when he had a girl like this willing to spread for him?

      One time isn’t going to be enough.

      He didn’t say that out loud, did he?

      Chris looked down at Joey’s face. Her eyes were closed. She looked utterly lost in the moment. Good. He hadn’t said it out loud. But it was true. One time fucking this woman was a few thousand times too few.

      “How you doing?” He whispered the question into her ear between kisses on her neck.

      “I need to come,” she said.

      “Tell me what I can do to make that happen.”

      “Can you use your fingers on my clit? Please?”

      He spread his knees and dragged her down the bed closer to him. He licked his fingertips and pushed them against her swollen clitoris.


      “Good things happen when you use the magic word.”

      Now he barely moved in her, just shallow thrusts moving only a couple inches in and out while he massaged her with her fingers. Joey reached up and grasped his shoulders, squeezing them as she neared climax. Her hips bounced on the bed as she coaxed herself toward her orgasm, and he did everything he could to get her there. He rubbed and stroked and worked his cock in her. Her fingers dug so hard into his arms that she nearly broke the skin. Fine. Good. Let her do it. He loved making her feel this good. If he had to bleed a little for it, all the better. He’d have souvenirs to look at in the mirror tomorrow as he remembered every single thing they did to each other this night.

      “Come for me, Joey. I want to watch you come. I want to feel it on my cock. I want to feel your pussy squeeze me out. It won’t work, but I want to feel it try.”

      He thrust faster and rubbed harder. She was so wet now he could feel it on his upper thighs, feel it on the bed under them, dripping where they joined. God, it was dirty and beautiful and sexy as hell. This woman—he could fuck her till he died, which might not be long from now because if she didn’t come soon, it would kill him. The need to ride her and slam into her nearly overwhelmed him. Just the thought of it made him thrust a little harder.

      “Yes,” Joey gasped. “Again.”

      He thrust in harder. Harder.

      “Don’t stop.”

      He grabbed her by the waist and gave it to her, gave her all he had. He pounded into her, cock ramming deep and rough, and she loved it, she fucking loved it. He didn’t need her words to tell him, although they did. She said his name, over and over again, called out for more, for it harder, for it faster, and he did it all not because she told him to, but because he needed it as badly as she did. Joey went silent, completely silent, and her back arched so hard her shoulders came completely off the bed. She was coming. He could feel her pussy clenching wildly around him. He rammed her again, slamming into her, holding on to her breasts with both of his hands, squeezing them as he fucked her. And then he came, too, came hard, came harder than he remembered coming in years. Chris felt it behind his eyes, a white light that obliterated the world except for his body, Joey’s body and semen that shot out of him in waves of pure sensation.

      Slowly he came back to awareness. Wincing, he gently pulled out of Joey, hoping not to lose the condom in the withdrawal. He’d fucked her so hard he had a quick moment of panic that he might have broken it. He couldn’t feel it. Then again, he couldn’t feel his feet, either, and they were still there. He hoped.

      The condom was still there, too, thank fuck. He dropped a kiss on the center of Joey’s panting chest.

      “I’ll be right back,” he promised. He left her on the bed and walked into the bathroom. He disposed of the condom, splashed water on his face, peed like usual. Nice that the plumbing still worked after all the rough treatment he’d just put it through.

      “Good job,” he said to his cock. They were a good team, too.

      Chris knew he should probably head out, leave Joey to get comfortable in her new temporary home, but he couldn’t help but hope she’d want him to stay the night. Maybe he could tempt her with the promise of breakfast at the Lost Lake Café tomorrow morning. Maybe he could tempt her with the promise of more sex before breakfast. Or after. But preferably before. They didn’t have any other condoms but who needed them when they had fingers and tongues and lips?

      But first he had to tell her about Lost Lake Village Rentals, which was the one thing he was supposed to do with Joey tonight. Dillon had said Joey would be more open to the idea if it came from Chris instead of her own brother. Maybe if Chris could talk Joey into giving their idea a try, Dillon wouldn’t kill him for sleeping with her before anything was decided.

      And if Joey said yes...that would mean she’d be around here, living here, in Lost Lake or at least near Lost Lake. Chris could see her all the time. It wouldn’t mean years until their paths crossed again. He fully intended for their paths to cross again and hard. Joey had such beautiful paths...

      He slipped back into the bedroom.

      “Hey, Jo. I meant to tell you—”

      Chris stopped speaking when he noticed Joey was no longer in the bedroom. She must have gone downstairs while he’d been in the bathroom. Should he wait? Had she run down to use the half bath off the kitchen? Or was she hungry and digging for food, which meant he should definitely join her?

      Although they’d just spent the last hour naked together, Chris didn’t feel comfortable yet walking around the house without any clothes on. And it looked like she’d dressed, too. Her clothes weren’t on the floor anymore where he remembered tossing them. He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on, found his flannel and buttoned it up.

      “Jo?” He headed down the steps in bare feet. “Where’d you go?”

      “Just down on the couch,” she said. Her voice sounded light, but tense, like she was trying to sound happy.

      “You okay?”

      “Fine. Just tired. Lots of traveling. Jet lag and all that.”

      Chris walked to the couch and found her wrapped up in a wool blanket, her knees pulled to her chest, a cup of tea clutched tight in her hands.

      “Want me to light the fire for you?”

      “No, it’s okay. I’ll go to bed soon.”

      Chris didn’t know what to do, what to say. He sat on the end of the couch, not too far but not too close.

      “Do you...feel weird about—?” It was as far as Chris made it in his question before Joey’s head dropped to her knees and he heard the unmistakable sound of tears.

      “Fuck, Joey, what’s wrong?” He moved in closer, terrified to touch her when she was so clearly upset and yet desperate to be near her.

      “I’m sorry.” She choked out the words between soft sobbing breaths. “It’s not you, I swear.”

      “What is it?”

      She raised her head and rubbed tears off her cheeks on the corner of the blanket.

      “It’s really over.”

      “What is?”

      “Me and Ben.”

      “Yeah, I assumed it was.”

      “No, you don’t get it. I’ve never cheated on any guy in my life. I wouldn’t. And you and I had sex. And since we did, that means I know it’s over, because I wouldn’t have sex with someone else if it wasn’t. I guess... I guess it just hit me that it’s over over.”

      “You want it to be over, right? I mean, he’s married.”

      “Yes, I definitely don’t want to date a married man. I don’t. But for two years I didn’t know he was married. For two years he was just my boyfriend.

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