Rumours in the Regency Ballroom. Diane Gaston

Rumours in the Regency Ballroom - Diane Gaston

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you, sir.” Her eyes caught his again.

      He continued to peer into their depths. “Would…would you like to share a lemon ice again? I could meet you right here whenever you say.”

      Her expression turned serious, but she did not look away. Finally she answered him. “Saturday. Around one o’clock? I think my lady might not mind.”

      His smile was genuine. “I will be delighted. It…it pleases me to have a friend with whom to share my lemon ice.”

      Her lashes fluttered and her face flushed pink. Before he could say another word, she curtsied and hurried off.

      Samuel watched her rush away before he returned the dishes to the tea shop. He had not wormed very much out of her, but more would come.

      Saturday at one o’clock.

      He was surprised at how much he looked forward to sharing another lemon ice with her.

      Adrian opened his eyes to bright daylight illuminating his bedchamber. He twisted around in the bed linens to look at the clock on the mantel.

      It was about to chime two o’clock.

      He groaned and swung his legs over the side of the bed. His valet appeared. “Do you rise now, m’lord?”

      Adrian rubbed his face, wondering how his man always seemed to know the instant he awoke. “I suppose.”

      Dawn had been showing its first glimmer of light when Adrian walked home from the gambling den where he’d spent the night hours at a table of whist. His profits had not been spectacular, but, then, he had not been as keen at keeping track of cards. Too many other thoughts intruded.

      Every win, every loss, was measured against the sum he had given to Lydia and, thus, he’d kept her constantly in his thoughts, distracting him, leaving him feeling unsettled.

      Hammond stood next to the bed, holding his banyan so that Adrian had no choice but to stand and be assisted into the garment. He padded over to the basin, not surprised that the water in the pitcher was warm. How Hammond accomplished having warm water no matter what the hour of Adrian’s rising was another unfathomable mystery.

      Adrian splashed water on his face and brushed his teeth, then sat so that Hammond could shave him. Same as he had done the day before and the day before. Boredom was a dreadful thing. What did one do when that which once relieved boredom now merely added to it? Hammond left to prepare Adrian’s breakfast while Adrian finished washing up.

      He walked into his drawing room where Hammond had prepared a table for him with slices of cold ham, cheese, bread and jam. There was also a fresh pot of hot coffee and copies of the morning newspapers.

      Adrian sipped his coffee while looking through the papers. He came to an article in The New Observer:

       The certain gentleman, whom we have now identified as Lord C—, and with whom Lady W—was so recently linked, has lately visited several jewellery shops…

      Adrian sat up. Good God.

      This was Reed’s newspaper. Reed had identified him.

      Adrian turned hot with fury.

      The damned man had probably followed him, as well.

      If Adrian caught Reed following him again, there would be hell to pay and he’d see Reed paid it.

      How much did the man know? Adrian perused the column again and blew out a relieved breath. Reed thought he’d been purchasing jewels.

      It was nearly half past three before Adrian ventured out. For wont of any other place to go, he headed towards White’s. The air felt damp as if rain was in the offing, and other pedestrians on the street seemed to keep their heads down. To Adrian, the cold was bracing and it felt good to walk at a fast clip.

      He was almost invigorated by the time he walked into White’s, but, as soon as he stepped into the coffee room, he knew something was wrong.

      The room was quiet and the gentlemen present were whispering among themselves or keeping their eyes downcast. Adrian saw Tanner sitting alone at one of the tables. He crossed the room to him.

      “Who the devil died?” he asked.

      Tanner looked up and gave him an ironic smile. “Actually, the Queen.”

      Adrian dropped into a chair. “My God. I was merely joking.”

      The Queen had been ailing for some time, and news of her condition was printed often in the newspapers. She’d been convalescing at Kew Palace for some time. Even lately, she’d been reported taking the sun in the garden.

      “When did you hear?” Adrian asked.

      “Not more than an hour ago.” Tanner took a sip of coffee. “She died at one o’clock, it was said.”

      Adrian signalled the attendant. “Tea, please.”

      Tanner lifted a newspaper that had been lying on the table in front of him. “Did you see this?”

      It was a copy of The New Observer.

      “I read it.”

      Tanner twirled his finger. “Before news of the Queen arrived, they were all speculating about who was this Lord C The New Observer writes of.”

      Adrian kept his eyes steady. “The New Observer writes of a Lord C?”

      Tanner tapped the paper. “It does. Lord C—, it said…Lord C—, with whom Lady W—was so recently linked.” Tanner grinned. “You don’t suppose he means Lord Cavanley, now do you?”

      Adrian made himself roll his eyes. “Of course, you would think of me. Not Lord Crawford or Carlisle or Crayden.”

      Tanner feigned being offended. “I would expect you would tell me before it appeared in the newspaper. I mean, we are friends and there is, of course, my recent connection to Wexin.”

      This was the moment that Adrian ought to tell Tanner the whole—only he could not quite bring himself to open his mouth.

      “I was about to head off to Gentleman Jack’s,” Tanner said. “Come with me.”

      The moment passed. “Very well.”

      A good bout of fisticuffs would not hurt.

      When they were outside, Adrian asked Tanner, “I know you have been concerned about Lady Wexin. What do you think this newspaper report means?”

      Tanner shook his head in dismay. “I cannot know. After our return to London, Marlena and I sent Lady Wexin a note asking if we could call upon her, but she refused.”

      Adrian walked several steps in silence. Here was another moment for him to tell Tanner of his encounter with Lydia.

      “How is Lady Tannerton?” he said instead. “I do hope she is well.”

      Tanner smiled, but it seemed to Adrian that the smile was meant for Tanner’s wife. “She is splendid, Pom. She is splendid.” He stared off into the distance for a moment before glancing back at Adrian. “Lady Heronvale has taken her under her wing. They are making calls to other ladies today.”

      “Good of Lady Heronvale.”

      Tanner turned pensive. “I suppose there will be much involved with the Queen’s funeral. I wonder if Marlena will be up to all the pomp so soon.”

      After what Tanner’s wife had been through already, Adrian suspected a royal funeral would seem like a simple ride through Hyde Park. “She’ll do splendidly.”

      Tanner laughed. “Pom, I am so unused to this. I feel amazingly at loose ends. I have become so accustomed to being at her side.”

      Adrian, at least, knew precisely how it felt to be at loose ends.

      He clapped Tanner on the shoulder. “Then it is good that I am with you. Let us beat

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