Christmas At Willowmere. Abigail Gordon

Christmas At Willowmere - Abigail Gordon

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in their midst.

      She was tempted to get out the best china and then decided not to as she didn’t want him to read anything into the invitation that wasn’t there. It was a Wednesday and they always had chicken casserole for first course and sticky toffee pudding for dessert, and knowing that the children would be disappointed if those things weren’t on offer, she stayed with the usual menu and hoped that it would appeal to their guest.

      When they’d met outside the school yesterday Glenn had been wearing a thick jacket over a black sweater and jeans, and she surmised that he might be feeling the cold after being in warmer climates for so long.

      But when he rang the doorbell at six o’clock and she opened the door to him with the children, one on either side of her, Anna saw that he’d changed into lighter clothing in the form of a smart suit with shirt and tie.

      At once she wished that she had got out the best china, that her face wasn’t flushed from the heat of the oven, and that she’d found time to dress in something that didn’t detract from her appearance of the night before. Yet did it matter? Glenn was going to be just a ship that passed in the night. It was amazing that he’d actually taken the trouble to seek her out.

      ‘Hello again,’ he said, and with a smile for the children as she stepped back to let him in, he added, ‘I hope I’m not too early.’

      ‘No, of course not,’ she told him. ‘James isn’t here yet, so can I offer you a drink before we eat?” He wasn’t looking so drawn, she thought as she showed him into the sitting room. Maybe he’d spent the day relaxing. She wasn’t to know that his less drawn expression was due more to the relief of having crossed the first hurdle in getting to know her again.

      While the children played with their toys and the two adults drank a pre-dinner sherry, Glenn said, with his gaze on Pollyanna and Jolyon, ‘We’ve both moved on since we last saw each other, haven’t we, Anna?’

      ‘I would describe my life more as moving sideways rather than on,’ she commented whimsically. To avoid getting into deep water again, she went on, ‘What are you going to do if you don’t go back to Africa straight away?’

      ‘I haven’t made up my mind yet,’ he told her, and was prevented from saying more by the appearance of James.

      When they’d been introduced Anna left the two men chatting while she went into the kitchen to serve the meal. The children followed and, remembering how she’d told them that the visitor was a friend of hers from when she was learning to be a nurse, Polly, who was usually the spokeswoman for the two of them, asked, ‘Is that why Dr. Hamilton has come to see us?’

      ‘Yes. He’s visiting people he used to know and I was one of them.’ Remembering their brief reunion outside the school the day before, when he hadn’t shown any reaction to her comment about the way they’d parted, she was wondering why he’d included her on his list.

      ‘Has he been where there are crocodiles?’ Jolyon wanted to know.

      He was the quieter of the two, and a solemn child, considering her pet name for him, but he usually came up with something imaginative when he made the effort.

      ‘I don’t know,’ she replied. ‘Why don’t you ask him?’

      ‘Yes. I will,’ he promised.

      ‘You have two captivating children,’ Glenn told James as they seated themselves around the table. Jolyon had just asked his question and his eyes had widened as Glenn had explained that there had been crocodiles in some of the places where he’d worked, but as they spent a lot of time in the water he hadn’t seen much of them.

      ‘We think so, don’t we, Anna?’ James said with an affectionate glance at his sister. ‘When my wife died, leaving me with two young babies, Anna was a huge help, but it concerns me that she gets so little time to herself. And I’m sure that other people who know her feel the same.’

      ‘Don’t do this to me, James,’ Anna was begging silently. Don’t describe me as someone to be sorry for. Not in front of Glenn. He will soon be going back to where he came from and that is how it has to be.

      Silence had fallen over the room and after a moment she said, ‘How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t mind, James? The children are everything to me.’

      And if that isn’t telling me straight to go back to where I’ve come from, I don’t know what is, Glenn thought grimly.

      But James had been observing Anna and Glenn. He sensed an awareness of each other that they were trying to conceal, and he asked casually, ‘So what are you planning to do in the near future, Glenn? Have a rest until you go back? Or look for a position over here for a while?’

      ‘I want to work in the UK for a change,’ he told him, ‘to recharge my batteries. I’ve no immediate plans to go back at the moment. I wouldn’t mind some general practice work. The sort of thing you do. I have been working in surgeries of a kind for the last few years. They were ill-equipped places, but surgeries nevertheless.’

      James nodded but made no comment, and once the meal was over and the children were yawning he said, ‘If you’ll excuse me, I’ll take the children up to bed and leave you and Anna to continue getting reacquainted.’

      Pollyanna and Jolyon said goodnight and silence returned once they’d gone, hanging over Anna and Glen like a cloud of uncertainty until he said, ‘James seems concerned about you.’

      ‘Yes, I know, but he doesn’t need to be. I’m fine,’ she said breezily. ‘I’d rather we talked about you than me. You must have lots to tell about what you’ve been doing.’

      He wanted to talk about them, not Africa, and said, ‘Some other time maybe?’

      ‘What other time?’ she questioned. ‘You’ll be leaving soon.’

      ‘That is, or was, my intention,’ he said, and she wondered what that was supposed to mean. The answer was in what he said next. ‘It is a joy to come to somewhere like this, where it’s cold, crisp and clean.’

      ‘You mean to say that you’re thinking of extending your visit?’ she asked, not sure where this was leading. ‘The snow will be gone in a couple of days, you know, it’s very early. January to March is when we get the really heavy falls, and how will you occupy yourself in the countryside in wintertime?’

      She couldn’t believe she was trying to dissuade him from staying longer when she hadn’t seen him in years. But she had something to hide and the longer Glenn was around the more likely it was that he might find out. Although the only people who knew about it were James and herself, and he would never discuss her private affairs with anyone.

      ‘Are you by any chance hinting that you would like to see me gone?’ he asked dryly, and she felt the colour rise in her cheeks.

      ‘No, of course not,’ she told him hurriedly. ‘You must do what is best for yourself.’

      Was she out of her mind, she thought, trying to persuade him to leave when he was inclined to linger? She might never see him again after this, but nothing had changed, had it? If he’d come back hoping she might have changed her mind about their relationship, she still couldn’t give him a child and nothing was going to alter that.

      Yet she had found a degree of contentment in her life and needed to hang onto it. Would she be able to do that with Glenn in Willowmere?

      At that moment James appeared to say that the children were asleep and would Glenn like to see the surgery? He was on his feet in an instant, commenting that he would be most interested to see how a country practice functioned.

      ‘It functions very well,’ she told him coolly. ‘You will be amazed.’

      When they came back Glenn was smiling. ‘Very impressive,’ he said with a gleam in his eye that told her he’d got the message. ‘Especially the computer centre in the basement, where the practice manager keeps her finger on the pulse. And now, if you will excuse me, I’ll head off

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