A Family’s Heartbreak. Kitty Neale

A Family’s Heartbreak - Kitty Neale

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he asked.

      ‘No, I … I think I’m all right.’

      ‘Shall we see if I can help you up?’

      ‘Yes,’ she agreed.

      ‘Good, come on then, gently does it,’ Craig said as he eased Edith to a sitting position. ‘Right, good, stay there a moment and I’ll get you a glass of water.’

      Craig left Edith and rushed to her kitchen then returned with the refreshment. ‘Here you go, sip slowly on this,’ he said, offering her the glass.

      Edith gulped a few mouthfuls, then said, ‘I’ve been lying here since yesterday. I was banging and shouting as loud as I could, but of course you couldn’t have heard me. Silly old sod, aren’t I?’

      ‘No, and I’m so sorry. Do you think you can stand up or should I call the doctor, or an ambulance?’

      ‘I don’t need an ambulance, or the doctor. I just feel a bit dizzy, that’s all. Perhaps you could pop around to Jenny’s for me? Ask her if she, or one of the other girls, can come here to look after me tonight.’

      ‘Yes, of course, but if you’re feeling dizzy perhaps you really should see the doctor.’

      ‘No, Craig, there’s no need to make a fuss. I just tripped over, nothing to worry about. Now, take this glass and give me a hand up.’

      The woman looked frail, but Craig liked her spirit. She was made of strong stuff and wasn’t prepared to let a little fall faze her. ‘What’s Jenny’s address?’ he asked. ‘I’ll make you a cup of tea then go straight there. I’m not sure she’ll be too pleased to see me, though. We were supposed to be going out again the week before last, but she didn’t turn up.’

      ‘Didn’t she? That’s not like her. In fact, I haven’t seen her since you two went off to see a film. I’ve been worried sick that she hasn’t been in to see me. The other kids don’t call in that often, but Jenny always comes at least once a week. I hope everything’s all right.’

      Craig managed to get Edith into her armchair. ‘I’m sure it is. Jenny probably stayed away to avoid me.’

      ‘No, my Jenny isn’t like that. I hope her bleedin’ father hasn’t given her another good hiding. Pass me that pen and paper on the table please. I’ll write down the address while you make me that cuppa.’

      Craig couldn’t hear the urgency in Edith’s voice, but he noticed how worried she looked.

      ‘Sorry, Edith, did you say that her father hits her?’

      ‘Yes, he’s not been right since their mother walked out. But don’t say anything. She doesn’t like people to know.’

      Craig tried to get his head around what Edith had said. It was outrageous! He’d never understand how any man could hit a woman, let alone his own daughter. Jenny hadn’t told him about it, but he recalled how she’d tensed when he’d mentioned her father, then she’d quickly changed the subject. He hadn’t thought much about it at the time, but now it made sense. As he waited for the water to boil, he could feel his heart pounding faster at the thought of seeing Jenny again. He liked her. He liked her a lot and couldn’t stand the thought of her being hurt. Something had to be done. He didn’t know what, but there would be no way he’d stand by and allow anyone to ever lay a hand on her again.

      Jenny checked the clock. Their dad wasn’t home yet so she assumed he was in the pub. Pamela had come back with two very hungry and tired boys. Gloria had fed them and they were now tucked up in bed. Jenny sat back on the sofa with thoughts of Craig. She felt awful about not meeting him for their date but it’d been impossible to get word to him.

      Gloria broke into her thoughts, saying, ‘That’ll be another dinner wasted then.’

      ‘Keep it warm, he might eat it when he gets home,’ Jenny answered, though she doubted he would, he rarely did.

      ‘I think I’ll go up and read my book. Night, night,’ Pamela said quietly, and slipped from the room.

      ‘She’s been pissing the bed every blinkin’ night since Dad bashed you up, and I can’t stand it,’ Gloria hissed.

      ‘Pamela can’t help it. Maybe she should have my room until she stops, and I’ll share with you.’

      ‘Why can’t I have your room and you share with Pam?’

      ‘No, Gloria, the idea is that if Pam has her own bed, she won’t bother anyone when she has her accidents.’

      ‘But it isn’t only Pam. I hate sleeping in a room with the boys. Peter’s always crying for Mum and Timmy has nightmares, waking us all up.’

      ‘Well, I’m sorry, but there are only three bedrooms and my room isn’t big enough to swing a cat. You’ll have to put up with it and as soon as my ribs feel better, I’ll swap with Pam,’ she said. Any further protests from Gloria were halted by a knock on the door.

      ‘I’ll get it. It’ll probably be Joan next door on the cadge for some tea or milk again.’

      While Gloria went to answer the door, Jenny strained to hear what was said. She hoped her sister would be polite to Joan, who was really struggling since her husband had been laid off. She could hardly believe her ears when she recognised Craig’s voice. Her stomach flipped.

      ‘Hello, I’m Craig. Is Jenny at home, please?’

      ‘Yes, just a minute.’

      Gloria came back into the room all wide-eyed and smiley. ‘There’s a good-looking bloke at the door for you,’ she said teasingly.

      ‘I know! I heard! It’s Craig! What’s he doing here?’

      ‘I don’t know, shall I invite him in?’

      ‘No, I’ll come out. I don’t want Dad to come home and find him in here. Oh gawd, look at the state of me,’ she exclaimed as she stood up and tried to straighten her old dress before walking tentatively down the hallway, eager to see Craig, yet also dreading it. She was also conscious that her cheeks would be glowing bright red.

      ‘Jenny, hello.’ Craig smiled.

      Jenny thought her heart had missed a beat at the sight of him. ‘Hello,’ she answered shyly. She heard a muffled giggle and guessed that Gloria was probably standing behind the door, trying unsuccessfully to suppress her mirth as she eavesdropped on them.

      ‘I hope you don’t mind me calling like this, but your gran has had a bit of a fall and asked me to come round. Oh, blimey, are you all right? You look like you’ve been in the wars too.’

      ‘I … I’m nearly better now, but what about my gran? Is she all right?’

      ‘She hasn’t broken any bones, but it’s left her a bit weak and dizzy. She’s hoping you, or one of your sisters, would stay the night with her.’

      ‘Oh, no! Poor Gran! Are you sure she hasn’t broken anything?’

      ‘She seems fine, just but a bit shaky. She tripped over and couldn’t get herself back up. She’s a bit unsteady on her feet at the moment though and that’s why she’d like someone with her.’

      ‘Yes, of course. I won’t bother to ask my sister Gloria, she’ll only make some excuse not to go, but I’ll send Pamela straight over. In fact, as it’s dark now, would you mind if she walked back with you?’

      ‘Of course not.’

      ‘Gloria, I know you’re there, so go and tell Pam to pack an overnight bag. Tell her to hurry up.’

      Gloria emerged sheepishly from behind the door and flashed Craig a smile before running upstairs.

      ‘How have you been?’ Craig asked.

      ‘Not bad, thanks. Look, I’m sorry about the other week.’

      ‘It’s all right,

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