Speak Up!. Laura Coryton

Speak Up! - Laura Coryton

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– all issues that make killer first campaign goals have certain things in common. Above all, they’re really specific. While I want to lobby to

      ‘end sexism’ (because, wouldn’t that be great?), it’s too large an issue and too unwieldy to create practical change. There’s no silver bullet that can defeat sexism overnight. Sexism is far too vague and large a problem for any one person to bring it down singlehandedly. So we have to break it down.

      A specific and effective campaign goal might be to end a particular law or policy that exacerbates sexism or legitimizes sexist views.

      ThAt’s rIgHt –

      tHaT’s wHaT mY TaMpOn

      TaX cAmPaIgN tArGeTeD!


      We were specific about one area of legislation that unfairly taxed menstruating people.

      Now, sometimes, there’s no pleasing some people. We got asked what good one little campaign goal like tampon tax was when sexism at large still exists. This is frustrating, but you will definitely encounter such people on your

      campaigning journey, so I want you to be prepared with a kick-ass answer! If someone challenges you like this, for example, they say, ‘What use is lobbying to tighten street harassment laws? Why don’t you try to ban sexism?’

      Try not to roll your eyes. Ask them if

      they would suggest we stop researching

      cures for breast cancer, or any individual

      cancers, because instead we should really be

      trying to cure death? Chances are, they will agree that such a suggestion would be ridiculous and impossible. Similarly, we can’t cure society of sexism without treating the issues that cause it.


      I like to think

      of sexism as if it were a tree.

      Yes, that’s right! If sexism is

      a tree, then as campaigners, we

      are mighty tree surgeons! To take down the tree of sexism and get to the roots of the problem (quite literally!) we need to tackle its branches one at a time. Each branch represents a specific example of the wider problem of sexism. Once all of these examples are solved, and we have subsequently hacked at each branch of our sexism tree, then we will be left with nothing but its trunk! The tree would be no more. We would have won!

      Whichever wider problem you are helping to solve, whether it’s sexism, racism, anti-Semitism or something entirely different, you too are acting like a mighty tree surgeon. You are working


      towards cutting down

      your problem as if it were

      a tree. Each super specific campaign

      you run will do an amazing job in cutting down

      a branch of your chosen tree of problems. Soon

      they will all be taken down to the ground!

      Just like campaigning trans activist/author Charlie Craggs says:

      Ending tampon tax was a killer first campaign goal/perfect branch for me because it was really specific. Ending tampon tax was about axing a particular tax policy. It was tangible. It was something I could pinpoint and I felt confident that I could help to dislodge it.

      ‘We might not be able to

      change the world on our own

      but if we all do our bit to

      change the world, the world

      will change.’


      What will your first campaign goal be?

      YoU cAn cHaNgE aNyThInG,

      aNyWhErE In tHe wOrLd.

      What are you passionate about? What example of the institutional problem that annoys and shocks you do you want to bring to an end once and for all? There is so much to choose from here. It might be helpful to draw your issue as if it were a tree so that you can see all of its branches. Then you can choose which one to pick first!

      Perhaps you might want to change Wimbledon’s tennis dress code, which for some bizarre reason currently encourages female tennis players to wear skirts rather than shorts (they’re athletes and they play tennis to win, not to be sexualized – am I right?), or maybe you want to lobby for the creation of a legal definition of ‘stalking’ (yep, that’s right, the law deals with stalking so badly


      that it STILL isn’t strictly legally defined). Perhaps your local train station is not accessible for disabled people or maybe your local park is filled with statues of men with no female representation at all and you want to fix these things. Well, you can! Whatever your goal,

      aNyThInG Is pOssIbLe

      when you put your mind to it. Always

      remember that you can do anything and that

      no problem is too big to be tackled by

      a mighty change-maker and tree surgeon,

      just like you!

      3) WrItE It dOwN!

      I suggest you keep notes throughout this toolkit. Not only will this help you organize your campaign, but it will keep you focused and be an awesome record of all your hard work. If your motivation is ever flagging, you can look back through your notes to see how far you’ve come!


      The goal is your inspiration. The goal is your driving force. Always keep it close to your heart. Never forget what you’re aiming for.

      You’ll find my action tips for activists over the next four steps. Here are your first ones:

      ActION tIpS fOr ActIvIsTs

      1. Think big, think broadly, think about the

      institutional problems that annoy you

      in the world. Think about which

      problem you want to help change

      (e.g. ‘sexism’)

      2. Narrow that down to identify your

      campaign goal. Make that goal specific,

      make it tangible (e.g. End Tampon Tax)

      and . . .

      3. Write it down!


      StEp TwO

      Be FoCuSeD

      DecIsIOn MaKeRs

      You’ve reached our second step to making changes! You’re on your way to building your very own campaign, but to make sure you’re confident and passionate about your issue there are a few pieces of prep that need to be taken care of first.

      It’s time to find out who you are targeting. This step is all about identifying who your decision maker(s) are. Your decision maker(s) hold the power to implement the change that you want to see. They are the people, person, organization or governing body that you will need to lobby. They are the ones you ultimately need to persuade to make your change.


      This may seem pretty straightforward but trust me, it is not always as simple as it sounds. Here’s how I discovered who my decision makers were, just to showcase how tricky it can be!

      ThE TaMpOn TaX

      dEcIsION mAkErS:

      Once I found my issue of tampon tax I started to wonder who my decision makers were. I figured I would have to try to instigate a national change, but I had no idea how tax worked. Was there some

      form of national tax lord I should be lobbying?


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