The New Girl. Ariana Chambers

The New Girl - Ariana Chambers

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peaceful that I feel drawn to it like a magnet. As I head in among the trees all I can hear are the chirps of birds as they flying to roost for the night. It’s so soothing after the all the yelling and clattering of school. I take a deep breath. The air smells of a beautiful mixture of woodsmoke and damp pine. I follow the footpath up the hill until I come to a huge old oak tree. Its roots are gnarled, pushing up through the icy ground like a pair of giant arms. I nestle down in a nook between them and lean back against the huge trunk. It feels as if the tree is hugging me and slowly I start to relax. I’ve survived my first day at Fairhollow High. I take Mum’s locket from my pocket and trace my fingers over the star.

      It’s weird to think that I’m now living in the town that Mum grew up in, going to the same school she went to, and with the same teacher. Weird but nice. Imaginary scenes start playing in my head. Mum walking down the High Street. Mum going to school. Mum sitting at a desk listening to Mr Matthews take the register. Mum walking and playing in these woods, maybe even around this tree. My body starts filling with a warm glow. Hopefully, coming to Fairhollow will help me get to know her better. Whenever I asked Dad to tell me about her he’d just close up and mutter, ‘I can’t’, so I gave up trying. But I’m living with Aunt Clara now. Surely she’ll be able to tell me loads once she’s got used to me being here. Scrambling to my feet, I decide to go back to Paper Soul and give it a try.

      The next morning, as I make my way to school, I feel way better than I did yesterday. Last night with Aunt Clara was actually quite relaxed. When I asked her if she could tell me more about Mum she went and got an old chocolate box filled with photos of her and Mum as little kids. We spent ages going through the pictures, with Aunt Clara telling me the story behind each one. She’s even given me one of the pictures to keep. It’s of Mum when she was the same age as me. Looking at it is kind of spooky. We’re so similar we could be twins.

      As I walk through the school gates I picture Aunt Clara and Mum when they were my age, walking along the driveway in front of me. I imagine Mum swinging her bag and Aunt Clara nibbling on a carrot or some other root vegetable. Even though it was years ago, re-tracing Mum’s footsteps like this gives me a warm glowy feeling that lasts all the way to my form room.

      ‘Hey, Nessa!’ Izzy calls to me as soon as I walk through the door.

      The girl with the dark curly hair is sat at the front hunched over a book again. She looks up at me and raises her eyebrows. I’m feeling so much more relaxed today that I actually smile at her. She looks surprised then quickly smiles back before returning to her reading.

      ‘Come and sit here,’ Izzy calls.

      Although I’m not too keen on hanging around with Izzy and the others again, I guess it’s less hassle to be in with the popular gang than in their bad books.

      The final lesson before lunch is History. We’re learning about Henry VIII. It’s a lesson I’ve already done in my old school so it’s pretty boring, until the teacher, Miss Maxwell asks if anyone has any questions. The girl with the dark curly hair, who has so far been silent in all of the lessons I’ve had with her, puts up her hand.

      ‘Yes, Holly,’ Miss Maxwell says.

      ‘Why do we have to spend so much time studying a psycho wife abuser?’ Holly asks.

      Izzy sighs but I can’t help grinning. I’ve never got why school makes such a huge deal of Henry VIII either.

      ‘I mean, it’s not as if there aren’t like, a ton of other people – a ton of other way more inspirational women – we could study,’ Holly continues.

      ‘Shut up, idiot,’ Stephen mutters behind me, making me want to turn round and scowl at him.

      ‘There’s Joan of Arc and Boudicca and –’

      ‘OK, thank you, Holly,’ Miss Maxwell interrupts. ‘Anyone else got any questions related to Henry VIII?’

      ‘My question was related to Henry VIII,’ Holly says indignantly.

      Eve puts her hand up but the bell goes before she can say anything and the room is filled with the clatter of chairs.

      As we go to leave, Miss Maxwell calls Izzy back to talk to her about her homework. I seize the opportunity to escape out the door, and Holly is right next to me.

      ‘Hi,’ she says.

      ‘Hi,’ I say back.

      ‘So, how are you finding it here?’

      ‘OK.’ I summon up the courage to give a reply of more than two syllables. ‘I liked what you said just then in class. I don’t know why we study him either.’

      Holly looks at me like she thinks I might be tricking her. ‘Really?’

      I nod.

      She starts to grin and her brown eyes twinkle. ‘Do you want to have lunch with me?’

      ‘Yes, please!’ I’m so relieved to have someone other than Izzy and her gang to hang out with that I can barely hide my excitement.

      When Holly and I get to the canteen we grab a couple of empty seats at the end of a table.

      ‘So, how come you’ve moved to Fairhollow?’ Holly asks, taking a paper bag from her backpack and placing it on the table in front of her. I watch enviously as she takes out two huge sausage rolls.

      ‘I’m staying with my Aunt Clara while my dad’s away working in Dubai.’

      As Holly takes a bite of one of the sausage rolls, I practically start to drool. I take out my own lunch box. Maybe it’ll be something nicer today. But as soon as I open it, my heart sinks. It’s full of little round orange things and a ton of chopped vegetables.

      ‘How long’s your dad away for?’ Holly asks.

      ‘His contract’s for a year, but he’ll be home for holidays and stuff.’ I take a mouthful of the orange things. They taste so weird I can’t help grimacing.

      ‘What is that?’ Holly asks, but unlike Stephen yesterday, she seems genuinely interested.

      ‘I’m not exactly sure. My aunt’s vegan,’ I explain. I take another mouthful but it’s no good – I can’t make myself like it.

      ‘Oh. Well, would you like one of my sausage rolls then?’

      Normally, if a virtual stranger offered me some of their lunch, I’d be polite and say no, but I’m way too hungry and the sausage roll looks way too nice.

      ‘Yes, please, if you’re sure.’

      ‘Sure I’m sure.’ She hands me one of the sausage rolls. I take a huge bite. Holly looks at my lunch. ‘Can I try some of yours in exchange?’

      ‘Of course!’ I practically shove the box at her.

      ‘Oh, this is really good,’ Holly says, as she takes a forkful.

      ‘Really?’ I stare at her.

      ‘Mmm. I love the different flavours. Oh, I miss home-cooked food.’ She gives a dramatic sigh. ‘Shall we just do a total swap?’ She pushes the other sausage roll towards me. I nod and grab it eagerly. This lunch break could not be going better.

      But then I see Izzy, Stephen and Vivien appear in the doorway. Izzy scans the canteen. As soon as she sees me she smiles, but then she sees Holly and her smile wilts into a frown. She nudges the others and leads them over to me.

      ‘Nessa, what are you doing?’ she says.

      ‘Having lunch.’

      ‘With her?’ Izzy scowls at Holly.

      ‘Yes.’ I glance across the table at Holly. Suddenly I’m hit by a wave of

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