Инвестирование в недвижимость для начинающих. Как заработать на аренде недвижимости; Дешево купить и выгодно сдать в аренду: практические советы и стратегии. Ашраф Махин

Инвестирование в недвижимость для начинающих. Как заработать на аренде недвижимости; Дешево купить и выгодно сдать в аренду: практические советы и стратегии - Ашраф Махин

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money renting real estate; Cheap to buy and profitable to rent: practical tips and strategies

      Mahin Ashraf

      Real estate rental for beginners:

      How to make money renting real estate; Cheap to buy and profitable to rent: practical tips and strategies

      Copyright © 2020 Mahin Ashraf

      Translator: Yulia Afanaseva

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical method, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations contained in critical reviews and other cases. use for non-commercial purposes permitted by copyright law.

      Table of contents


      Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make millions while relaxing in your own backyard, drinking tea and feeling the warm breeze blowing your hair? Sounds tempting, right?

      Well, this is a dream that cannot be fulfilled in one day. Let me be honest here; there is no such thing as “ EASY MONEY”. There is no easy way to huge wealth, but if you are looking for it, then renting a property is not the best option for this. After reading these lines, probably half of you have already lost all interest that you still had in this book, but this is normal, because I know that there are millions of other people who are ready, willing and able to do anything to achieve what something that guarantees a better future for them.

      If you have owned real estate for a period of time or are willing to own it, you should know how profitable and effective it can be to rent out your property. Buying, selling and managing real estate is probably the safest, fastest, and best way to weather a downturn in the real estate market! In a world where everyone is competing to find a way out of the daily routine and achieve financial independence, real estate has always been the foundation of wealth. Renting out your property is like killing two birds with one stone; you get a constant source of income, and the tenant takes care of your property, while paying the rent!

      In this regard, let's start with a simple question: "What do you want the most?" Be honest with yourself and answer. Perhaps some money to fund your dream? Financial stability? Own house? The best retirement plans? A safe future for your children? Or a vacation in Hawaii? Say it out loud; there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to possess things that may seem too material to you; dreaming is always great. Having goals is great, but not enough. To achieve them, it is important to shed blood, sweat and tears.

      По словам Майкла Джордана, «Некоторые люди хотят, чтобы это произошло. Некоторые хотели бы, чтобы это произошло. Другие делают это». Итак, все зависит от вас, в какую же категорию вы хотите попасть? Чем вы готовы рискнуть, чтобы получить лучшее будущее? Готовы ли вы вложить свои деньги и посвятить этому все свободное время? Готовы ли вы превратить свои мечты в планы и стратегии? Если да, то вы нашли для себя идеальный гид, который проведет вас через путь к финансовой независимости.

      Чем замечательна эта книга

      Позвольте мне теперь рассказать вам о том, что предлагает эта книга,

      – Эта книга содержит множество профессиональных советов! – Эта книга предлагает отличные советы и рекомендации для новичков, желающих инвестировать в недвижимость для ее последующей сдачи в аренду. В ней есть множество простых, но проверенных концепций аренды недвижимости, которые будут большим подспорьем для новичков в этом бизнесе.

      – Эта книга представляет собой полное руководство по инвестициям в недвижимость для сдачи в аренду — Эта книга включает руководство по инвестированию в недвижимость для сдачи в аренду, а также рассказывает, как и почему стоит начать этот бизнес с нуля.

      – Эта книга предлагает несколько новаторских решений, применимых к сдаче недвижимости в аренду! — В этой книге вы найдете креативные и уникальные решения и советы по аренде, о которых никогда не говорилось ранее и которые нельзя найти в других источниках.

      – Эта книга НИКОГДА вам не наскучит! — В отличие от других источников, которые склонны к чрезмерному усложнению, вам понравится читать эту книгу, и вы определенно установите с ней личную связь. Это наверняка будет чертовски весело, так что оставайтесь со мной!

      Но когда вы продолжите читать эту книгу, я хочу, чтобы вы всегда помнили несколько рекомендаций.

      – DO NOT JUST READ BUT UNDERSTAND – It is important to comprehend what the book says. Merely reading the words will make you bored with the contents of the book.

      – casts doubt on the author's method books- Analyze and expose each question offered tips and tricks to make sure that they make sense for you.

      – ASK AND DISCUSS - Ask experienced investors about everything you have learned and discuss what you have learned with others, capturing every detail.


      This book is likely to deprive you of sleep and make you question your life decisions, like any other serious book.

      It will completely change the way you look at your life and the investments you make in it. She will help you get out of your cocoon and plunge into the world of investment. It will help you carve your own path and lead a life that your parents, teachers, authority figures, society, or anyone other than yourself did not plan or choose for you. Containing a plethora of completely new ideas, strategies, concepts and theories, this book will answer all of your vital questions you didn't know the answers to. The goal of this book is to provide the most effective rental property investment solutions and minimize asset management problems. This book is intended to be the only guide to help you invest in rental properties from scratch!

      This book contains a detailed explanation of all the possible questions that any real estate investor may have. Each chapter describes the specific step required to invest in rental property, as well as how to get the most out of it with the least investment. Whether you are a newbie or have done it before, this book will help you navigate every corner of this business and generate a steady income that will last you for a long time while helping you fulfill your dream of an easy, stress-free retirement.

      Abraham Lincoln once quoted a quote: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening an ax." So, are you ready for the journey to become the new real estate tycoon? Fasten your seat belts, get ready; see you in the first chapter!

      Chapter 1

      Understanding the principles of property rental management

      “Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success, and inner peace,

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