Ice Adhesion. Группа авторов
About Ice, Impact Ice, and Ice Adhesion Tests 9.3 Review of Ice Adhesion Test Methods 9.4 Prospects 9.5 Summary Acknowledgements References 10 Comparison of Icephobic Materials through Interlaboratory Studies 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Icephobicity and Anti-Icing Surfaces 10.3 Ice Formation and Properties 10.4 Testing Ice Adhesion 10.5 Comparing Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces with Interlaboratory Tests 10.6 Concluding Remarks References
11 Mechanisms of Surface Icing and Deicing Technologies
11.1 A Brief Description of Icing and Ice Adhesion
11.2 Examples of Mathematical Modeling of Icing on Various Static or Moving Surfaces
11.3 New Applications of Common Deicing Compounds
11.4 Plasma-Based Deicing Systems
11.5 Functional Super (Hydrophilic) or Wettable Polymeric Coatings to Resist Icing
11.6 Nanoscale Carbon Coatings with/without Resistive Heating
11.7 Antifreeze Proteins
11.8 Summary and Perspectives
12 Icephobicities of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Anti-Icing Property of Superhydrophobic Surfaces under Dynamic Flow Conditions
12.3 Analytical Models of Depinning Force on Superhydrophobic Surfaces
12.4 Analytical Models of Contact Angles on Superhydrophobic Surfaces
12.5 De-Icing Property of Superhydrophobic Surfaces under Static Conditions
12.6 Conclusions
13 Ice Adhesion and Anti-Icing Using Microtextured Surfaces
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Microtextured Surfaces: Wetting Characteristics and Anti-Icing Properties
13.3 Measurement Methods for Ice Adhesion
13.4 Fabrication Methods for Microtextured Surfaces
13.5 Microtextured Surfaces and Anti-Icing Applications
13.6 Conclusion and Future Outlook
14 Icephobic Surfaces: Features and Challenges
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Features and Challenges in Rational Fabrication of Icephobic Surfaces
14.3 Wettability
14.4 Surface Engineering
14.5 De-Icing
14.6 Summary
15 Bio-Inspired Anti-Icing Surface Materials
Glossary of Symbols
Glossary of Abbreviations
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Depressing Ice Nucleation
15.3 Retarding Ice Propagation
15.4 Reducing Ice Adhesion
15.5 All-in-One Anti-Icing Materials
15.6 Summary and Conclusions
16 Testing the Durability of Anti-Icing Coatings
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Icing/Deicing Tests and Ice Types
16.3 Concluding Remarks
17 Durability Assessment of Icephobic Coatings
17.2 UV-Induced Degradation
17.3 Hydrolytic Degradation of Coatings
17.4 Atmospheric Conditions and Changes in Coating Performance
17.5 Mechanical Durability of Coating
17.6 Methods for Durability Assessment of an Icephobic Coating
17.7 Summary