Your Stars. Carolyne Faulkner

Your Stars - Carolyne Faulkner

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to transform this energy into empathy, affinity and great kindness. Because you have the knowledge!

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Saturday 11th January

      The Moon moves into Leo.

      Uranus goes direct in Taurus.

      Power surge for those with Aquarius, Leo and Taurus stamps.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Sunday 12th January

      Saturn forms an exact conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn today, causing an extraordinary energy surge for us all. You may feel the need to reassess your goals and commitments in life, but this surge is more geared towards Capricorn and, to a lesser degree, Scorpio. Both planets trigger the need for profound transformation and rebirth. To be able to do this smoothly, forgive, forget and find new ways to operate.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Reflections …

      If you managed to complete this week’s mission, how did it make you feel?

      If you skipped on anything, did you feel any different?

      Did the Full Moon impact you?

      How did the week’s aspiration unfold? Did it help you to remember to breathe more, or become aware of when you, or another, over-reacted?

      List a few things, or even just one, that you are grateful for.

      Are there any takeaways from this week that you would like to address next week? Try reflecting without judgement.

      Monday 13th January–Sunday 19th January


      Mercury moves into Aquarius this week, ushering in powerful, high-vibrational and exhilarating energy.

      The best use of the week is to align with the higher mind, as Aquarius is working steadfastly for the shift in consciousness, sending sacred wisdom to remind us of who we really are. These cosmic downloads lift us out of a purely worldly existence and help us to realign with the collective consciousness and, indeed, our true selves. Busy minds cannot capture the above, though. When your phone’s memory or computer’s hard drive is full, it simply cannot receive or retain any new information, and it’s the same with your mind. So, if you wish to attune to, hear, feel and use the knowledge provided by Aquarius, spend time alone, meditate daily and do not get caught up in trivia. Although the week is likely to be busy and brimming with exciting opportunities, allow yourself some freedom from the rat race and time to be quiet.

      Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is flowing forwards and because it’s in the earth sign Taurus we need to steady its electric flashes and keep our feet on the ground. I’ve said this before, but daily meditation and Yoga, or perhaps Qi Gong, will protect you and keep you in tune with your mind, body and soul. Uranus is the master of the unexpected and likes to send surprises that invigorate and cause shocks of electric energy. Being steady will protect you and help you enjoy the opportunities for learning that the week ahead will provide.

      In addition, Venus moves into Pisces, which is a sensitive, gentle and mellow sign at its best. Pisces ‘gone right’ sees clearly, avoids toxins, including alcohol, and stays present in the wonder of the moment. So this can be an amazing week for creative expression. To avoid Virgo ‘gone wrong’, which potentially impacts at the beginning of the week and heightens anxiety, a total clear-out is advised. Prepare for the week ahead as much as you possibly can and, on a practical level, arrange your work and home space in order to ‘feel’ organized. Go through paperwork, pay bills and recycle. Venus shifting into Pisces on Monday lightens up the Virgo vibe, but it’s prudent to heed the above before allowing Pisces ‘gone right’ to flood the senses with feel-good juices: play music, make art, manage the mind with meditation and Yoga, and go with the flow of life.


      In addition to ten minutes of morning meditation, it’s important to detoxify, to prepare and open your mind to receive, so try to avoid alcohol or any other mind-altering substances for the next week and sleep without interference. If you have a busy family life, maybe recruit the family and ask them to support you as you find new ways to better manage everyday life. If you do include them, ask them to add their own reflections to your journal. If the children are little, simply ask them how they feel afterwards and how they dream. His Holiness the Dalai Lama once said, ‘If every eight-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.’

      Our subconscious often works through our conscious mind and through dreams, so keep your mind clear to create space. At bedtime for the next five days at least (seven if you can!), enact the following ritual and create your own safe and sacred sleeping space:

       Remove or switch off any electrical items.

       Light some candles or burn some incense.

       Sit cross-legged, palms facing upwards on your knees. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Repeat in your mind: ‘I am open to receiving through my dreams.’

      Remember to blow out the candles before you sleep!

      Aspiration/mantra: I am open to receiving.

      Monday 13th January

      The Moon moves into Virgo.

      Venus moves into Pisces.

      Avoid criticism and, wherever possible, side-step anyone who is anything other than kind today: smile and detach graciously.

      Power surge for those with Virgo and Pisces stamps.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Tuesday 14th January

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Wednesday 15th January

      The Moon moves into Libra.

      There is a wonderful connection to Mercury today, helping to magnify the ‘gone right’ traits of Libra. Communications should be free flowing and harmonious, and an air of goodwill should surround us. Avoid superficial glamour and embrace the true beauty that exists within.

      Power surge for Libra and Taurus.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Thursday 16th January

      Mercury enters Aquarius.

      Power surge for those with major stamps in Aquarius or Gemini.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Friday 17th January

      The Moon moves into Scorpio.

      Intense feelings and energies surround us right now, so let go of low vibes and negative thinking and switch to feelings of optimism, unity and empathy.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Saturday 18th January

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Sunday 19th January

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Reflections …

      If you managed to complete this week’s mission, how did it make you feel?

      If you skipped on anything, did you feel any different?

      How did the week’s aspiration unfold?

      Did you feel any different in the mornings after your evening rituals?

      List a few things, or even just one, that you are grateful for.

      Are there any takeaways from this week that you would like to address next week? Try reflecting without judgement.

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