Addictive Blood . Amy Blankenship
movement stilled as Michael slowly brought the injured finger to his lips and kissed the injury. Unable to resist the temptation, he drew the tip of her finger into his mouth and sucked on it sensuously. He wanted more of her flavor and let the edge of his fang gently glide across the cut.
Aurora gasped as heat began to spiral through her core and pool between her legs. The sensation of his tongue rubbing erotically against her finger caused her to whimper softly and she bit her lip when his sharp teeth grazed the injury, stinging and soothing at the same time.
Skye remained leaning back on his hands also watching the Sun God with rapt attention. The connection between him and Aurora hadn't completely been broken and he was inadvertently siphoning off some of what she was feeling… and it was amazing. He tried to hide the fact that his breathing had quickened by taking shallow breaths.
Michael closed his eyes and savored the small rush of power until it turned into an overwhelming craving to drain demon after demon. Noticing the deafening silence, he looked up to find Kane watching him closely from the entrance of the library. He inwardly cursed knowing he’d just given his weakness away to his very observant brother.
Kane knew for certain that Michael wasn’t in his right mind but this was way out there. The moment their eyes met, Kane could see Michael’s hunger as though it were something tangible… contagious and addicting. His brother had recently drained way more than just one demon and had lied about it.
His mind searched for answers and it suddenly made sense as to why Michael was drinking demon blood. If only a few drops of Fallen blood could cause this kind of reaction… then being able to drop all restraint and completely drain a Fallen’s spawn would be the equivalent of dark chocolate.
Kane moved his gaze to Aurora seeing the high color spread across her cheeks and the way her breathing had become shaky. She was becoming aroused from Michael’s lips on her, not understanding that if he lost his restraint then things could turn very dangerous for her. She was an innocent in all of this even though she’d inadvertently caused Michael’s strange addiction.
‘More proof that love is blind,’ Kane thought to himself.
The floor vibrated through Kane’s boots but he paid it no mind until he saw one of the books beginning to tremble out of its spot on the shelf. Glancing around the room, he noticed more than a few of the volumes shivering in place. Kane lifted his hand to push the book closest to him back in when he saw the lamp on the table near Michael start sliding across the polished surface toward the edge.
“Michael,” Kane's soft whisper sounded loud in the silence of the room.
Michael could hear the warning in Kane’s voice and he flinched realizing what he was doing. Drawing away from Aurora’s injury, he placed a soft kiss on the tip of her finger before releasing her and forcing himself to calmly back away.
“You should be careful, sometimes the pages of these old books are sharp,” he smiled distracting her from what he’d just done.
Aurora slowly drew her hand back and closed it, still feeling the heat of Michael’s lips on her skin. She brought the hand to her chest and protectively shielded the wonderful feeling with her other hand before nodding at Michael with bright eyes.
“I promise to be careful,” Aurora said shyly and Skye nodded his agreement. Neither one of them had noticed the vibrations in the room because their attention had been riveted on Michael’s seductive kiss.
Much to Kane’s relief, the light vibrations immediately ceased and the lamp stopped sliding less than an inch from its edge.
“Aurora, Skye, we will leave you to your reading while we go scout the area for anything that may pose a danger to the humans,” Kane suggested, praying Michael would take the hint and come with him. “Besides, if we stay here we’ll just be a distraction.”
“I’d say.” Skye’s eyes widened realizing he’d just said that out loud. He smirked when Aurora giggled at him.
Michael was inwardly cursing himself and decided that Kane was right… leaving the room was the best idea for the moment. What he was not looking forward to was the fact that Kane would follow him and that was the last thing he needed right now.
Turning toward Kane, Michael smiled and added, “You can take the east while I search the west end of the area.”
He stalked past his brother intending to do exactly as he’d just said and hoped the demons were stupid enough to be close by. He made it to the porch before his brother caught up with him and grabbed him by the arm jerking him around.
“What was that?” Kane demanded in a low hiss. “It was just a small injury, hardly worth that kind of attention.”
“She was bleeding,” Michael growled as though that would be answer enough… it wasn’t and they both knew it.
Kane actually glared at him, “Bleeding…” he shook his head. “That’s not going to do it Michael. You’re acting more and more like an addict looking for their next fix and it’s her blood you’re addicted to.” Kane steadied his gaze now that he’d figured it out. “That’s why you’re bleeding demons dry. Their blood is doing something to you,” he accused.
Michael’s face contorted with anger and he turned on Kane unaware that his eyes were now solid black. “You kill demons your way and let me kill them my way. Everyone’s killing demons or haven’t you heard about the damned war you started. Stop babysitting me. In case you’ve forgotten, I can handle myself… I did quite well while you were in the ground and nothing has changed.”
Kane’s eyes narrowed but he said nothing as Michael shoved away from him and stepped off the porch. He could overlook the insults but what he couldn't overlook was the blackness of his brother’s eyes. This was the Michael Dean had been trying to warn him about.
Scrappy sat next to Kane’s feet and whined low before looking up at the blonde man.
Kane looked down at the puppy and sighed wearily. “I know, I know… follow brother and spy on him. You and Syn must have a mental link I don’t know about.”
He didn’t want to leave Aurora and Skye alone but he figured they’d be fine since the house was so heavily warded and luckily it looked like Michael had completely forgotten about them… at least for the time being. Deciding he’d given Michael a good enough of a head start, he traced after his brother using the blood he’d given Michael just a couple days ago as a tracker.
It didn’t take Kane long to catch up, but when he did he observed discretely from a distance. What Michael was doing was wrong… well… not the killing demons part but the way he was going about it. He was using their blood like a drug and as with any drug you weighted the side effects to see if it was worth taking the pill. So far, the side effects were not looking so good.
Kane crouched on the apex of a slanted rooftop and glanced down at Michael who had slowed his pace to a brooding stride on the empty sidewalk. He felt a powerful presence behind him and stood up with a sigh.
“Will I need to interfere?”
Kane shook his head, “No papa, I’ve got it covered.”
Soft laughter reverberated around him, “You just don’t want to see Michael killed again, do you?”
“Not really,” Kane sighed and looked over his shoulder. “I owe Michael this much.”
“Sometimes awakening from death puts things in perspective,” Syn mused but he would not take this feeling of redemption away from Kane unless he had to.
“We’ve tried that twice already,” Kane felt the need to point out. “Tell Mom I said hi.”
Syn nodded and vanished, leaving Kane alone on the roof. Turning back to Michael, he saw his brother walking up onto the porch of an old rundown house beside the railroad tracks. Kane tilted his head to the side wondering what Michael was up to.