Astrology For Dummies. Rae Orion

Astrology For Dummies - Rae  Orion

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Initially, this looked like an arcane interest shared by a tiny cadre of scholarly astrologers. But the excitement generated by their pursuit has rippled through the astrological community. Today, there is widespread interest in ancient techniques, particularly those of Hellenistic astrology, which was used through the Roman Empire and is currently undergoing an astonishing revival.

      So astrology has changed. In the space of only a few decades, astrology has deepened and broadened, expanded its vocabulary, welcomed new celestial bodies into its cosmos, and incorporated ancient techniques of timing and analysis that most western astrologers knew nothing of — until recently. As unlikely as it seems, everything old is new again.

There are many excellent books about the history of astrology. Here are a few of my favorites:

       A History of Western Astrology, Volumes I and II, by Nicholas Campion (Bloomsbury Academic, 2008). A magisterial, scholarly work.

       The Secrets of the Vaulted Sky: Astrology and the Art of Prediction by David Berlinkski (Harcourt, Inc., 2003). Entertaining, evocative, and full of attitude.

       Astrology: A History by Peter Whitfield (Harry N. Abrams, 2001). Nicely written and, unlike other books on the topic, profusely, gorgeously illustrated.

       The Fated Sky: Astrology in History by Benson Bobrick (Simon & Schuster, 2005). Brilliant, fascinating, full of fantastic details. I recommend it without hesitation.

      Here Comes the Sun

      Get the scoop on the signs of spring: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.

      Check out the signs of summer: Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.

      Contemplate the signs of autumn: Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

      Wrap up with the signs of winter: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

      The Signs of Spring: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini



Appreciating Aries


Tuning into Taurus


Considering Gemini

      When I was in college, I bought my first astrology book in a train station, and by the end of the ride, my understanding of life had been transformed. The book — it was one of many by Zolar, a name used by a succession of astrologers — described the people I knew with uncanny accuracy, based solely on their Sun signs. My parents, my roommate, my so-called boyfriend — all were there, in stunning detail. Later, I learned that every chart also includes the Moon, eight planets, twelve houses, and more. But the core of almost every horoscope is the Sun.

      The Sun begins its journey through the signs and the seasons on or about March 20, when it enters Aries. On that day, the Vernal Equinox, day and night are approximately equal. But soon the balance shifts. For three months, the night grows shorter and the day progressively longer as the Sun spins through the signs of spring — the most youthful signs of the zodiac. When the day reaches its maximum length, spring is over. The three signs of spring are:

       Aries the Ram (March 20 to April 18), the sign of positive (or yang) cardinal fire. Aries is bold, energetic, youthful, and gifted at setting things into motion.

       Taurus the Bull (April 19 to May 20), the sign of negative (or yin) fixed earth. Taurus is tenacious, pragmatic, resourceful, and — in case you thought that earth signs are only about practicality — talented, sensuous, and pleasure-loving.

       Gemini the Twins (May 21 to June 20), the sign of positive (or yang) mutable air. Gemini is spontaneous, curious, quick-witted, restless, sociable, and capricious.

      If your birthday falls into one of those signs, you are in the right place.


The Sun’s placement in the sky at the moment of your birth determines your sign. If you have any doubt about your Sun sign, perhaps because you were born at the beginning or end of a sign, turn to Chapter 2 without delay. It will tell you how to get a free, accurate copy of your birth chart. Once you have that, you’ll know for sure.

Figure 4-1 represents the Sun. In ancient cultures, the Sun always symbolized something big, like life and death. The Incas thought of the Sun as a divine ancestor. The Egyptians and other civilizations considered the Sun a god. The astrological symbol reflects that importance. The outer circle represents infinity, the universe, and your cosmic potential. The dot within it represents your human individuality.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 4-1: The symbol of the Sun.

      Each sign has a polarity (positive or negative, yang or yin), an element (fire, earth, air, or water), and a quality or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). For more on those terms, turn to Chapter 1.

      As the first sign of the year, Aries the Ram is spirited, straightforward, courageous, enterprising, and filled with vitality. Yours is the sign of new beginnings.

      Your planetary ruler is Mars. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars is associated with action, energy, assertiveness, anger, and desire.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 4-2: The symbol of Aries the Ram.

      The sunny side

      Aries is a force of nature like no other. Blessed with boundless energy and a bold, exhilarating personality, you have a zest for life that other signs can only envy. You’re a firebrand — intrepid, enthusiastic, passionate, and courageous. Unconventional and joyously individualistic, you display a robust sense of who you are and an eagerness to forge your own path. You have a sense of purpose and a distinct personal style, and you refuse to let others define you. Often a creature of extremes, you react quickly and make instantaneous decisions. You believe in action and proudly stand up for what you know is right, even if it conflicts with commonly held notions. Neither a joiner nor a follower, you’re a natural-born leader because you have a clear, decisive mind combined with total faith in your own reactions

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