Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin

Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Tina M. Henkin

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DNA Replication mRNA The Genetic Code The Operon Model Enzymes for Molecular Biology Synthetic Genomics

      6  What Is Ahead


      SEM images of the archaeon “Candidatus Prometheoarchaeum syntrophicum” strain MK-D1. Reprinted from Imachi H, et al, ©2020, Springer Nature, CC-BY 4.0,

      However, bacteria are not just important as laboratory tools to understand other organisms; they also are important and interesting in their own right. For instance, they play essential roles in the ecology of Earth. They are the only organisms that can “fix” atmospheric nitrogen, that is, convert N2 to ammonia, which can be used to make nitrogen-containing cellular constituents, such as proteins and nucleic acids. Without bacteria, the natural nitrogen cycle would be broken. Bacteria are also central to the carbon cycle because of their ability to degrade recalcitrant natural polymers, such as cellulose and lignin. Bacteria and some types of fungi thus prevent Earth from being buried in plant debris and other carbon-containing material. Toxic compounds, including petroleum, many of the chlorinated hydrocarbons, and other products of the chemical industry can also be degraded by bacteria. For this reason, these organisms are essential in water purification and toxic waste clean-up. Moreover, bacteria produce most of the naturally occurring so-called greenhouse gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, which are in turn used by other types of bacteria. This cycle helps maintain climate equilibrium. Bacteria have even had a profound effect on the geology of Earth, being responsible for some of the major iron ore and other mineral deposits in Earth’s crust.

      Another unusual feature of bacteria and archaea (see below) is their ability to live in extremely inhospitable environments, many of which are devoid of life except for microbes. These are the only organisms living in the Dead Sea, where the salt concentration in the water is very high. Some types of bacteria and archaea live in hot springs at temperatures close to the boiling point of water (or above in the case of archaea), and others survive in atmospheres devoid of oxygen, such as eutrophic lakes and swamps.

      Bacteria that live in inhospitable environments sometimes enable other organisms to survive in those environments through symbiotic relationships. For example, symbiotic bacteria make life possible for Riftia tubeworms next to hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, where living systems must use hydrogen sulfide in place of organic carbon and energy sources. In this symbiosis, the bacteria obtain energy and fix carbon dioxide by using the reducing power of the hydrogen sulfide given off by the hydrothermal vents, thereby furnishing food in the form of high-energy carbon compounds for the worms, which lack a digestive tract. Symbiotic cyanobacteria allow fungi to live in the Arctic tundra in the form of lichens. The bacterial partners in the lichens fix atmospheric nitrogen and make carbon-containing molecules through photosynthesis to allow their fungal partners to grow on the tundra in the absence of nutrient-containing soil. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium and Azorhizobium spp. in the nodules on the roots of legumes and some other types of higher plants allow the plants to grow in nitrogen-deficient soils. Other types of symbiotic bacteria digest cellulose to allow cows and other ruminant animals to live on a diet of grass. Bioluminescent bacteria even generate light for squid and other marine animals, allowing illumination, camouflage, and signaling in the darkness of the deep ocean.

      Bacteria are also important to study because of their role in disease. They cause many human, plant, and animal diseases, and new diseases are continuously appearing. Knowledge gained from the molecular genetics of bacteria helps in the development of new ways to treat or otherwise control old diseases that can be resistant to older forms of treatment, as well as emerging diseases.

      Some bacteria that live in and on our bodies also benefit us directly. The role of our commensal bacteria in human health is only beginning to be appreciated. It has been estimated that of the 1014 cells in a human body, only half are human! Of course, bacterial cells are much smaller than our cells, but this shows how our bodies are adapted to live with an extensive bacterial microbiome, which helps us digest food and avoid disease, among other roles, many of which are yet to be uncovered.

      Bacteria have also long been used to make many useful compounds, such as antibiotics, and chemicals, such as benzene and citric acid. Bacteria and their bacteriophages are also the source of many of the useful enzymes used in molecular biology.

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