Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin

Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Tina M. Henkin

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situations, an RNA primer for DNA replication can be made by the RNA polymerase used for information processing (i.e., the RNA polymerase that makes all the other RNAs, including mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA; see chapter 2). Unlike DNA polymerase, primase and RNA polymerases do not require a primer to initiate the synthesis of new strands. During DNA replication, a special enzyme activity recognizes and removes the RNA primer (see below).

Protein Gene Function
DnaA dnaA Initiator protein; primosome (priming complex) formation
DnaB dnaB DNA helicase
DnaC dnaC Delivers DnaB to replication complex
SSB ssb Binding to single-stranded DNA
Primase dnaG RNA primer synthesis
DNA ligase lig Sealing DNA nicks
DNA gyrase Supercoiling
α gyrA Nick closing
β gyrB ATPase
DNA Pol I polA Primer removal; gap filling
DNA Pol III (holoenzyme)
α dnaE Polymerization
ε dnaQ 3′-to-5′ editing
RNase H rnhA Can aid in RNA primer removal
θ holE Present in core (αεθ)
β dnaN Sliding clamp
τa dnaX Organizes complex; joins leading and lagging DNA Pol III
γb dnaX Binds clamp loaders and single-strand-binding protein
δ holA Clamp loading
δ' holB Clamp loading
χ holC Binds single-strand-binding protein
φ holD Holds χ to the clamp loader

      aFull-length product of the dnaX gene.

      bShorter product of the dnaX gene produced by translational frameshifting (see chapter 2).



      DNA ligases are enzymes that form phosphodiester bonds between the ends of separate presynthesized chains of DNA. This important function cannot be performed by any of the known DNA polymerases. During replication, ligase joins the 5′ phosphate at the end of one DNA chain to the 3′ hydroxyl at the end of another chain to make a longer, continuous chain (Figure 1.8).


Schematic illustration of the discontinuous <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу