Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin

Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Tina M. Henkin

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Figure 1.22) and is ultimately responsible for preventing FtsZ ring formation at the cell poles and enforcing the formation of a single FtsZ ring at mid-cell. The molecular mechanism that drives the redistribution of the proteins within the cell stems from the interaction of MinD (an ATPase) and MinE, which stimulates ATPase activity in MinD. MinD interacts with the membrane only in the ATP-bound state. More recent work with the system suggests that changes in the nature of MinD and MinE membrane-bound complexes and the states found in the cytoplasm are important for setting a distribution of these proteins (see Vecchiarelli et al., Suggested Reading). Ultimately, the concentration gradient set by the dynamic behavior of MinE and MinD sets a low concentration of MinCD at the center of the cell, allowing FtsZ to form a ring at the center of the cell.

      Regulation of septum formation in B. subtilis differs from that found in E. coli. In B. subtilis, MinE is lacking and MinC and MinD do not oscillate. Instead, MinCD appears to tether directly to the cell poles by binding to another protein at the cell poles, called DivIVA. This binding creates a gradient of concentration of MinCD in the cell and similarly only allows formation of a single FtsZ ring at the center of the cell. Therefore, these two model bacteria use somewhat different mechanisms to establish a gradient of MinCD concentration and thereby restrict FtsZ ring formation to the center of the cell (Figure 1.22).

      Nucleoid Occlusion

Schematic illustration of the MinCDE and nucleoid occlusion systems control placement of the FtsZ ring in E. coli.

      The Noc and SlmA proteins seem to act by binding to DNA and then inhibiting FtsZ ring formation close to the DNA to which they are bound. There are known to be DNA sequences called Noc-binding sites (NBS) that are bound by Noc, and SlmA-binding sites (SBS) that are bound by SlmA; these sites are distributed across the chromosome and concentrated in the origin region but are absent from the terminus region (Box 1.1). This allows SlmA and Noc to help protect the nucleoid from the division septum until the final moments prior to the completion of DNA replication (see Wu et al., Suggested Reading) (Figure 1.22).

      Note that this entire section has focused on simple division in rod-shaped cells. Fascinating adaptations to these simple ideas are known to occur in systems where the cells resulting from division are morphologically distinct. A particularly well-studied system in Caulobacter crescentus shows many adaptations when a mother cell gives rise to smaller motile daughter cells. Additionally, round or coccoid cells have distinct mechanisms that allow them to divide with clear cell poles as are found in rod-shaped cells. Given the extreme morphological variation known to occur across bacteria (see Kysela et al., Suggested Reading), interesting adaptations for division likely await discovery.

      It is not sufficient to know how chromosomes replicate and then segregate into the daughter cells prior to division. Something must coordinate the replication of the chromosome with division of the cells. If the cells divided before the replication of the chromosome was completed, there would not be two complete chromosomes to segregate into the daughter cells, and one cell would end up without a complete chromosome. The mechanism by which cell division is coordinated with replication of the DNA is still not completely understood, but there is a lot of relevant information.


      It is important to know when replication occurs during the cell cycle. Experiments were designed to determine the relationship between the time of chromosome replication and the cell cycle in E. coli (see Helmstetter and Cooper, Suggested Reading). The conclusions are still generally accepted, so it is worth going over them in some detail. The investigators recognized that if the DNA content of cells at different stages in the cell cycle could be measured, it would be possible to determine how far chromosome replication had proceeded at that time in the cell cycle. Since bacterial cells are too small to allow measurements of DNA content in a single cell by the methods they had, it was necessary to measure the DNA content in a large number of pooled cells. However, cells growing in culture are all at different stages in their cell cycles. Therefore, to know how far replication had proceeded at a certain stage in the cell cycle, it was necessary to synchronize the cells in the population so that all were the same age or at the same point in their life cycles at the same time.

      Helmstetter and Cooper accomplished this by using what they called a bacterial “baby machine.” Their idea was to first label the DNA of a growing culture of bacterial cells by adding radioactively labeled nucleosides and then fix the bacterial

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