Multi-parametric Optimization and Control. Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos
1.1.3 Interpretation of Lagrange Multipliers
Consider the following problem:
Calculating the partial derivative of the Lagrange function with respect to the perturbation vector, we have
which yields
Hence, the Lagrange multipliers can be interpreted as a measure of sensitivity of the objective function with respect to the perturbation vector of the constraints at the optimum point
1.2 Concepts of Multi‐parametric Programming
1.2.1 Basic Sensitivity Theorem
Having the essentials of optimization for the purposes of this book covered, the objective of this subchapter is to introduce the role of parameters in an optimization formulation. In this context, the following multi‐parametric programming problem is considered:
Theorem 1.1 (Basic Sensitivity Theorem, [1])
Let a general multi‐parametric programming problem be described by (1.16). Assume that the functions defining problem (1.16) are twice differentiable in and their gradients with respect to and the constraints are once continuously differentiable in in a neighborhood of . In addition, assume that the second‐order sufficient conditions for a local minimum of the problem hold at with associated Lagrange multipliers and . Lastly, let the gradients (for such that ) and be linearly independent (i.e. LICQ holds), and for such that , i.e. strict complementary slackness (SCS) holds.
Then, the first‐order sensitivity results for a second‐order local minimizing point are known as the basic sensitivity theorem (BST), and the following properties hold:
is a local isolated minimizing point of the problem and the associated Lagrange multipliers and are unique.
For in the neighborhood or , there exists a unique, but continuously differentiable vector function satisfying the second‐order sufficient conditions for a local minimum of the problem with associated unique Lagrange multipliers and .
For near the set of binding inequalities is unchanged, SCS holds and the binding constraint gradients are linearly independent at .
See [1].
If there exist Lagrange multipliers,
and the vector
Furthermore, if there exists
the Basic Sensitivity Theorem holds, and it is identically satisfied for a neighborhood
The first‐order estimate of the variation of an isolated local solution x(
In particular, let