Museum Practice. Группа авторов
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Dubuc, Elise. 2011. “Museum and University Mutations: The Relationship between Museum Practices and Museum Studies in the Era of Interdisciplinarity, Professionalisation, Globalisation and New Technologies.” Museum Management and Curatorship 26(5): 497–508.
Duff, Wendy, Joan Cherry, and Rebecka Sheffield. 2010. “‘Creating a Better Understanding of Who We Are’: A Survey of Graduates of a Museum Studies Program.” Museum Management and Curatorship 25(4): 361–381.
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Falk, John, Lynn D. Dierking, and Susan Foutz. 2007. In Principle, in Practice: Museums as Learning Institutions. Lanham, MD: AltaMira.
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Goodnow, Katherine, and Hanne-Lovise Skartveit, eds. 2010. Changes in Museum Practice: New Media, Refugees and Participation. London: Berghahn.
Gosden, Chris, and Frances Larsen. 2007. Knowing Things: Exploring the Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Graham, Beryl, and Sarah Cook. 2010. Rethinking Curating: Art after New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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