Tommy’s house. Marina Nitsinska

Tommy’s house - Marina Nitsinska

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Simple or Past Simple.

      1. This curious girl usually (ask) a lot of questions about everything she (see) in the museum.

      2. Lilly (lose) her gorgeous talisman somewhere in the house yesterday.

      3. Where you (hide) the bracelet?

      4. What song his cousin often (sing) when she whirls in front of the mirror?

      5. This serious boy usually (not find) exciting the stories his little sister (tell) him.

      6. Professor Whitehouse (say) that he (know) several scientists who (make) that experiment a long time ago.

      7. The girl’s mother (call) the teacher every day and (ask) about her daughter’s progress.

      8. Why the student (show) his essay to the rest of the group?

      9. Doctor Sam regularly (give) new prescriptions to Granny.

      10. Tommy hardly ever (speak) to his capricious cousin.


      I Describe Lilly. Tell about her nature.

      II Answer the following questions.

      1. What was Tommy’s attitude to Lilly?

      2. What was the parents’ attitude to Lilly?

      3. What did parents often scold Tommy for?

      4. What did Lilly wear on her right wrist?

      5. Did Tommy and Lilly have much in common?

      6. How did Tommy behave when Lilly asked him questions?

      7. What was Tommy’s usual reaction to Lilly’s stories?

      8. What did Tommy do when his cousin stayed at his house?

      9. Why did he avoid Lilly?

      10. What Lilly’s character traits were unlike Tommy’s features?


      I Describe the appearance of your sister/brother/cousin/friend.

      II Tell about his/her temper, habits, special features.

      III Tell about the place where he/she lives.

      IV Answer the following questions.

      1. What do you have in common with your sister/brother/cousin/friend?

      2. What are you different in?

      3. Do you get on well with him/her?

      4. What do you like about this person?

      5. What do you not like about him/her? Why?

      CHAPTER 3

      The Kitchen

      Every morning Tommy ran to the kitchen.

      He liked eating scrambled eggs with a slice of ham and a toast with cheese and having a big cup of mint tea for breakfast. Sometimes he had a plate of porridge, but it was his least favourite dish. Pancakes with honey or cranberry jam Tommy preferred to cornflakes with milk. He adored eating them, it was his best breakfast.

      When his granny Kate, who lived not far from his place, visited the house, she made a real feast. She started cooking the most delicious things in the world: grilled meat or fish with herbs, spices and vegetables, baked mushrooms, wonderful pumpkin or cherry pie. The kitchen was filled with tasty flavours and warmth.

      She often allowed Tommy to help her and gave him some errands. In spite of Granny’s control, the boy could find a piece of freedom at those moments. He was glad to learn how to slice tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, to peel potatoes and carrots. He grated cheese and garlic, listening to granny’s wise advice. With great pleasure and care the kid blended different ingredients of granny’s special dough for biscuits. Then Tommy decorated them with flavorous plum jam.

      When Lilly unexpectedly entered the kitchen, Tommy wasn’t glad to see her. She was constantly breaking the order. He knew her habit to taste almost all products that she could see on the table or in the fridge.

      “Oh, it is so sweet! Wow! The cookies smell vanilla! Ah, the steak looks so juicy! Tommy, taste the blueberry cake, it’s terrific!”

      She gave comments to everything, what was happening there at that moment. She kept her eyes on Tommy’s and Granny’s every motion and gesture.

      “Tommy, what are you doing?”

      “I am washing onions.”

      “Are you crying over the onions?”

      “I am not crying now. Why are you saying that?”

      “I’m just joking! Oh, your mum is waiting for you in the library.”

      “We are finishing here. I’ll be there in several minutes’

      “Ok. Tommy, what is your favourite food?”


      “Oh, I adore pancakes! Do you prefer eating them with sour cream or honey?”


      “What about chocolate?! Don’t you like it?”

      “I do.”


      “Lilly, please, let me finish preparing vegetables for the stew!”

      “Let me help you, Tom.”

      “Thanks, I’ll do it myself.”

      “Have you tasted this mushroom soup? Oh!..”

      When Lilly was trying to smell it, she turned the bowl upside down by accident. The girl was standing, staring at the puddle of soup on the floor and at her wet clothes. She was so embarrassed that didn’t know what to say.

      “You see? You are always making a mess, silly-billy!”

      Her cousin said it with a smile, and then they started to laugh.

      “Tommy, I’ll help you later by all means!”

      “O, no! Don’t distract me anymore!”

      Granny helped Lilly to wipe her hands and sent the little girl to change her clothes.

      The process of making tea was pure magic. Granny Kate had her secret recipe to mix some herbs and berries, fragrant dry leaves, pomegranate grains and ginger, orange peels and candied fruit. It looked like boiling a potion. This brew was a remedy for all diseases. After drinking it, Tommy was full of energy and ready to discover some wonders of the house, exploring room after room.


      porridge [pɔrɪʤ] — каша (овсяная)

      herb(s) [hɜb(z)] – трава(ы), лекарственные растения

      spice(s) [spaɪs(ız)] — специя(и)

      baked [beɪkt] – печёный, выпеченный

      to slice [slaɪs] – резать ломтиками,


      to peel [pi l] – чистить, снимать кожуру

      to grate [greɪt] – тереть, натирать на тёрке

      to blend

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