Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century. Группа авторов

Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century - Группа авторов

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the large and small eigenvalues is 3.7:1.

DTV station Down‐range (2D), m Slant range (3D), m Difference, m Height/DR ratio Elevation, °
551 20648.24 20652.12 3.87 0.0194 1.1098
635 20669.40 20673.57 4.17 0.0201 1.1502
563 27135.41 27137.98 2.56 0.0137 0.7875
617 27128.47 27132.79 4.32 0.0178 1.0221
605 35387.07 35391.70 4.62 0.0162 0.9261
683 34687.47 34693.08 5.61 0.0180 1.0306
Schematic illustration of the geometry and coverage on estimation error and receiver complexity.

      40.4.2 Radio Dead Reckoning with Mixed SOOP

      A radio receiver can relatively easily measure the TOA of a variety of SOOP such as those DTV signals described in Section 40.2 and AF/FM signals [86–89] and cellular signals [46, 90]. But it needs a means of determining the TOT in order to generate range measurements. Once the ranges to signal sources at known locations are available, the receiver location can be determined. In Section 40.3, we describe a calibration method that uses the initial position information, either known a priori as is the case for many navigation systems or from an aiding source (thus cooperative), to determine the TOT and the clock drift as well. As long as the operations of the signal sources and receiver are not interrupted, the one‐time calibration remains valid for subsequent relative positioning. The aiding source for this method can be a digital map, a visual determination at a known road intersection, or a cooperative navigator (either remote or co‐located).

      Instead of the absolute position (x, y), a receiver may calculate its position relative to a reference point (x0, y0) as Δx = xx0 and Δy = yy0, respectively, which can be understood as a displacement vector (Δx, Δy). Adding successive displacements onto the initial position yields a continuous navigation solution [91], thus making radio dead reckoning. Like a self‐contained inertial navigation solution, the accuracy of a radio dead‐reckoning solution cannot be better than the initial condition. However, unlike the inertial solution, whose errors keep grow due to time integration of the accelerometer bias and gyro drift, the radio dead‐reckoning solution errors may stay bounded due to direct displacement estimation.

      Denote the location of the k‐th transmitter by (xk, yk) and the unknown TOT of this transmitter by TOT k. The TOA measurements at the reference point and a subsequent time, denoted by images (with images) and TOAk(with TOT k), respectively, are given by

      where c is the speed of light, and images and wk are uncorrelated measurement errors assumed to be zero‐mean Gaussian with variances images and (σk)2, respectively. This assumption becomes invalid in the presence of NLOS signals, as further discussed in Section 40.4.3.

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