Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century. Группа авторов

Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century - Группа авторов

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40.11(b), but the periodic peaks are significantly suppressed (below the fourth sidelobe). The full OFDM correlation can be used for decision‐directed tracking for refined TOA estimation as illustrated in Figure 40.10.

      After cyclic prefix removal, the FFT is applied to the samples in the useful part. The continual pilot pattern is used to estimate the integer CFO over two consecutive OFDM symbols, while the scattered pilot pattern for each OFDM symbol is detected after CFO correction. Figure 40.12(c) shows the CIR (the blue curve) estimated from an OFDM symbol as a snapshot of multipath acquisition. The threshold (the black dash line) is set as 80% of the total power within the acquisition region to detect possible paths (the red circled line). The first path is declared among all acquired paths according to their rate of occurrence. In this particular case, the paths arriving at 1564.5, 1565.5, and 1566.5 in samples are the three most frequently detected ones with their occurrence probability equal to 1, and the earliest arrival is at the 1564.5th sample. This path is then used to initiate the DLL tracking with the 20 s tracking results shown in Figure 40.12(d). As shown, the 95% accuracy is within 0.95 m with an estimated C/N0 of 57.97 dB‐Hz.

      In general, the carrier phase of OFDM signals is not tracked for at least two reasons. First, the dc component of most baseband OFDM symbols is a null subcarrier to avoid the effect of dc bias at reception. Second, generation and transmission of OFDM symbols are independent from one symbol to the next. As a result, no phase continuity is required to be maintained at any subcarriers. As analyzed earlier, for communications, demodulation of OFDM symbols with cyclic prefix is tolerant to small timing errors and depends on the relative phase at data subcarriers, which can be easily calibrated with the help of pilot subcarriers. However, the OFDM signaling adopted by DVB‐T retains the dc component. Besides, the cyclic prefix duration is specified in such a way that a whole number of cycles is ensured for the middle carrier [44]. It happens in DVB‐T that the middle carrier is assigned as a continual pilot subcarrier, which has a constant value across OFDM symbols. As a result, the baseband center frequency (dc component) has no phase discontinuity, which gives rise to the opportunity for carrier phase tracking. Carrier phase tracking has the potential to provide more accurate timing for ranging and ultimately for positioning than cross‐correlation of cyclic prefix and pilot subcarriers currently used for coarse and fine TOA estimation, respectively. The possibility of carrier phase tracking for DVB‐T signals was recently shown in [62] with in‐the‐air DVB‐T signals collected in experimental tests.

      40.2.3 ISDB‐T Signals for Timing and Ranging

Graphs depict test results of pilot-carriers-based delay tracking for refined TOA estimation.

      Source: Reproduced with permission of IEEE.

      As shown in Figure 40.13(b), each ISDB‐T frame has 204 OFDM symbols. Each symbol has an effective symbol part with duration Tsym = 252 μs, 504 μs, and 1008 μs for modes 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and a guard interval with duration TGI = 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, or 1/32Tsym. As a result, the duration of a symbol ranges from the shortest 53.0145 ms (mode 1 with 1/32 guard interval (GI)) to the longest 257.04 ms (mode 3 with ¼ GI). At the sampling rate of fs = 512/63 MHz, the size of FFT/IFFT is 2048 (2K), 4096 (4K), and 8192 (8K) for modes 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Schematic illustration of layered segments of ISDB-T channel and OFDM symbols in a segment configuration.

      Figure 40.13(c) shows the OFDM segment configuration in mode 1 with 108 carriers for differential modulation (left) and synchronous modulation (right), respectively. In differential modulation, a continual pilot (CP) occupies the carrier 0. In addition, there are continuous carriers dedicated to transmission and multiplexing configuration control (TMCC) and auxiliary channel (AC) to convey control information. According to [63], there are 1 CP, 2 AC1 and 4 AC2, and 5 TMCC in mode 1; 1 CP, 4 AC1 and 9 AC2, and 10 TMCC in mode 2; and 1 CP, 8 AC1 and 19 AC2, and 20 TMCC in mode 3. Similarly, in synchronous modulation, a scattered pilot (SP) is inserted once every 12 carriers in the frequency direction and once every 4 symbols in the time direction. In addition, there are 2 AC1 and 1 TMCC in mode 1, 4 AC1 and 2 TMCC in mode 2, and 8 AC1 and 4 TMCC in mode 3, respectively, which appear in every symbol but are arranged pseudorandomly in the frequency direction.

      As in DVB‐T, both CPs and SPs are produced by PRBS generators with a unique initial condition for each segment [63]. A detailed comparison of ISDB‐T with ATSC‐8VSB and DVB‐T can be found in [35]. From the viewpoint of timing and ranging, the methods

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