Formal Semantics in Modern Type Theories. Stergios Chatzikyriakidis

Formal Semantics in Modern Type Theories - Stergios Chatzikyriakidis

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by a function on possible states of affairs whose value, at a particular state, is the extension of the expression in that state. Nearly all constructions in English have some intensional instances (see, for example, a discussion on this in Partee (1988), among others). This has led Montague to give a special treatment of intensionality in his IL. It can be treated by adding a special base type s to simple type theory C, which allows one to consider types like s → A.11

      In this section, some simple examples in formal semantics in modern type theories (MTT-semantics) are sketched for illustrations. Then, we shall describe the historical developments and some of the major merits for MTTs to be employed as foundational semantic languages.

       1.4.1. A glance at MTT-semantics

      In appearance, the MTT-interpretation (1.8) seems to be the same as the Montagovian interpretation (1.2). However, although similar, they have subtle differences, as summarized in Table 1.2.

      Table 1.2. Semantics of “John talks”

Type in MTT-semantics
j e Human
talk e → t HumanProp
talk(j) t Prop

      In particular, the typings of these interpretations are different:

       – In MTT-semantics, the sentence (1.7) is interpreted as the proposition talk(j) : Prop where Prop is the type of all logical propositions – an internal totality that only exists in impredicative type theories such as UTT.13

       – In MTT-semantics, talk(j) is a well-typed proposition because the semantics of “talk” is a predicate talk : Human → Prop, whose domain is the type Human, the collection of humans to which talk can be meaningfully applied and to which j belongs as well. Note that, different from Montague semantics, the domain of talk is Human, rather than the type e of all entities.14

      Table 1.3. Examples in MTT-semantics

Example MTT-semantics
CN man, human Man, Human : Type
IV talk talk : Human → Prop
ADJ handsome handsome : Man → Prop
ADVVP quickly quickly : ΠA:CN. (A → Prop) → (A → Prop)
Modified CN handsome man Σm : Man. handsome(m) : Type
Quantifier some some : ΠA:CN. (A → Prop) → Prop
S A man talks ∃m : Man. talk(m) : Prop

       – A common noun (CN) can be interpreted as a type and the interpretations of CNs form a universe called CN, the type of the types that interpret CNs.

       – A verb (IV) or an adjective (ADJ) can be interpreted as a predicate over a type D that interprets the domain of the verb or adjective, i.e. a function of type D → Prop.

       – A verb-modifying adverb (ADVVP) can be interpreted as a polymorphic function from predicates of type A → Prop to predicates of the same type, where A ranges over CNs in the universe CN.

       – Modified common nouns (modified CN), when the adjectives are intersective, can be interpreted by means

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