Point-of-Care Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal Practitioner. Группа авторов

Point-of-Care Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal Practitioner - Группа авторов

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for short‐axis view....Figure 37.4. Characterization of the caudal vena cava. The use of the CVC an...Figure 37.5. Dilated cardiomyopathy. In (A) and (B) shown in still B‐mode im...Figure 37.6. Pulmonary hypertension. In (A), (D), and (G) thoracic radiograp...Figure 37.7. Tension pneumothorax and using the “lung point” and TFAST PTX 1...Figure 37.8. AFAST‐applied abdominal fluid scoring for the bleeding patient....Figure 37.9. Pulmonary thromboembolism. (A) B‐mode image of infinity (labele...Figure 37.10. Pulmonary thromboembolism in a dog with caval syndrome. This d...Figure 37.11. Pericardial effusion and its accurate diagnosis during TFAST. ...Figure 37.12. Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. (A) Pericardial ef...Figure 37.13. Gallbladder wall edema and integrating information from the ca...

      38 Chapter 38Figure 38.1. Upper airway evaluation using VetFAST‐ABCDE. (A) External...Figure 38.2. Endotracheal placement confirmation using ultrasound. (A) Dog i...Figure 38.3. Tracheal collapse. Ultrasonographic evaluation of tracheal coll...Figure 38.4. Lung ultrasound technique. Following the direction of the arrow...Figure 38.5. Finding the “lung point” for degree of pneumothorax, partial ve...Figures 38.6. Normal and abnormal appearances of pleura. (A) “Lung sliding” ...Figure 38.7. Probe orientation for heart views with the patient in standing ...Figure 38.8. Caudal vena cava and hepatic venous distension from volume over...Figure 38.9. Caudal vena cava assessment. (A) Probe orientation, with the pa...Figure 38.10. Probe positioning and orientation for optic nerve imaging for ...Figure 38.11. Tracheal injury. Tracheal rupture, laceration or other injury ...Figure 38.12. Longitudinal scan of the esophagus. In the caudal part of the ...Figure 38.13. Normal eye and some lesions associated with ocular trauma. (A)...

      39 Chapter 39Figure 39.1. AFAST views and order in right and left lateral recumbency. The...Figure 39.2. Comparison of feline liver to adjacent falciform fat. The image...Figure 39.3. Differentiating hepatic from portal veins using color flow Dopp...Figure 39.4. The tortuous or looped bile duct of cats. The bile duct in the ...Figure 39.5. Differences in relative location of heart to diaphragm at the F...Figure 39.6. Gallbladder wall edema due to congestive heart failure – “cardi...Figure 39.7. Echogenicity of the feline spleen compared to the liver. In the...Figure 39.8. Differences in the splenic hilum. (A) The splenic hilum of the ...Figure 39.9. Differences in echogenicity with and without tissue harmonics. ...Figure 39.10. Renal anatomy and measuring its dimensions. (A,B) The basic an...Figure 39.11. Measuring the feline kidney length versus volumetric measureme...Figure 39.12. Echogenicity comparison of the feline kidney to the spleen. Th...Figure 39.13. Differentiating feline left from right kidney. In (A) the righ...Figure 39.14. Hydronephrosis. Shown in (A) unlabeled and in (B) labeled is d...Figure 39.15. Feline urethra. A normal feline abdominal urethra is shown in ...Figure 39.16. Feline and canine ovaries. (A) B‐mode still image of the canin...Figure 39.17. Uterus and cervix. (A) Transverse B‐mode image of the cervix (...Figure 39.18. Lipid droplets in cat urine. Longitudinal (sagittal) image of ...Figure 39.19. Urinary bladder volume estimation formula. How to acquire the ...Figure 39.20. Feline stomach and pyloric duodenal junction. (A) The pyloric ...Figure 39.21. Feline pancreas. (A) Normal regional anatomy when locating the...Figure 39.22. Small intestine. Normal longitudinal B‐mode image of the small...Figure 39.23. Feline ileocecal colic junction. The ileocecal colic junction ...Figure 39.24. AFAST‐applied fluid scoring system in a cat positioned in righ...Figure 39.25. Modification of the feline AFAST‐applied abdominal fluid score...Figure 39.26. The AFAST‐applied fluid scoring system helps by semiquantitati...Figure 39.27. TFAST echo views expected normal ratios. Row (A) shows the vie...Figure 39.28. Safe positioning for cats. In hemodynamically fragile or respi...Figure 39.29. Different options for coupling medium in cats. Acoustic coupli...Figure 39.30. TFAST echo views and fallback views. TFAST echo views abnormal...Figure 39.31. TFAST and its acoustic windows. TFAST is a five‐view examinati...Figure 39.32. The “lung point” for semiquantitating and monitoring pneumotho...Figure 39.33. The feline Vet BLUE protocol. How to select the transthoracic ...Figure 39.34. Efficiently performing Global FAST in the cat. The Global FAST...

      40 Chapter 40Figure 40.1. Dorsal recumbency positioning in a ferret. Positioning of a fer...Figure 40.2. Bladder stones in a ferret. Ultrasound image of two cystoliths ...Figure 40.3. Paraprostatic cyst in a ferret. Ultrasound image of a paraprost...Figure 40.4. Adrenal mass in a ferret. Ultrasound image of an enlarged right...Figure 40.5. Splenomegaly in a ferret. Ultrasound image of the enlarged sple...Figure 40.6. Splenic lymphoma in a ferret. Ultrasound image of a ferret (Mus...Figure 40.7 Mesenteric lymph node in a ferret. Two examples of enlarged mese...Figure 40.8. Cardiac images of a ferret. (A) Expected appearance of the shor...Figure 40.9. Bladder stone in a rabbit. Ultrasound image of a rabbit (Orycto...Figure 40.10. Liver lobe torsion in a rabbit. Ultrasound image of a liver lo...Figure 40.11. Uterine adenocarcinoma in a rabbit. Transverse ultrasound imag...Figure 40.12. Calcified midabdominal abscess in a rabbit. Ultrasound image o...Figure 40.13. Guinea pig ovarian cyst. Ultrasound examination of a guinea pi...Figure 40.14. Pyometra in a chinchilla. Enlarged uterus in a chinchilla (Chi...Figure 40.15. Hepatic cysts in a hamster. Ultrasound image of a hamster with...Figure 40.16 African pygmy hedgehog pyometra. Ultrasound image of an African...

      41 Chapter 41Figure 41.1. Basic dolphin anatomy. Basic anatomical features of the male an...Figure 41.2. Viewing goggles, shading the screen, and machine set‐up. ...Figure 41.3. Different ways of scanning. Many environmental factors must be ...Figure 41.4. Comparison of a comfortable and a distressed dolphin. The dolph...Figure 41.5. Lateral and dorsal recumbency. Many dolphins are trained to rol...Figure 41.6. Overview of Global FAST on a female dolphin. In (A) simple line...Figure 41.7. Overview of Global FAST on a male dolphin. In (A) simple line d...Figure 41.8 The diaphragmatico‐hepatic view. In (A) the probe is place...Figure 41.9. The caudal vena cava and hepatic venous system at the DH view. ...Figure 41.10. Marginal lymph nodes. (A,B) The same figure labeled and unlabe...Figure 41.11. Marginal lymph nodes. (A) An overview of a necropsy showing th...Figure 41.12. Confounders at the DH view. In (A) the gastric complex (GC) ca...Figure 41.13. The spleno‐renal and hepato‐renal views. In (A) an...Figure 41.14. The spleno‐renal and hepato‐renal views and target organs....Figure 41.15. The cysto‐colic reproductive view. In (A) the external l...Figure 41.16. The umbilical view. In (A) the probe is placed in the region o...Figure 41.17. TFAST echo views. The acoustic windows for the TFAST echo view...Figure 41.18. “Gator sign” orientation and angle of insonation. ...Figure 41.19. Probe orientation for lung. The sonographer is demonstrating V...Figure 41.20. Transition zone of pleural and peritoneal cavities. The head o...Figure 41.21. Pitfalls. In (A) is a nice image with adequate depth (11 cm) a...Figure 41.22. B‐lines and comet‐tail artifacts. B‐lines are vert...Figure 41.23. Comparison of the zig‐zag continuum and Vet BLUE and how lung ...Figure 41.24. Example of a Global FAST goal‐directed template for recording ...

      42 Chapter 42Figure 42.1. Simple line drawing of the most clinically relevant ultrasonogr...Figure 42.2. Probe placement and patient positioning. (A) Probe position in ...Figure 42.3. Ascites and coelomocentesis in a chicken. (A) The POCUS exam is...Figure 42.4. Cystic enlarged liver in a sun conure (Aratinga solstitialis). ...Figure 42.5. Findings involving the avian reproductive tract. (A) Image of a...Figure 42.6. Pericardial effusion due to pericarditis in a sun conure (Arati...Figure 42.7. Screech owl POCUS eye. This Eastern screech owl (Megascops asioFigure 42.8. Line drawings showing clinically relevant anatomy and probe pos...Figure 42.9. Various probe positions shown externally. (A) The coelomic ultr...Figure 42.10. Orientation planes using a linear probe on a bearded dragon (P...Figure 42.11. Demonstration of the posthepatic septum in a tegu (Tupinambus ...Figure 42.12. Large single bladder calculus in a uromastyx (Uromastyx sp.). ...Figure 42.13. Kidneys in uromastyx and a bearded dragon. (A,B) The nondescri...Figure 42.14 Hemipenes, testicles, and ovaries in a bearded dragon (Pogona v...Figure 42.15. Follicles and eggs in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) and ...Figure 42.16. Gallbladder and liver in uromastyx (Uromastyx sp.), bearded dr...Figure 42.17. Cardiac and caudal vena cava imaging. (A) Sagittal ultrasonogr...Figure 42.18. Pericardial effusion in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). M...Figure 42.19. Ultrasound evaluation of the eye of a veiled chameleon (Chamae...

      43 Chapter 43Figure 43.1. Left parasternal short‐axis view of a dog with pericardial effu...Figure 43.2. Indirect ultrasound‐guided pericardiocentesis in a dog with per...Figure 43.3. Free‐hand ultrasound‐guided probe orientation for pericardiocen...Figure 43.4. Seldinger technique used to place an indwelling small‐bore ches...Figure 43.5. “Gator

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