Point-of-Care Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal Practitioner. Группа авторов

Point-of-Care Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal Practitioner - Группа авторов

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but less reliable in cats because of more interposing feline lung in between the heart and diaphragm. However, most clinically relevant pericardial effusion is detected in both dogs and cats at the DH view (Lisciandro 2016a) (see Figure 6.11 and Chapter 39). Pneumothorax in either species is another reason for the inability to view the “cardiac bump.”

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Source: Reproduced with permission of Dr Gregory Lisciandro, Hill Country Veterinary Specialists and FASTVet.com, Spicewood, TX.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Source: Reproduced with permission of Dr Gregory Lisciandro, Hill Country Veterinary Specialists and FASTVet.com, Spicewood, TX.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Source: Reproduced with permission of Dr Gregory Lisciandro, Hill Country Veterinary Specialists and FASTVet.com, Spicewood, TX.

      If the CVC is not seen, look for it while you rock slowly back to your starting point, making sure you are on a longitudinal plane on midline and immediately caudal to the xiphoid.

      The CVC is reliably imaged with experience and should be characterized where it traverses the diaphragm, searching for the small white line in the near‐field and the longer white line in the far‐field paralleling one another and representing the near and far walls of the CVC, respectively. The lines that extend beyond the CVC's far wall are in fact A‐lines created when aerated (dry) lung (most common) is immediately against the far wall or possibly in the presence of pneumothorax (far less common) (see Figure 6.12).

      Pearl: Excessive probe pressure caused by pushing the probe into the patient's abdomen can distort the CVC, resulting in its flattening and false assessment (Darnis et al. 2018).

       Typical DH Positives

      The classic intraabdominal positives at the DH view are usually seen while fanning away from the tabletop in the following locations: the near‐field to the gallbladder, between the divisions of the liver lobes, between the liver and the diaphragm, and between the liver lobes and the falciform ligament and fat. In the near‐field, the falciform ligament and fat, which can be robust even in thin cats, are typically hyperechoic (bright) in the near‐field, having a coarser, brighter echotexture (hyperechoic) relative to the liver (see Figure 6.10 and Chapter 39).

      The most common AFAST positive views in low‐scoring AFS 1 and AFS 2 bluntly traumatized dogs and cats, clinically normal adult dogs and cats, and juvenile puppies and kittens are the nongravity‐dependent DH and CC views over the most gravity‐dependent HRU and SRU views (Lisciandro et al. 2009, 2015, 2019). Moreover, the umbilical HRU and SRU views are rarely the only positive view(s) among different subsets of dogs and cats (Lisciandro et al. 2009, 2015, 2019; Romero et al. 2015). Thus, pay special attention to the presence of anechoic triangles (free fluid) while fanning through liver lobes (see Figure 6.10).

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