Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership. James M. Kouzes

Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership - James M. Kouzes

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in that case, there's a very good chance that what you think you can't do, you won't do.

      Another essential lesson we learned when analyzing Personal-Best Leadership Experiences is that leadership is a set of behaviors and actions that are available to everyone. Leadership is not some mystical quality or the private reserve of a special class of charismatic people. It is not a gene or a trait in the DNA of a blessed few. It is not a single personality characteristic or a special innate talent that some people have and others do not. It is not a singular strength, and it is not a gift from the gods.

      We repeat: Leadership is a set of behaviors and actions that are available to everyone. Let's check out that claim! For each of the questions below, please answer “yes” or “no.” Have you ever:

       Spoken about one or more values that you hold dear?

       Set a personal example of what you wanted someone else to do?

       Talked excitedly about something that might be possible, even though it didn't exist today?

       Asked someone else to go along with you to do something?

       Tried to make something work better than it was currently?

       Been one of the first people to try something new or different from what you were used to doing?

       Listened intently to someone else's point of view, someone you didn't necessary agree with?

       Helped someone else learn how to do an assignment or work better?

       Said “thank you” to another person for a job done well?

       Taken part in a celebration recognizing the accomplishment of a colleague?

      Leadership is in the actions that you take. It emerges from the values that guide your decisions and behavior. It results from the visions you have for yourself and others. It is evident in the changes you initiate and the challenges you accept. It appears in the trust you build and the connections you strengthen. It's about how you lift others up and how you make others feel valued.

      Even though we can demonstrate to you that leadership is something you—and others—can do, leadership myths persist. And clearly those myths include believing that leadership comes with a title or position, that it requires a set of direct reports, and that leadership is some genetic quality that is in short supply. Becoming an exemplary leader begins with the belief that everyone is capable of leadership and that you can be a better leader than you are right now because you can learn to improve your skills and abilities. It is also essential that you believe that your actions matter and that leadership makes a difference.

Bar chart depicts the Likelihood of Being Recommended as a Good Leader by Peers Increases with Greater Frequency of Leadership Practices.

      In the next five chapters are detailed descriptions of what people do to Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. You will find stories and examples of people just like you who demonstrate each of these leadership practices, and we provide ideas, tools, and techniques that you can use on your leadership development journey.

       Leadership is not a position or hierarchical place or genetic trait

       Leadership is a relationship

       Leadership role models are local

       Leadership is everyone's business

       Credibility is the foundation of leadership

       Leadership is an understandable, observable, and learnable set of behaviors and actions

       You are already leading … and you can exercise leadership more frequently

       Leadership makes a difference


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