Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner. Группа авторов
in the trigone of a 12‐year‐old n...Figure 6.275 A large transitional cell carcinoma at the trigone of an eight‐...Figure 6.276 Assessment of the prostatic urethral mucosa caudal to the main ...Figure 6.277 The trigonal TCC in the Golden Retriever seen in the previous i...Figure 6.278 Transitional carcinoma lesions in the pelvic urethra of a 12‐ye...Figure 6.279 A prostatic mass in a 10‐year‐old neutered male Pug. Histopatho...Figure 6.280 A solitary smooth well‐defined transitional cell carcinoma of t...Figure 6.281 A diffuse smooth slightly lobulated and indistinctly defined TC...Figure 6.282 A lobulated transitional cell carcinoma involving the trigone o...Figure 6.283 Proximal urethral involvement with TCC in a five‐year‐old spaye...Figure 6.284 Unusual fimbriation of a bladder wall TCC in a 10‐year‐old spay...Figure 6.285 A diffuse irregular transitional cell carcinoma involving a lar...Figure 6.286 Another portion of the tumor seen in Figure 6.285 with a smooth...Figure 6.287 A nine‐year‐old intact female Labrador Retriever with a large b...Figure 6.288 The appearance of the bladder wall in the patient in Figure 6.2...Figure 6.289 A small cell lymphoma of the bladder seen in a 16‐year‐old spay...Figure 6.290 A close‐up of a single nodule of the small cell lymphoma seen i...Figure 6.291 A vascular irregular transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) in the ...Figure 6.292 A vascular irregular TVT in the vaginal body of the same patien...Figure 6.293 A round transmissible venereal tumor seen in vaginal body throu...Figure 6.294 The TVT in Figure 6.293 following distention of the vaginal bod...Figure 6.295 Further distention of the vagina allowed it to be determined th...Figure 6.296 A polypectomy snare was placed at the base of this TVT lesion, ...Figure 6.297 The resection site following transection of the TVT stalk with ...Figure 6.298 A leiomyoma in the vaginal body in an eight‐year‐old intact fem...Figure 6.299 Sample collection for histopathology is done by excision of the...Figure 6.300 The base of the lesion transected flush with the surrounding mu...Figure 6.301 Vaginoscopy of a 12‐year‐old intact female Pomeranian with a ma...Figure 6.302 A polypectomy snare was placed over the mass and positioned usi...Figure 6.303 Examination of the resection site after transection using the s...Figure 6.304 Multiple small masses were also found in the vaginal body as in...Figure 6.305 Another area of the vaginal body had a cluster of individual ma...Figure 6.306 Multiple samples were collected with a polypectomy snare for hi...Figure 6.307 A large round intraluminal vaginal mass seen in a 12‐year‐old i...Figure 6.308 This mass appeared very similar to a vaginal hyperplasia lesion...Figure 6.309 Multiple individual sharp calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals ...Figure 6.310 A cluster of adherent sharp calcium oxalate crystals forming a ...Figure 6.311 A cluster of adherent rounded calcium oxalate crystals forming ...Figure 6.312 Multiple irregular calcium oxalate calculi in the bladder of a ...Figure 6.313 Multiple smooth round calculi seen in the bladder of a 10‐year‐...Figure 6.314 A large irregular calcium oxalate calculus that appears to be f...Figure 6.315 A single large calcium oxalate calculus formed as an aggregate ...Figure 6.316 A tubular calcium oxalate calculus formed from an aggregate of ...Figure 6.317 Fine calcium oxalate sand in the bladder of a 10‐year‐old spaye...Figure 6.318 A white calcium oxalate calculus formed as a cluster of adheren...Figure 6.319 A smooth round struvite calculus in a seven‐year‐old spayed fem...Figure 6.320 A large oval struvite calculus in a six‐year‐old neutered male ...Figure 6.321 A large oval struvite stone in a four‐year‐old spayed female Mi...Figure 6.322 Struvite sludge in a six‐year‐old neutered male Domestic Shorth...Figure 6.323 Multiple urate calculi seen in the caudal pelvic urethra of an ...Figure 6.324 A small smooth urate calculus in the pelvic urethra of a one‐ye...Figure 6.325 Two round urate stones with a roughened surface seen in the sam...Figure 6.326 A large single urate calculus in the bladder of a 13‐year‐old n...Figure 6.327 A classic “jackstone” silica calculus in the bladder of a six‐y...Figure 6.328 Multiple silica calculi seen in the urethra of a nine‐year‐old ...Figure 6.329 A cluster of individual white irregular silica calculi in the p...Figure 6.330 A small oxalate calculus protruding from the ureteral ostium in...Figure 6.331 Multiple small struvite calculi imbedded in the mucosa of an 11...Figure 6.332 An unusual finding of a single small silica calculus lodged in ...Figure 6.333 A small struvite calculus trapped in mucosal folds of the vagin...Figure 6.334 A silica calculus lodged in the urethra at the level of the cau...Figure 6.335 A silica calculus deeply imbedded in the urethral mucosa at the...Figure 6.336 A linear calculus covering a strand of suture material still at...Figure 6.337 Multiple free linear calculi in an eight‐year‐old spayed female...Figure 6.338 Residual clearly visible suture tracts at a cystotomy incision ...Figure 6.339 A different view of the suture tracts in the previous case show...Figure 6.340 A strand of suture material seen in the bladder lumen where it ...Figure 6.341 A very thin vaginal web seen as a very thin hairlike strand of ...Figure 6.342 A simple vaginal web seen as a band of tissue extending dorsove...Figure 6.343 A thick vaginal septum in a seven‐month‐old spayed female Labra...Figure 6.344 The vaginal septum from Figure 6.343 seen at an oblique angle a...Figure 6.345 The vaginovestibular junction of an eight‐month‐old spayed fema...Figure 6.346 The same patient as Figure 6.345 with a weasel wire passed thro...Figure 6.347 The same patient as Figures 6.345 and 6.346 with the endoscope ...Figure 6.348 A bizarre vaginovestibular junction in a seven‐month‐old intact...Figure 6.349 Ectopic ureteral ostia with normal appearance but are minimally...Figure 6.350 A left ectopic ureteral ostium that is minimally displaced but ...Figure 6.351 Bilateral minimally displaced ectopic ureters with prominent mu...Figure 6.352 An enlarged deformed ectopic ureteral ostium in the proximal en...Figure 6.353 An enlarged deformed ectopic ureter opening at the midpoint of ...Figure 6.354 A moderately enlarged ectopic ureter opening at the very distal...Figure 6.355 A full‐length urethral septum separating an intramural ureteral...Figure 6.356 A large fenestration in an ectopic ureter with the ostium at th...Figure 6.357 A small fenestration in the septum between the ectopic ureter a...Figure 6.358 A large cranial ectopic ureter opening in the proximal urethra ...Figure 6.359 The cranial end of the caudal segment of the ectopic ureter see...Figure 6.360 The caudal end of an intramural urethral ectopic ureter opening...Figure 6.361 The caudal opening of an ectopic ureter in an 18‐month‐old spay...Figure 6.362 Endoscopy of the dilated ectopic ureter that was large enough t...Figure 6.363 Further passage of the rigid cystoscope into the dilated ureter...Figure 6.364 A depression in the mucosa in a dog with bilateral ectopic uret...Figure 6.365 The site where a ureteral opening would normally occur with a d...Figure 6.366 Urine flow through an opening at a normal ureteral ostium site ...Figure 6.367 The normal right ureteral ostium in an 18‐month‐old spayed fema...Figure 6.368 Bilateral ectopic ureteral ostia with mild asymmetry in a four‐...Figure 6.369 Urethral diverticula at the caudal end of a bifurcating ridge o...Figure 6.370 A multipart transverse band of mucosa in an 11‐week‐old intact ...Figure 6.371 A small urethral wall indentation appearing to be a diverticulu...Figure 6.372 The urethral indentation seen in Figure 6.372 was explored, and...Figure 6.373 A right‐side ureterocele in a six‐month‐old intact female Chino...Figure 6.374 The ectopic right ureteral ostium in the patient in Figure 6.37...Figure 6.375 The inside of a ureterocele with a weasel wire passed through w...Figure 6.376 The lumen of a ureterocele seen at its exit point through the o...Figure 6.377 The ostium of an ectopic ureter seen using the Flex‐XC flexible...Figure 6.378 The normal contralateral right ureteral ostium in the same pati...Figure 6.379 The same normal contralateral right ureteral ostium seen in Fig...Figure 6.380 With the retroflexed endoscope looking caudally at the normal l...Figure 6.381 With enlarged ectopic ureteral openings and hydroureter, both p...Figure 6.382 In this image, the flexible endoscope has been passed cranially...Figure 6.383 The ectopic ureter opening in the pelvic urethra seen from the ...Figure 6.384 An 8 Fr red rubber catheter seen passing from the urethra into ...Figure 6.385 Examination of the ureteral ostia from the cranial aspect using...Figure 6.386 With further bladder distention, the abnormalities become more ...Figure 6.387 Observation of pulsatile urine flow revealed that there was uri...Figure 6.388 Further investigation of the dorsal mucosal ridge extending cau...Figure 6.389 A small ureterocele seen in a six‐month‐old neutered male Labra...Figure 6.390 The opening of the left ectopic ureter from Figure 6.389 is see...Figure 6.391 A small distinct urachal diverticulum in a five‐month‐old spaye...Figure 6.392 A small distinct urachal diverticulum in a six‐month‐old neuter...Figure 6.393 A urachal diverticulum seen on the outside of the bladder as an...Figure 6.394 A very small urachal diverticulum surrounded with hyperemic tis...Figure 6.395 Inflammatory nodules surrounding a urachal diverticulum in a fo...Figure 6.396 A urachal diverticulum surrounded by thickened bladder wall for...Figure 6.397 A urachal diverticulum in a five‐month‐old