Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner. Группа авторов
to an otoscopy c...Figure 10.23 Storz C‐Mac Video system. Handheld, battery‐operated light sour...Figure 10.24 Telescope cone and handheld, battery‐operated light source adap...Figure 10.25 Multipurpose Rigid Telescope (30°) with arthroscope sheath that...Figure 10.26 Instrumentation available for use through a video otoscope work...Figure 10.27 Flushing and suctioning device (Storz Vetpump 2); allows contro...Figure 10.28 One individual is “driving” the video telescope cone while a se...Figure 10.29 Chronic canine allergic otitis externa with secondary Malassezi...Figure 10.30 The canine ear from Figure 10.29 after cleaning with flushing a...Figure 10.31 The canine ear from Figures 10.29 and 10.30 after debris was re...Figure 10.32 Canine otitis media. An extremely dilated pars flaccida is seen...Figure 10.33 Canine otitis media from Figure 10.32. A large hole has been cr...Figure 10.34 The ear from Figure 10.33 after middle ear cleaning. Large amou...Figure 10.35 Canine ceruminous adenoma. Biopsy forceps are used to remove (p...Figure 10.36 Canine ceruminous adenocarcinoma. The ear canal was first clean...Figure 10.37 Canine ceruminous adenocarcinoma from Figure 10.36. Narrow‐base...Figure 10.38 Feline aural polyp. Horizontal canal of the ear has been cleane...Figure 10.39 Feline inflammatory polyp seen in Figure 10.38. Polyp had grown...Figure 10.40 Image of exudate and epithelial debris within the tympanic bull...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 A large smooth single calcium oxalate renal calculus in a six‐ye...Figure 11.2 A large smooth renal calculus in a nine‐year‐old severely overwe...Figure 11.3 A single small irregular calcium oxalate renal calculus in a 12‐...Figure 11.4 A single small calcium oxalate calculus composed of multiple sha...Figure 11.5 One of many solidified blood renal calculi in a 13‐year‐old neut...Figure 11.6 A lateral abdominal radiograph of the five‐year‐old spayed femal...Figure 11.7 Several of the many renal calculi in the left kidney of the cat ...Figure 11.8 A single large smooth calcium oxalate calculus in the right uret...Figure 11.9 Rigid 2.0 mm diameter double spoon arthroscopy forceps grasping ...Figure 11.10 Flexible 3.0 Fr diameter grasping forceps being used to remove ...Figure 11.11 Floating a small calculus out through a 2.0 mm diameter arthros...Figure 11.12 The renal pelvis after removal of all calculi.Figure 11.13 One of the renal recesses in the same kidney as Figure 11.12 wi...Figure 11.14 A small calculus wedged in the peripheral extent of a pelvic re...Figure 11.15 The peripheral end of the pelvic recess from Figure 11.14 after...Figure 11.16 A ureteral calculus composed of an aggregate of calcium oxalate...Figure 11.17 Debris from a fractured solidified blood calculus in the ureter...Figure 11.18 A normal undistended ureter in a dog with renal calculi but no ...Figure 11.19 A normal distended ureter in a cat with renal calculi and no ur...Figure 11.20 A dilated ureter proximal to a ureteral calculus in a nine‐year...Figure 11.21 Mucosal irritation at the site of a ureteral stone seen followi...Figure 11.22 Severe inflammation of the ureteral mucosa seen after removal o...Figure 11.23 A ureteral structure seen following removal of a ureteral calcu...Figure 11.24 A ureteral stricture distal to the site of a ureteral calculus ...Figure 11.25 A double pigtail ureteral stent placed after ureteral surgery f...Figure 11.26 Debris in a renal cyst examined using TANU by making a small st...Figure 11.27 The renal cyst wall following removal of the debris seen in Fig...Figure 11.28 A normal gall bladder in a 10‐year‐old neutered male Domestic L...Figure 11.29 The normal cystic bile duct in the same patient as seen in Figu...Figure 11.30 A ventrodorsal abdominal radiograph of a 12‐year‐old spayed fem...Figure 11.31 Calculi in the gall bladder of the 12‐year‐old spayed female Ca...Figure 11.32 Similar small gall stones and mucosal polyps in the cystic bile...Figure 11.33 A calculus in the common bile duct of the same patient as in Fi...Figure 11.34 An inflammatory polyp in a hepatic bile duct of the patient in ...Figure 11.35 Small calculi fragments remaining in the common bile duct after...Figure 11.36 The proximal common bile duct after completed removal of all ca...Figure 11.37 The proximal surface of the sphincter of Oddi seen by insertion...Figure 11.38 A temporary stent placed in the common bile duct through the sp...Figure 11.39 Appearance of gastric mucosal detail seen with a small rigid te...Figure 11.40 Appearance of duodenal mucosal villi with a rigid telescope pla...Figure 11.41 Transition of gastric mucosa in the background to duodenal muco...Figure 11.42 The major duodenal papilla seen with a small rigid telescope pl...Figure 11.43 A temporary stent that was placed in the bile duct using endosc...Figure 11.44 The normal tip and distal shaft of the penis in the prepuce see...Figure 11.45 The normal proximal shaft of the penis to its base seen with sa...Figure 11.46 A close‐up image of the reflection of mucosa at the base of the...Figure 11.47 Ruptured frenulum remnants in the prepuce of a four‐year‐old ne...Figure 11.48 A typical persistent penile frenulum in a three‐year‐old neuter...Figure 11.49 An atypical persistent penile frenulum appearing as a partial s...Figure 11.50 Cutting a persistent penile frenulum in the three‐year‐old neut...Figure 11.51 Exudate in the caudal portion of the prepuce in a nine‐year‐old...Figure 11.52 The underlying inflammatory reaction on the base of the penis a...Figure 11.53 Inflammatory nodules on the preputial mucosa after removal of t...Figure 11.54 A mass in the caudal recess of the prepuce. Prepucoscopy was us...Figure 11.55 A laceroscopy view of a fresh chest wall bite wound following a...Figure 11.56 An area of viable tissue in a deep wound in a dog with multiple...Figure 11.57 An area of devitalized tissue in the same patient as Figure 11....Figure 11.58 A caudal pharyngeal wall laceration in a four‐year‐old spayed f...Figure 11.59 A laceration in the soft palate of an eight‐year‐old German Sho...Figure 11.60 A laceration in the dorsal wall of the nasopharynx of the patie...Figure 11.61 The deep extent of the laceration at the thoracic inlet of the ...Figure 11.62 Foreign material debris in the traumatic penetration of a stick...Figure 11.63 Removing the foreign material seen in Figure 11.62 with rigid g...Figure 11.64 A Penrose drain was placed with endoscopic guidance in an eight...Figure 11.65 Closing the dorsal nasopharyngeal laceration seen in Figure 11....Figure 11.66 A Penrose drain fragment in a surgical wound from removal of an...Figure 11.67 Foreign material in a chronic draining fistula in the oral cavi...Figure 11.68 The foreign material removed from the dog in Figure 11.68 deter...Figure 11.69 An interdigital draining fistula in an eight‐year‐old spayed fe...Figure 11.70 A large stick foreign body in an eight‐year‐old neutered male L...Figure 11.71 The fistula cavity in the dog in Figure 11.71 after removal of ...Figure 11.72 Examination of the eye through the swollen eyelids revealed a c...Figure 11.73 A tangential view of the cornea showing normal uniform thicknes...Figure 11.74 The normal limbus of the eye.Figure 11.75 Staining of the entire corneal surface with fluorescein in the ...Figure 11.76 The inside of a cystic tumor that was accessed for biopsy by pl...Figure 11.77 Mild dental calculus on the medial aspect of the fourth premola...Figure 11.78 Mild dental calculus on the lateral aspect of the upper left ca...Figure 11.79 Severely infected incisors with severe gingivitis and purulent ...Figure 11.80 Severely infected upper right canine tooth and first molar in t...Figure 11.81 A craniolateral slab fracture of the left upper carnassial toot...Figure 11.82 An apical fracture exposing the root of an upper carnassial too...Figure 11.83 An endoscopic view of abnormal tissue in the apex of the alveol...Figure 11.84 Using a 2.0 mm arthroscopy forceps to biopsy the abnormal‐appea...Figure 11.85 The alveolus seen in Figure 11.84 after debriding.Figure 11.86 A normal tonsil in a nine‐year‐old neutered male Domestic Short...Figure 11.87 A normal tonsil in a 11‐year‐old spayed female Brittany Spaniel...Figure 11.88 Tonsillitis in a seven‐year‐old spayed female Vizsla.Figure 11.89 A small primary tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma in a 12‐year‐...Figure 11.90 The tip of the back end of a grass awn foreign body protruding ...Figure 11.91 Taking a biopsy of the tonsil in a seven‐year‐old spayed female...Figure 11.92 When indicated with tonsillar neoplastic lesions, completeness ...Figure 11.93 A normal relaxed soft palate with normal overlap with the epigl...Figure 11.94 A normal contracted soft palate in the patient in Figure 11.93....Figure 11.95 A typical elongated soft palate in a six‐year‐old spayed female...Figure 11.96 An atypical elongated soft palate with a narrowed extension of ...Figure 11.97 The immediate postoperative appearance following soft palate sh...Figure 11.98 A healed soft palate resection in a patient put under anesthesi...Figure 11.99 An increased vascular pattern and white inflammatory nodules in...Figure 11.100 A lymphoma mass in the soft palate in a 12‐year‐old neutered m...Figure 11.101 A solid mass of solidified exudate visible in the soft tissues...Figure 11.102 The tissue space medial to the tympanic bulla after removal of...Figure 11.103 The endotracheal tube traversing the pharynx as seen by advanc...Figure 11.104 Appearance of the pharyngeal end of the oro‐otic fistula prior...Figure 11.105 Appearance of the oro‐otic fistula by passage of the telescope...Figure 11.106 A red rubber catheter placed as an irrigation