Backyard Bugs. Jaret C. Daniels

Backyard Bugs - Jaret C. Daniels

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wandering along the ground in fall as they search for a protected site in which to overwinter.


      Believe It or Not: Aptly named, the giant leopard moth is the largest tiger moth found in eastern North America.

      Garden Tiger Moth

      Size: Wingspan 1.75–2.7 inches

      ID Tips: Forewings are brown with intricate white pattern; hind wings are orange with black spots; thorax brown; abdomen orange with black bands

      Range: The northern half of the United States and into southern Canada


      This is a wildly attractive moth of woodlands and adjacent open or shrubby areas, including gardens and yards. Due to its large size and elaborate color pattern, the garden tiger moth is a favorite among collectors and naturalists alike. It is found across southern Canada and the northern half of the United States. It also occurs throughout Eurasia. The distinctive hairy black larvae have a reddish brown coloring on the lower half and are commonly referred to as wooly bears, along with caterpillars of several other species. Its name alludes to the fact that the moth and its fuzzy caterpillars were common sights in European gardens. Active during the summer, the mature larvae are often seen wandering along the ground in fall where they seek protective sites in which to overwinter. The distinctive adult moths are attracted to artificial lights at night.


      Believe It or Not: Unfortunately, this lovely moth has become a victim of climate change in many regions. Adapted to cold temperatures, the larvae have a challenge surviving mild, wet winters with little snowpack.

      Io Moth

      Size: Wingspan 2.0–3.0 inches

      ID Tips: Mottled yellow to reddish-brown; a large eyespot on each hind wing

      Range: From the Great Plains east


      Colorful and distinctive, this medium-size moth is hard to mistake due to its large, target-shaped hind wing eyespots. When at rest, Io moths hold their heavily patterned and barklike forewings closed, concealing these prominent markings. If disturbed, however, they quickly fling their wings open to expose these realistic false eyes. This defensive maneuver may help to startle predators or at least deflect their attack away from the insect’s vulnerable body. Io moth larvae are equally interesting. They are gregarious and feed together in small clusters throughout the majority of their development. Full-grown larvae are bright green with a bold red-and-black stripe on the side. The larvae are covered in short, branched venomous spines. Be careful!If touched, they immediately generate a painful burning and itching sensation. While seldom more than just a nuisance, the pain and sensitivity in the affected area can last for several hours.


      Believe It or Not: The Io moth is one of several caterpillars that have urticating “stinging” spines; most caterpillars that can sting produce moths.

      Promethea Silkmoth

      Size: Wingspan 2.8–3.7 inches

      ID Tips: Large; wings black with light brown borders in males; wings two-toned in pink-brown with dark bases and a pale, wavy central stripe

      Range: The eastern United States


      The promethea silkmoth is arguably one of the most attractive large moths in eastern North America. Unlike most other giant silkworm moths, it is sexually dimorphic: males and females look radically different. Females are nocturnal and periodically come to artificial lights. However, mating does not occur at night. Instead, females begin releasing pheromones in the late afternoon. These volatile chemicals can travel long distances, and males are able to pick up the scent from many miles away. After a short amount of time, one or more blackish-colored males begin to fly in and locate the receptive female. Because of their large size and daytime activity, the large dark males are often mistaken for butterflies. Once mating is complete, females begin to lay their small whitish eggs in clusters on host leaves. The larvae feed on a broad range of trees, including wild cherry. The robust adult moths do not feed but instead rely on the fat reserves built up during the larvae stage.


      Believe It or Not: Male promethean silkmoths mimic the toxic pipevine swallowtail for protection from predators.

      Pandora Sphinx Moth

      Size: Wingspan 3.0–4.5 inches

      ID Tips: Elongated olive-green wings with pink streaks and darker patches

      Range: The eastern United States


      With velvety green wings and pinkish hues, the Pandora sphinx is a large and extremely spectacular moth. Generally common throughout much of the eastern United States, it is associated with mixed-deciduous forest but can be found in more suburban locations as well. The adults are most often encountered at dusk or dawn as they adeptly maneuver from blossom to blossom, almost like crepuscular hummingbirds. They have a long proboscis and can sip nectar from many long-tubed flowers, such as petunias or morning glories. The distinctive larvae are plump and chocolate brown with large, white circular spots along their bodies. They feed on the leaves of wild grape and Virginia creeper. When fully mature, they crawl down to the ground and pupate in the soil. One generation is produced in the north, and up to two occur in more southern locations.


      Believe It or Not: Like many other moths, female Pandora sphinx release pheromones to attract males. They rest on vegetation while the interested males navigate to them.

      Imperial Moth

      Size: Wingspan 3.5–6.8 inches

      ID Tips: Large; somewhat elongated yellow wings with a varying degree of purplish-brown markings

      Range: The eastern United States


      With females often having a wingspan of more than six inches, this impressive insect is one of the largest moths in North America. Its elongated yellow wings have varying amounts of purplish-brown markings and tend to resemble fallen leaves. This wing pattern likely provides effective camouflage, helping moths resting during the daytime blend unnoticed into the background vegetation. While adults are often attracted to artificial lights, males are more frequently encountered than females. The stout larvae may be either green or brown and are covered with fine hairs and have four short knobby horns behind the head. They feed on a wide range of trees, including oak, pine, maple, and hickory. When fully grown—and approaching some five inches in length—the larvae crawl down and wander extensively. Once a suitable location is found, they burrow into the soil and pupate underground.


      Believe It or Not: The sizable caterpillars produce extensive amounts of large, barrel-shaped fecal pellets called frass. These conspicuous droppings can often be spotted on the ground beneath an occupied tree.

      Luna Moth

      Size: Wingspan 4.0–4.5 inches

      ID Tips: Large moth, light green wings with long hind wing tails and a furry white body

      Range: The eastern United States

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