A History of Matrimonial Institutions (Vol. 1-3). George Elliott Howard
II, 253-328; his "Altindisches Familienorganisation," ibid., IX, 1-45; and his "Das Gesetz von Gortyn," ibid., VI, 281-304, 430-40. A popular, but in the main uncritical, book is Clarisse Bader's La femme dans l'Inde antique (2d ed., Paris, 1867). Similar in plan and treatment are her La femme biblique (new ed., Paris, 1873); La femme grecque (2d ed., Paris, 1873); and La femme romaine (2d ed., Paris, 1877). A strong defense of the dignified position of the ancient Indic woman, based on the sources, may be found in Jacolliot's La femme dans l'Inde (Paris, 1877); and Mary Frances Billington is a vigorous champion of the social status of modern Woman in India (London, 1895). See also Pizzi, "Les coutumes nuptiales aux temps héroïques de l'Iran," in La Muséon, II, 3 (1883); Vidyasagar, On Widow-Marriages among the Hindus (Calcutta, 1855); and Schlagintweit, "Die Hindu-Wittwe in Indien," in Globus, XLIII (1883). Among the best technical writings are Mayne's Hindu Law and Usage (Madras and London, 1888); Jolly's Hindu Law of Partition (Calcutta, 1885); his Rechtliche Stellung der Frauen bei den alten Indern (Munich, 1876); Tupper's Punjab Customary Law (Calcutta, 1881); and Gooroodass's "The Hindu Law of Marriage and Stridahn," in Tagore Law Lectures, 1878 (Calcutta, 1879). Max Müller's series of Sacred Books contains Apastamba, Gautama, Visnu, and the other Sūtras, as well as the later versified law-books of Manu and Yājñavalkya, with other sources of ancient Indic custom. Burnell and Hopkins's Manu (London, 1891) is an excellent edition; and Jolly has a German translation of Books VIII and IX in ZVR., III, 232-83; IV, 321-61. For each important point these sources are thoroughly collated in the writings of Kohler, Leist, and Jolly, above referred to.
For the Slavs, Krauss's Sitte und Brauch der Südslaven (Vienna, 1885) is the most valuable treatise. See also Turner, Slavisches Familienrecht (Strassburg, 1874); and Kovalevsky's Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia (London, 1891), in which the author criticises and corrects Sir Henry Maine on important points. For Greece, in addition to Leist's works above mentioned, see the paper of Campaux, Du mariage à Athènes (Paris, 1867); that of Moy, "La famille dans Homère," in Revue des cours littéraires, 8 mars 1869; Stegeren, De conditione civili feminarum atheniensium (Zwallae, 1839); Ouvré, Observations sur le régime matrimonial au temps d'Homère (Paris, 1886); Lasaulx, Zur Geschichte und Philosophie der Ehe bei den Griechen (Munich, 1852); especially Hruza's Die Ehebegründung nach attischem Rechte (Erlangen and Leipzig, 1892); and his Polygamie und Pellikat nach griechischem Rechte (Erlangen and Leipzig, 1894).
On the matrimonial institutions of the Romans consult Marquardt's Privatleben; Lange's Römische Alterthümer; Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; Müller's Handbuch; Bernhöft's Staat und Recht der rom. Königszeit (Stuttgart, 1882); Karlowa's Die Formen der röm. Ehe und Manus (Bonn, 1868); Rossbach's Die röm. Ehe (Stuttgart, 1853); his Römische Hochzeits- und Ehedenkmäler (Leipzig, 1871); Laband's "Rechtliche Stellung der Frauen im altröm. und germanischen Recht," in Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie, III (Berlin, 1865); and Bouchez-Leclercq's Manuel des inst. romaines (Paris, 1886). From the mass of writings which are of service for this and the four subsequent chapters may also be mentioned Brissonius, De ritu nuptiarum (Paris, 1564); his De jure connubiorum (Paris, 1564); Hotman, De veteri ritu nuptiarum observatio; his De sponsalibus; his De ritu nuptiarum et jure matrimoniorum—all published and bound with the two works of Brissonius (Leyden, 1641); Grupen, De uxore romana (Hannover, 1727); Ayrer, De jure connubiorum apud romanos (Göttingen, 1736); the anonymous Dei riti delle antiche nozze romane (Perugia, 1791); Maanen, De muliere in manu et in tutela (Lugd. Bat., 1823); Schultz, De jure succedendi feminarum apud romanos (Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1826); Chamblain, De la puissance paternelle chez les romains (Paris, 1829); Eggers, Wesen und Eigenthümlichkeiten der altröm. Ehe mit Manus (Altona, 1833); Mahlmann, De matrimonii veterum romanorum ineundi (Halle, 1845); Hase, De manu juris romani (Halle, 1847); Gerlach, De romanorum connubio (Halle, 1851); Dubief, Qualis fuerit familia romana tempore Plauti (Molini, 1859); Pagés, La famille romaine (Toulouse, 1892); Louïse, Du sénatus-consulte velléien et de l'incapacité de la femme mariée (Chateau-Thierry, 1873); Bourdin, De la condition de la mère en droit romain et en droit français (Paris, 1881); Salomon, Du mariage du droit des gens et en général des mariages sans connubium (Paris, 1889); Desminis, Die Eheschenkung nach röm. und insbesondere nach byzantinischem Recht (Athens, 1897); and Ciccotti, Donne e politica negli ultimi anni della republica romana (Milan, 1895). The criticisms of Kuntze, Excurse über röm. Recht (2d ed., Leipzig, 1880), and Esmein, Mélanges d'histoire du droit et de critique (Paris, 1886), are of great value on various important questions. Compare also Couch, "Woman in Early Roman Law," in Harvard Law Review, VIII (Cambridge, 1895); Picot, Du mariage romain, chrétien, et français (Paris, 1849); Monlezun, Condition civile de la femme mariée à Rome et en France (Paris, 1878); Tardieu, De la puissance paternelle en droit romain et en droit français (Paris, 1875); and Cornil, "Contribution à l'étude de la patria potestas," in Nouv. rev. hist. de droit, XXI, 416-85 (Paris, 1897). Gide's excellent Étude sur la condition privée de la femme (2d ed., Paris, 1885) deals with the laws of Greece, Rome, and other nations. Poste's edition of Gaius's Institutionum juris civilis commentarii quatuor (Oxford, 1875) is an indispensable source; and among legal treatises are particularly to be commended Muirhead's Introduction to the Private Law of Rome (Edinburgh, 1886); Puchta's Institutionen; Moyle's Institutionum Libri (Oxford, 1890); Rein, Privatrecht (Leipzig, 1836); and especially Sohm's Institutes (Oxford, 1892), by far the best work on the subject for historical purposes, showing the rare insight, clearness of analysis, and vigorous style peculiar to the author. Most readers will find the short Introduction of Hadley and the excellent Outlines of Professor Morey sufficient. For the general subject of marriage and the family the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenchaft (Stuttgart, 1878-96) is indispensable; while the Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft and the Zeitschrift für Ethnologie are also of constant service.
For the literature of Arabian and Hebrew matrimonial institutions, respectively, see Bibliographical Notes II and IV.
The student who has not yet seriously attacked the literature of the subject will do well to begin with the following: Tylor, "On a Method of Investigating the Development of Institutions, Applied to Laws of Marriage and Descent," in Journal of Anth. Inst., XVIII, No. 3; Bernhöft's "Zur Geschichte des europäischen Familienrechts," in ZVR., VIII, 1-27, 161-221, 384-405; in connection with his "Principien des europäischen Familienrechts," ibid., IX, 392-444; Friedrichs, "Familien-Stufen und Eheformen," ibid., X, 189-281; the first two chapters of Posada's Théories modernes (Paris, 1896); and the first three chapters of Botsford's Athenian Constitution (Boston, 1893), one of the ablest contributions to comparative institutions. This is supplemented by H. E. Seebohm's Structure of Greek Tribal Society (London and New York, 1895). For summaries of the results of investigations, from different points of view, Delbrück's "Das Mutterrecht bei den Indogermanen," in Preussische Jahrbücher, XCVII, 14-27 (Berlin, 1895), may be compared with Dargun's Mutterrecht und Vaterrecht (Leipzig, 1892), containing a criticism of the views of many recent writers.]
It is the primary purpose of this book to trace the development of the family and marriage in the "three homes" of the English race. An attempt is made to describe the mechanism provided by the state for the administration of matrimonial law; and to appreciate the importance of some of the many problems centering in the family as a social institution. Necessarily a theme so broad may here be treated only in outline. Yet in the outset it is the limitations of the subject which require to be most carefully noted. It is but a part of the wide field of family history which receives special attention. We are closely concerned with the forms of celebration and divorce as they existed among our Teutonic ancestors, and as they have since been molded by custom and legislation in England and the United States. Only in a secondary degree are we interested in the intricate law of the domestic relations. Except incidentally, we are not now called upon to consider the property rights of husband and wife, the laws of guardian and ward, or the rules of kinship and succession.
More pertinent is the general question of the genesis of human marriage and the human family.[1] It will be impossible, of course, to examine independently the many difficult problems which have arisen in this connection. Even the specialist may find it hard to trace a clear way through the bewildering maze of existing theory and sub-theory. It seems desirable, therefore, by way of introduction, to present as clearly and briefly as may be the more salient results of recent investigation. Marriage