A Manual of Ancient History. M. E. Thalheimer

A Manual of Ancient History - M. E. Thalheimer

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” Jehoahaz, ” 840. Unknown until Rezin, ” Ahaz of Judah, ” 745–732.


      75. After long marches and countermarches through the Arabian desert—needful to arouse the spirit of a free people from the cowed and groveling habits of the slave, as well as to counteract the long example of idolatry by direct Divine revelation of a pure and spiritual worship—the Israelites were led into the land promised to Abraham, which lay chiefly between the Jordan and the sea. Two and a half of the twelve tribes—Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh—preferred the fertile pastures east of the Jordan; and on condition of aiding their brethren in the conquest of their more westerly territory, received their allotted portion there.

      78. The nomads of the forty years in the desert now became a settled, civilized, and agricultural people. Shiloh was the first permanent sanctuary; there the tabernacle constructed in the desert was set up, and became the shrine of the national worship.

I. From the Exodus to the establishment of the Monarchy, BC 1650–1095. (See Note, page 47.)
II. From the accession of Saul to the separation into two kingdoms, BC 1095–975.
III. From the separation of the kingdoms to the Captivity at Babylon, BC 975–586.

      After his death a long interval usually occurred, during which “every man did that which was right in his own eyes,” until a new invasion by Philis´tines, Ammonites, or Zidonians called for a new leader. The chronology of this period is very uncertain, as the sacred writers only incidentally mention the time of events, and their records are not always continuous. The system of chronology was not settled until a later period.

      Under the Theocracy.

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Moses, liberator, law-giver, and judge, 40 years
Joshua, conqueror of Palestine, and judge, 25
Anarchy, idolatry, submission to foreign rulers, 20 or 30
Servitude under Chushan-rishathaim of Mesopotamia, 8
Othniel, deliverer and judge, 40
Servitude under Eglon, king of Moab, 18
{Shamgar. In these two reigns the land has rest, 80
Servitude under Jabin, king of Canaan, 20
Deborah, 40
Servitude under Midian, 7
Gideon, 40